Monday, April 21, 2008 || The Hills is on tonight
After the drama at S Bar last week, Heidi is determined to have a good girls’ night out. That’s why, even after Stephanie Pratt breaks the news that Lauren could show up at the same club, Heidi makes the best of it.

“Maybe this will be the first time it’s OK because I feel like she always had a problem with me because of Spencer and now that I’m not really with him....” she trails off hopefully.

But no such luck.

When Heidi spots Justin Bobby at the club, she wants to go warn Audrina, but is hesitant to approach her because Lauren and pal Lo are sitting at her table.

When Lauren gets up to grab a drink, Heidi heads over. Eventually, so does new model Justin Bobby.

Lauren returns to the banquette, facing two of her least favorite people at once.

“Oh my God, I have to leave this table immediately,” she declares before making a swift exit.

A few days later, Heidi goes to Stephanie’s condo, only to find Spencer home alone.

Heidi makes small talk about how uncomfortable it was to see Lauren, but Spencer is unmoved.

“I know you want to vent about this,” he says, “but I really have no sympathy for you.” As Heidi turns to leave, Spencer calls out sarcastically, “It was great seeing you. Enjoy your space.”

Finally, while Audrina is out maybe-rekindling with Justin Bobby, Lauren and Lo discuss moving into a house together.

Though it seems like they don’t really want Audrina to be part of their plan — LC: “Remember the first meeting of Justin Bobby, when we named him Justin Bobby? That’s what it will be like every night living together. Fun!” — Lauren suggests that Audrina should move in, too.

And though it seems like Audrina doesn’t really want to live with them either, she reluctantly agrees.


posted by Lysandra @ 7:09 PM


At April 21, 2008 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

UGHHHHHHHH, so sick of Justin Bobby. That greaseball needs to get his face off camera and stay there!

At April 22, 2008 12:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahahaha at ^. well at least he cut his hair so he is slightly less greasy now.

At April 22, 2008 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justin bobby is gross what does audrina see in him?

At April 22, 2008 12:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Audrina needs to not move in with Lo and Lauren, she is spoiling the girls fun. She should move in with Heidi since now Spencer is out and there is a spare bedroom

At April 22, 2008 1:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was annoying how Heidi kept wondering why LC wouldn't talk to her at Goa, but she kept on talking crap about LC to Audrina.

And I get that Audrina wants to be friends with Heidi and that's fine... but she didn't seem like a good friend by just ignoring LC.

I agree with the poster above - Audrina shouldn't have moved in with Lo and Lauren.

At April 22, 2008 2:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG...the tension @ the end of the episode between the two Laurens and the Drina? PRICELESS!!!

But what was even better was Audrina's eternally airheaded expression plastered on her face.

At April 22, 2008 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

stephen!!!! next week!!!! <3

At April 22, 2008 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy cow, I watched the Hills (this episode) for the first time since the beginning of season 1. Lauren is such a judgemental bitch! I never realized. I hope she was just like that this one episode, I don't remember her being this bad in the beginning of last season. Lo was pretty awful too and I used to love her in Laguna. I actually feel bad for Audrina. I never knew they were so two-faced to her.

At April 22, 2008 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heidi needs to stop stalking Lauren. Lauren has told her many times that she's not interested in being friends with her. Heidi needs to stop acting so surprised all the time about it. It's old news.
Lo and Lauren should get off of Audrina's case about Justin. If she wants to set herself up for dissappointment it's her business.

At April 22, 2008 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it sould be just Lauren and Lo move in together.And I don't think Lauren cares about Audrina and Heidi friendship she just don't want the crazy b**ch in her home and I can understand that.I also think that Heidi just want more tv time.That's why she want to be Audrina friend again.when itwas just her and Spencer she didn't get that much tv time.We will see when the hills end if she is true about it or not.

At April 22, 2008 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder why Heidi is so mad that Spencer sister is friends with Lauren but yet she wants to be friends with her again.I guess if she can't be friends with Lauren she don't want nobody eles to be friends with her either.

At April 22, 2008 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

was it just me or was heidi talking shit when lauren was sitting down at the table. lauren was trying to play it cool and heidi just kept rambling.

justin bobby looks like he cleaned up his act, at least he wasnt burping....he was actually holding up a conversation.

i actually liked spencer this episode, heidi is so full of herself.

it didnt seem like lo wanted audrina to move in. i think they asked her to be nice.

i cant wait for next week when stephen comes on.

At April 22, 2008 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^ yes she was!That's why I don't understand why in the hell she thinks Lauren would want to be her friend.

At April 22, 2008 1:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha I love how even Heidi calls him Justin Bobby when Lauren and Lo made the name up.

At April 22, 2008 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heidi was talking shi*t in front of Lauren at the table and making a spectacle of herself. She is so desperate for attention. She was trying really hard to come off cool in front of Justin Bobby.
Pathetic girl.

At April 22, 2008 1:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Audrina is disloyal as she goes on saying she wants to be drama free and the fall out with Heidi is not her fight to have yet when i all happened she was bitching about Heidi and infact she was the main cause of Heidi and Lauren's fall out as she ran to Lauren and told her Spencer was sleazing on her.

At April 22, 2008 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heidi needs to stop talking about Lauren. It's old news and it seems like everytime she talks to Audrina or Stephanie about it its the EXACT SAME THING. stfu already! she needs to realize lauren does NOT want to be her friend. And talking smack about Lauren when she's two seats away isn't going to make her okay with it.

I don't see what's so bad about Justin Bobby. Just because he's not clean shaved and such then they all hate him. get over it, not all guys look like brody and stephen.

I hate how stephanie is all of a sudden in every episode.

can't wait for stephen next week!!!

At April 22, 2008 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lauren needs to grow the fuck up, gain some confidence, and stop worrying about whos friends with who...fucking loser.

At April 22, 2008 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

here's the thing with girls....when you talk negative about a guy all the time to your gf's they arent going to like him. it's like when a girl complains about her bf hitting her but she wants you to get along with him. audrina told lauren about how JustinBobby has left her once in Vegas. At dinner he was disgusting w/audrina and lauren burping, making rude comments and not very coherrent. it was like he was on something.

he has really cleaned up his act and audrina wants to give him a chance; which is understandable.

audrina knows the awkwardness between lauren and heidi and justinbobby because lauren/lo gave him that name. she can be friends with whoever she wants and lauren seems to try to be cordial for the most part. but i dont know if i would want to be around those people either.

At April 22, 2008 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heidi is so deseperate to be friends with Lauren again. She needs to get it thru her skull that it is not going to happen. What a loser. Laurena and Lo needs to be straight up with Audrina and tell her that they dont like her bf and do not trust her since she is friend with Heidi and that she should get her own apartment.

At April 22, 2008 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Audrina comes off really dumb and slow.

At April 22, 2008 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Audrina comes off really dumb and slow.

At April 22, 2008 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:36 i think the same thing.

At April 22, 2008 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we already know audrina is living with them, we've seen the photos, my question is how long is it going to last.

At April 22, 2008 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its funny how heidi was like i want to be the bigger person to spencer yet she went to laurens table uninvited and started talking s*** about lauren like she wanted to start something.

heidi = pathetic
lauren = classy

good for lauren for just walking away and letting heidi degrade herself by herself.

why does heidi keep bringing up the fact that she and audrina were friends before lauren?? thats relevant to what? so audrina be ignorant of all the shi** that happened between them and by on her side against lauren. heidi is so pathetic. her actions the words that come out of her mouth.... i mean cmon now editing is not that good to make her look bad. she makes herself look bad!

At April 22, 2008 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lauren = classy?


Every single one of these girls is excessivly vapid and superficial (but great entertainment!). Even seeing the way they carry themselves, you can tell they are overly concerned with the way they look.

and judging by the last episode, Lauren is actually quite phony and condescending.

At April 22, 2008 8:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All i know if I had a friend and someone was talking crap about them constantly all over the media making rumors about having a sex tape and constatly taking stabs at my friend I WOULDNT EVER TALK TO THAT GIRL.. AUDRINA needs to be a better friend and realize that heidi did much more than what she claims..

At April 22, 2008 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren has shown to be very classy in her interviews. It is Bordrina that is bringing Lauren down, she needs to dump her perpetually confused ass

At April 22, 2008 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great episode. Love Lauren & Lo but I was totally on Audrina's side this episode. Audrina has NEVER gotten all judgemental on Lauren, not when she tried to get back w/ jason twice (we all know she would have gone back w/ him the 2nd time if he hadn't suprised her by being engaged) or when she was chasing relentlessly after Brody. Friends don't judge, they listen and can give warnings like be careful but that's where it should end. Lauren loves judging Audrina. And Lo is forever making fun of her and Lauren just joins in . Not cool!
She also never should have started looking for a new place without telling Audrina. What the hell was that about? Once again she pulled a total double standard. Did she forget how upset she was when she heard from Lo that Heidi was thinking of moving out? And she essentially does the same thing by talking to Lo first and looking for places without even mentioning it to Audrina. Once again - wtf?

At April 22, 2008 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

" infact she was the main cause of Heidi and Lauren's fall out as she ran to Lauren and told her Spencer was sleazing on her."

umm hello rewriting history much?
there were two reasons they had a major falling out.
1. Lauren thought Spencer was shady after what audrina said (which was the truth btw) but he caused the final rift by showing up at the club w/ playboy bunnies when he thought heidi was in colorado.
2 Lauren telling Heidi that she couldn't talk about Spencer etc. I can understand not wanting to be in the same room w/ someone you dislike but by eliminating something that was a major part of heidi's life she totally forced heidi to choose between them. Quite simply you can't be friends with someone who pretends your boyfriend doesn't exist. i'm not a heidi fan mind you - but i disagreed w/ how lauren handled the situatiuon.

At April 22, 2008 10:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, we can never know for sure that Lauren wanted Jason back. She had to had known he had a girlfriend. She offered support in terms of friendship to help him stay sober but obviously he had a fiance. I have no doubt that Lauren did not care for Jason; he was the one who was calling her and wanting to meet up.

Audrina has never been a good friend to Lauren. She just wants to ride her fame and become as famous. She practically pushed Lauren and Brody together, when everyone knew that Brody like tons of women and did not want to be in a committed relationship. Then, she calls Lauren in Paris to tell her that Brody had a new gf, wtf? Lauren can spare Audrina, she has bring nothing positive into Lauren life and cannot form a thought of her own. Lauren should hang out with smarter people because I highly doubt that she graduated high school and was a playboy reject at the age of 19

At April 22, 2008 11:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lauren does have class. i was so upset that she didnt say anything to heidi regarding heidis pathetic jabs at her. but i know how it is when you are totally done with someone that the best thing to do is totally just brush them off and ignore their exisitance. good for lauren because heidi was looking for something to happen.

i thought it was also funny how heidi later went to spencer later to make it seem like lauren ruined her night when it was heidi who imposed herself upon laurens table. LOL now try telling me all that was just editing?? atupid idiot.

At April 23, 2008 1:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how in blue hell did audrina push lauren and brody together? and if you think audrina hasn't been a good friend to lauren then you obviously did not watch the second season and the beginning of third.

At April 23, 2008 2:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Audrina has been a great friend to Lauren. if you don't like her, that's fine but she has always had lauren's back. Can't say the same for Lauren as she continually judges Audrina and makes fun of her when she's hanging out w/ Lo. Pretty mean girls of them if you ask me! Lo has always had this thing against Audrina.
And Audrina never pushed for Brody, She knew Lauren liked him so they would talk about him but that's it.

At April 23, 2008 6:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heidi was trying hard to start trouble at the club with Lauren.
She wanted a confrontation!
Heidi is all about drama and air time. Her 'version' of what happened when she was talking to Spencer was was baloney and the audience knew it.

At April 23, 2008 8:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^you're so right

At April 23, 2008 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Lo is good entertainment, but she can be a total mean girl. She’s so passive aggressive. The way she was talking about how weird it would be for Audrina since her and Lauren have been friends for so long - she was totally trying to let Audrina know she’s the third wheel. I just hate when girls play these catty games and I think Lo brings out the catty side of Lauren. I think Lauren and Lo are fun together, but they can also be kind of bitchy.

I can’t help it...for some reason I like Audrina. No, she’s not the brightest bulb, but I like that she doesn’t take a lot of sh*t from the others and can get a bit feisty. I think she genuinely likes Lauren, but I don’t think they’re really all that close. I think Lauren treated her more like a sidekick so I do think she’s got a bit of resentment there. Lauren tends to be a bit self-involved IMO and I’m guessing Audrina gets a bit tired of being her sounding board all the time.

I also think Justin-Bobby’s hot (especially now) so I kind of want him to stick around for my own personal eye candy. I totally get why Audrina has a thing for him. And on that note, I’m excited to see Stephen, too. While I don’t think he’s quite as hot, he is pretty cute in a boyish sort of way. More of these guys and less of cheesy Brody, bloated Jason, and Spencer of creepy flesh-colored beard fame.

At April 23, 2008 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^ I totally agree with you. Well, except about JB and Stephen, Stephen is so much cuter : P!

Lo and Lauren together are very bitchy. It was especially noticable during that lunch with the passive aggressive comments and giving each other "looks" at Audrina's expense (good call with the third wheel comment, glad someone else saw that too!).

Though, I think Lo just makes Lauren's bitchiness more noticeable. When she's with Lo, she is more vocal about her catty thoughts. When she's by herself, she mostly just rolls her eyes.

I also agree that Audrina seems nice (though in all fairness I haven't really watched many episodes since season 1). She just doesn't seem to want conflict. Also, what some people interpret as disloyalty (talking to Heidi, etc.), to me is just Audrina not wanting to ignore/be mean to someone out of deference to a friend. Because really, that's what only petty, clicky teens should do (and the fact that Lauren expects her to do that is just immature). Plus, not once have I seen her act as catty to Lo and Lauren as they have to her. She actually acts very civil when they do that (she almost seems like she doesn't know what to do, because she knows they're being bitches but doesn't want to be mean too).

At April 23, 2008 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont understand how anyone can take Audrina's side. She has yet to be straight to Lauren about anything. Lauren is under the allusion that Audrina is bumping into Heidi at random spots when she is making plans to hang out with her and Heidi does not give two shit about Audrina. When she was talking to Stephanie, she said well it was nice to see Audrina and everything but could not finish her thoughts. She was more worried as to why Lauren does not want to talk to her fake conniving ass.

Audrina being friends with Heidi is reason enough for Lauren to cut her off. Heidi has done nothing but trash Lauren in the media. In fact, she has trashed Audrina too. In her interview with Maxim, she claimed that all the girls have had works done which was a jab at poor Audrina. Audrina is too dumb for her to realize that Heidi is just using her to get close to Lauren again.

Lauren needs to tell her that she does not want her in her house because of her dirty boyfriends and backstabbers friends.

At April 23, 2008 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

as far as the whole moving in thing goes, to me it looked like lo brought up the idea for her and lauren to move in together and lauren mentioned inviting audrina. lo didnt seem to keen on the idea from the beginning and for whatever reason lauren never brought it up to audrina.

i dont know if lauren is really judging audrina. lo and lauren were talking about the kind of people/guys audrina would bring around and i think they're right. audrina's crowd is more of the rock/grundge kinda thing so to them they are dirty and lets face it justin bobby was disgusting. his manners were horrendous to lauren and audrina. does it make what they did right, no, but they were just caught on film doing what many females do.

lo has been kinda straight forward even on laguna, if she doesnt like you she doesnt like you and she wont pretend.

i'm not taking anyone's side because we only see so much from the cameras who knows what we missed.

At April 23, 2008 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, I disagree that Lo is straight-forward. She seems to make faces or sly little digs, but then gets all “who, me? I was just kidding” when someone calls her out on it. She has fun making fun of others (and well, who doesn’t?), but people aren’t stupid and they realize that jokes at least half the time have some sort of truthful feeling behind them.

I especially saw this with Justin Bobby on the past season. Remember the big deal she made in Las Vegas because he didn’t like her? I think her comments can be kind of funny and I don’t blame her for making them (I do the same sort of thing, too), but I also didn’t blame him for not liking her because of them. I just wanted her to accept it and move on and I didn’t understand why she was so concerned that he didn’t like her.

Anyway, if Lauren and Lo don’t want to live with Audrina they should be straight with her instead of trying to make her feel left out - they’re big girls and they should be able to handle it without resorting to 13 year-old behavior.

At April 23, 2008 6:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

About Lo being bitchy and aggressive - she said herself in a previous episode that when your in the group you get teased - personally I love Lo - she says whatever she wants - if you don't like a person - no reason to pretend you do - to me that makes a situation worse - acting fake.

Personally, with my family and friends we are so judemental of each other and their friends/choices - but that's only because we care and don't want each other to get hurt - but at the end of the day Lauren has to let Audrina learn on her own - just as she did with Jason.

I don't think LC has a problem with Audrina being friends with Heidi - I just think she's afraid Aurdria might backstab her like Heidi - she's said herself that Audrina has to constantly remind her that she's not going to do that.

As for JB - I still could care less for him - I agree with Lauren and Lo - he's just ick - I mean they tried to be nice before but HE wasn't nice in return.

Heidi is sad she chose Spencer over her friends - which never should have happened - somone said LC made her choose b/t them but what about Spencer? He forced Heidi to move in with him - just because he didn't like Lauren.

IDK - I'm not going to put all my energy into this show - I'm just going to enjoy watching...


At April 23, 2008 6:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, but Lo and Lauren do not tease and are not judgemental in a protective way. They do it in a condescending, "rolling their eyes" way.

And I don't think Lauren is concerned Audrina will get backstabbed by Heidi. Lauren just can't stand Heidi and hence doesn't want her friends to associate with her either. Making a comment that "Audrina has to constantly remind her that she's not going to do that" shows just how ego-centric Lauren is. It is ridiculous to make a comment like that and think it's normal.

Can't say much for JB and the new Heidi, I never watched those episodes.

At April 23, 2008 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^totally agree with IDK comment.
I think Lo and Lauren came off as catty but honestly, who hasn't spoken like that at some point? My guess is we all have.
Lo made several attempts to be nice to JB. He was unreachable.
She said on the aftershow that she did speak to him that night and that now they get along fine.
The show is edited in a way where we are not shown everything.

At April 23, 2008 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren and Lo tend to go all junior high talking trash when they're together. It's annoying and it's beneath them? Why would you deliberatly try to make someone feel bad, especially when that someone is Audrina who is supposed to be you friend?

At April 23, 2008 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

when did lo ever try to be nice to jb? she was an ass to him the first time she met him and now the whole world calls him jb cuz of her. in vegas, she was not being nice she was just whining about how he doesn't talk to them. why should he? so Lo can continue to make fun of him like they do to audrina? besides i never heard an apology come out of her mouth - did you?

At April 23, 2008 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't care for heidi, but i think it's big of her to want to maintain her frienship with all "high and mighty". it's funny how lauren blames spencer for ruining their friendship. lauren was just jealous cause heidi was spending all her time with him and not her! didn't heidi stand by lauren the whole time she was with jason and he treated her like dirt!

At April 23, 2008 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heidi is rewriting history. Lauren did not stop being friends with her because she didn't like Spencer. When heidi moved out, lauren told her she was welcome to come back if things didn't work out. She even told Audrina that when Audrina moved in.

Lauren stopped being friends with Heidi between the 2nd and 3rd seasons when Spencer started the sex tape rumor and Heidi knew about it, but just let it happen. If you pay attention, Heidi ALWAYS says "I" didn't do anything. When she came to apologize to Lauren, she basically admitted that Spencer started the whole thing. Also, Lauren saw how Heidi lied to her with a straight face about the whole Brody and Jen Bunney hook up. Let's not forgot how heidi made horrible comments about Lauren during TWO separate radio interviews right before the beginning of the 3rd season. All those reasons are why Lauren is not friends with Heidi.

Also, Heidi is still proving that she is a liar. She came to Spencer all sad about how uncomfortable Lauren made her feel at the club. Lauren didn't say one word to or about her. She was the one who invaded Lauren's space. If she really just wanted to "warn" Audrina, she should have gone over and warned her, then left right after Lauren came back. Instead, she stayed at the table, made herself comfortable, and talked smack about Lauren in front of her.

If I were Lauren, I would have told Heidi, "I don't care that you are here, but this is MY table. I came here to have fun with MY friends. You need to leave MY booth and find one of your own." Fortunately, Lauren knew that if she said that, Heidi would have made a scene like the media whore that she is, and it would have been all over the tabloids the next day. Therefore, Lauren did the only classy thing she could do: walk away.

At April 23, 2008 8:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heidi and Spencer are faking this breakup period just to try to salvage Heidi's image in the media. It is so obvious. Heidi started spouting this "independent woman" stuff about half way through the last season. That is when the season had already been on the air and they could read what the viewers were saying about them.

Notice how just about every thing that Heidi says about spencer's treatment of her is a direct quote from a message board? At the same time of this supossed "breakup," there was NEVER a time in the media when they were not selling "happy couple" photos of themselves to the tabloids. Just about every week since the last season ended, there were photos of them together.

Also, I don't think that she went to CO to get away from Spencer. She went there to have or recover from plastic surgery. Notice how her lips magically got bigger between her trip to the airport at the end of last season to her appeareance in CO at the beginning of this season.

At April 23, 2008 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's obvious that Heidi and Spencer's break up is fake.
That's why no one likes these two.
They're always trying to pull one over on the audience, thinking they're smarter than them.
Their photos are as phony as a 3 dollar bill as well.
Then, throw in the fact that they are desperate for attention and fugly and you have a sure fire losing combination known as Speidi.

At April 23, 2008 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lo was 'whining' in vegas about jb because she actually gave a crap about the fact that he was ridiculously hostile (not to mention smashed) take a shot and get over it jb! lol
i've got nothing against him but how seriously would you like me to take someone who burps in other people's faces?
have i ever heard lo apologize?
why, no. but then again, i don't hang with the two of them so i don't know what goes down between them. lol next episode please.

At April 24, 2008 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares Justin Bobby is a drunk, I dont blame Lauren and Lo for not wanting him in their house. Plus, he is rude and obnoxious.

At April 24, 2008 12:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lo doesn't give two hoots about jb - let's be honest here. in vegas she was just looking for another thing to give audrina a hard time about. jb is not my fave person but i wouldn't like lo either after everything that went down. besides jason was a far worse drunk (jail time, racist remarks drunken fights, cheating etc) and i never heard Lo say anything as derragatory about him. i just think lo thinks she is better than audrina (and jb) which is just plain shitty in my book. end of rant. and yes on to the next episode already ;)

At April 24, 2008 6:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

duh, what i was saying was that the whole reason lauren and heidi started to lose their friendship WAS because of spencer!! i'm not talking about all the shit that happened after. so you may want to pay attention!!!

At April 24, 2008 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tend to err on the side of “Lauren is a drama queen”, but I think she has every right to request that Audrina not bring Heidi to their house. I think Lauren doesn’t want to step on any toes, but if she was just straight with Audrina about it I think Audrina would be okay with it.

Now I don’t think she should say “you can’t be friends with Heidi” and I think saying “fine, but Heidi’s probably just getting back at me” (me! me! me!) was a bad idea. If Audrina wants to be friendly with Heidi, whatever. But I do think Lauren should just be like “hey, I don’t trust her around me or my belongings and I’d appreciate it if she didn’t come over or if we could try to avoid all hanging out together.” Yeah, it should be obvious but just saying it straight out leaves less room for miscommunication.

However, if they don’t want JB at their house, that’s just stupid. He may not like Lauren or Lo, but he’s never done anything that shady. Its one thing if we were talking about Jason who has had shown violent/racist tendencies, but JB has never actually done anything except show his lack of manners.

I do have to say, I was kind of shocked when Lauren made that comment “Audrina has to constantly remind me that she’s not going to betray me.” If someone said that to me, I’d roll my eyes and say “get over yourself.” I don’t think I could be friends with someone who made demands like that. What did Audrina ever do to Lauren? Be friendly with Heidi? Bitch, please.

At April 24, 2008 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

agree completely 9:39!!


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