Sunday, April 23, 2006 || Win An iPod From Peta...

Any Kristin Cavallari fans out there in need of a free video iPod? One could be yours if you fill out the form by May 17, 2006. Fans of MTV's hit reality show Laguna Beach may have gotten the wrong idea about Kristin Cavallari. Sure, she likes to party and have fun—who doesn't? And yes, she's sometimes surrounded by more drama than an angsty teen creates on, but who among us isn't? The real Kristin is actually a very sweet person, so when we met her at PETA's 25th Anniversary Gala and Humanitarian Awards Show and she told us that she loves animals and would do anything to help them, we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to show the world the real Kristin. We asked her to star in an anti-fur ad, and the misunderstood blonde was more than happy to flash her genuine smile to draw attention to the ugly side of the fur industry. Kristin and "Gracie" the bunny will soon be seen everywhere in peta2's latest PSA, with the tagline "Try Telling Him It's Just a Little Trim: Say 'No' to Fur."
Kristin wants consumers to think about where fur and fur trim come from before going on shopping sprees. Rabbits and other animals raised for their fur go crazy from spending their entire lives in cramped, filthy cages without shelter from the elements. Fur farmers kill the animals by drowning them, electrocuting them, or breaking their necks, and many of them will be skinned alive. Millions of other wild animals suffer horribly after being caught in steel-jaw traps, in snares, or in underwater traps.
You can help these animals by not wearing fur or fur trim. It's that simple.
And for doing your part to help our furry friends, we’re rewarding three of you with some pretty cool prizes. The grand prize winner will walk away with a video iPod featuring the Laguna Beach soundtrack, a copy of Laguna Beach season one on DVD, and cool peta2 merch. Two lucky runners-up will receive season one of Laguna Beach on DVD. So hurry and complete the form below by May 17, 2006.
[Thanks Kristina]
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