Wednesday, February 15, 2006 || "People" Interview with Kristin...

High school bashes are a thing of the past for Kristin Cavallari, who's graduated from Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County to UPN's Tuesday night surprise-party reality series, Get This Party Started. Now 19, the former MTV It girl is helping to throw celebrations (with cohost Ethan Erickson) from New York City to Fort Bragg, N.C., where troops returning from Iraq were reunited with their families. So, what makes her the perfect host? "I'm really loud," she says. Cavallari, who also appears in the
Feb. 15 episode of Veronica Mars, recently sounded off to PEOPLE about organizing a rockin' party, keeping up with her Beach buddies and enjoying her new love.
What are the essentials to a good party?A good guest list - and music is always very important. ... I like '80s music. It's music you can dance to.
Who's on your fantasy guest list?All my close friends, really. Though Johnny Depp would be good (laughs).
What about your boyfriend of six months, Brody Jenner (The Princes of Malibu )?Well, Brody, yeah, he's my No. 1.
How'd you meet?We met through (Laguna Beach costar) Talan (Torriero) at a party at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel.
What's a typical date for you two? It's been hard because I've been traveling so much and we don't see each other that often. But when we do, we're really boring - we go to dinner and rent movies. Like today, we're gonna go to the Apple store. We're just really regular people, we just do normal stuff.
You've said you're still in touch with a lot of your Laguna Beach pals. Let's do some free association: When you hear a name, tell me what comes to mind.Stephen (the ex-boyfriend): He's a sweetheart. He puts other people before himself.
L.C.: What I know of her, we're just very different people.
Jason: Hilarious. He's a really funny guy.
Jessica: Dorky, but in a good way. She's the kind of girl you can be in your pajamas with all day and eat food and just laugh with.
Talan: There are a lot of different sides to his personality. He can be very funny or very sweet or he can be like Mr. Cool.
Are you amazed people want to know about all your friends?It's funny. Literally we were all going to high school one day, then the next day everyone knows your little inside jokes.
So, now that you're a star, what's the best party you've been to?The InStyle party (after) the Golden Globes - there was a ton of people there, just lots of energy and the music was great. I wore a Versace dress. It's been a ton of fun. Everyone is so unbelievable right now, I feel like I'm living a dream - but I don't have designer clothes in my closet. I just wear them once and give them back.
Are your friends jealous?I hope not!
[Thanks Kristen and Keri]
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