On ''The Hills,'' Heidi cuts boyfriend Jordan loose; meanwhile, Lauren and Jason discuss shacking up for the summer by Kate Sullivan
TOUCHED, FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME Heidi and Jordan's breakup was surprisingly emotional
Oh Jordan, we hardly knew ye.
Wait a second — we did know you; you just didn't have an interesting personality, so we didn't care about you.
I will admit that Heidi and Jordan had some moments: doing their laundry togehter, judging Jason and Lauren's relationship together... those were salad days. And he did buy her a puppy. But buying is all the boyfriends on The Hills know how to do. The kids seem to interpret cash-spending and the sprinkling of rose petals over everything as the signs of a mature, magical love, but really, it's all just superficial action and no passion. (You know I'm talking about Lauren telling Whitney that her birthday night was ''all that I wanted'' — what birthday celebration was she at!?) ...
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I Like heidi. she's so pretty. She's a close second to kristin.
I dont really like heidi she acted like she was sorry for breaking up with jordon but at the end she was celebrating being single that was wrong to do, but i really hope that lauren and jason shack up for the summer they are a super cute couple i love lauren i have loved her since lb1 and jason is sooo hot
I love Heidi! Jordan isn't half as bad as Jason is!
Jordan is dumb. he completly understood what he had to do after she broke up with him. before he was all like this is how i am and i dont need to change. the only sad thing was the puppy!!! bella was all over jordan...she probably wont see him again
I like Heidi but she was not that sad about it you could tell that at the end of the show.If she was that hurt that would've been the last thing on her mine.
Ya! All she wanted to do was party.
Is seven eight months really that bad of a break up maybe in "L.A." it is. Yes you should treat a girl good but Heidi was way too high maintenance and they were too jealous of each other. They didn't even trust each other. Lauren should go to Paris. It is a chance of a lifetime. Jason needs to be supportive of her. And since they have money he could go with her. He is not even going to school.
^ I agree all heidi wanted to do was party and if that was the case she should have told jordon that she wanted some time to figure things out instead she broke up with him for good or so we think they might get back together
I think they did get back together until just recently.
^ Thanks!
I dont think heidi partied the same day... they take footage from different days... she just wanted to get her mind off of things. EVeryone has a different way of getting over things differently.
Heidi is too young to settle down with one guy and jordan crying like a little girl was just pathetic - take it like a man
Heidi is sooo cute. I luv her...
they are both dumbfucks. Jordan really made himself look extremely silly though,. crying on national tv like a bitch and using the most desperate recycled movie line ever in "i cant live without you". You could see in Heidis face she really lost respect for him when he was crying.
WAIT!! they broke up??? lol
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