Saturday, May 31, 2008 || Audrina's Hills Meant For One
Audrina Patridge and her sister Casey had a few drinks in West Hollywood the night before last -- and the evening played out like an episode of "The Hills."

TMZ spies overheard Audrina say she's now totally exclusive with boyfriend Justin Bobby -- and LC is giving her the same cold shoulder she gave Heidi after the whole Spencer debacle.

And get this -- Audrina said she might move out of Lauren's pad and shack up with Justin Bobby!
posted by Lysandra @ 3:24 PM


At May 31, 2008 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 31, 2008 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren can not stay friends with any of her friends who have boyfriends. She's so catty. Justin never did ANYTHING to Lauren. I'll never get it. She has such a high school mentality of treating people like shit just because she doesnt like the way they dress or their personality. You should only treat people like shit if they've personally treated you like shit1 Thats the rule. The way Lauren and Lo treat Justin is slanderous and downwright immature. Nobody deserves that and I applaud Justin for taking the high road, unlike Spencer, and not letting those immature Laguna Beach girls constant trashing of him get to him. Instead he just ignores it. It's all about Audrina. Love him

Audrina, you're too mature for these lemings!!! I guess that's why she's in her own little world, own little world reserved for grown kids

At May 31, 2008 6:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren and Lo may not like Justin but Justin has treated Audrina like crap in the past so it makes sense they don't like him. Any good friend wants the best for their friends. They do make fun of him but they only really did that a few times and that was just making fun of his name. They have never made fun of his personality of how he dresses.

He cheated on Audrina and then made it all about her and her actions and made her cry. He refused to be committed or put a label on the relationship when they had been seeing each other on and off for years. He also ditched her at the party on the beach and left with another girl.

He rarely speaks two words to Lauren or Lo when they are all together. Even when Lo tried to be nice in the Vegas episode he barely acknowledged she existed. Lauren made an effort with him when she went to dinner with him and Audrina. He just made rude comments to her and ignored her when she was saying goodbye to Audrina and to keep her safe on the motorcyle. So it is not as if she hasn't given him a chance. She sees Justin for what he is. He doesn't treat Audrina as well as he should and Lauren is just supersensitive when it comes to guys and how they treat her friends. Nothing immature about that. Lo seems to be the instigator whenever Justin is involved, she seems more catty than say Lauren.

Lauren does not treat people like shit. She is loyal and looks out for her friends. What you see on TV isn't everything about these girls or their lives. MTV picks what to air and everyone has their catty moments. I can't recall her ever treating anyone like crap.

Don't believe everything you read. Audrina seems independant, if she truely had trouble with Lauren she would have moved out by now. I think Audrina's problem is more to do with her feeling left out because of Lauren and Lo's friendship and the fact she doesn't like Lo.

At May 31, 2008 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's hard to understand that people still believe every article they read as the truth.
And also that they think they know these people's personalities just from what they are shown on the show.

At May 31, 2008 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Lauren and Lo may not like Justin but Justin has treated Audrina like crap in the past so it makes sense they don't like him"

Really? You see I don't get that logic because Stephen treated Lauren like crap but they're OK being friends with huim. Ditto for Brody, Frankie and the biggest jerk of all time Jason. So, why is it OK for all of Lauren ex's and guy friends to be asshats but Justin is treated like a leper? double standard much?

"He cheated on Audrina and then made it all about her and her actions and made her cry."

I don't like what he did either but the fact is they were never exclusive and although I'm sure it sucked for her to see that, you can't call it cheating.

"He also ditched her at the party on the beach and left with another girl."

We never saw him leave with anyone. In all honestly he doesn't like hanging out w/ Lauren & co and prob left early cuz it wasn't his scene. Again, I don't think it was cool but that's between them.

"He rarely speaks two words to Lauren or Lo when they are all together."

Are you kidding me? I wouldn't talk to them either if I were Justin. They were jerks to him from the second they met him and he wound up with a crummy nickname that follows him around to this day. And btw if you think Lo was being sincere in Vegas, I have some swamp land in Florida I want to sell you ;)

"Lauren is just supersensitive when it comes to guys and how they treat her friends. Nothing immature about that. "

So Lauren can allow guys to treat her like crap but is the moral majority when it comes to friends boyfriends???? OK...

"Don't believe everything you read. Audrina seems independant, if she truely had trouble with Lauren she would have moved out by now."

I like both Lauren and Audrina but I don't like that Lauren thinks it's OK to judge everyone but herself. Before she begins to criticize others she needs to take a good long look at all the male relationships in her life. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones...

My guess is Lauren & Audrina are merely tolerating each other at this point. Lauren has clearly ditched Audrina for Lo and Audrina is clearly over being treated like crap by Lo. I think Audrina will stay in the guest house till the end of shooting prob at the request of the producers but she will be out of there very soon, mark my words.

At May 31, 2008 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

totally disagree 6:32 Justin not getting along with Lauren and Lo all started when Lo made fun of him the very minute she and Lauren met him. It set a very bad tone and things have continued on like that ever since. And do they think he doesn't see or hear the crap they said on previous episodes? Same with Audrina? They started out making fun of him and still make fun of him! Which wouldn't be a problem except that he's Audrina's friend. Not only does does the girls behavior alienate Justin it obviously hurts Audrina's too. They don't have to like the guy but if they care one iota about Audrina they need to be civil to Justin, drop the name calling and stop antaganizing Audrina about him. It's really pretty simple..Whether you like Justin or not put yourself in his shoes for a minute. He feels like he's being judged continually. Who wants to deal with that type of crap?

At May 31, 2008 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoops I meant put yourself in Justin AND Audrina's shoes, who wants to be judged continually?

At May 31, 2008 11:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren seems to have a problem with any girl who has a life and a boyfriend and doesn't make her priority #1. I think it stems from jealousy - she hasn't had one decent, long relationship and can't relate to anyone else having one either. She's completely immature.

At June 01, 2008 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren can't stand it when a friend has a boyfriend, obviously she's jealous!

At June 01, 2008 9:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've lost a ton or respect for Lauren this year. I'm tired of seeing her being so judgemental. Audrina was an awesome friend to her when Heidi pulled all that crap last year. And now Lauren repays that friendship by treating her like a 3rd class citizen since she and Lo are besties again and she doesn't approve of Justin?? WTF?? Funny, how Audrina NEVER pulled the the judgemental card on Lauren about Jason, Brody or Stephen!!!

At June 01, 2008 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:32 refering to lauren: "she hasn't had one decent, long relationship and can't relate to anyone else having one either"

what do you call jason then??? they dated for almost 2 years...maybe even that long

At June 01, 2008 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think Justin cares for Lauren and Lo, just as Lauren and lo dont care for him.

At June 01, 2008 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please. I've seen pics (personal) ones of Lauren and Justin being cool. The show just creates drama. Go to Audrina's myspace to see her b'day pics. She said Lauren and Justin tried to throw her in the pool, but she got them both to jump in with her.

At June 01, 2008 11:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...
lauren looks happy about jbob in this scene. of course they deleted it from the show.

At June 01, 2008 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

in reply to 10:14 (altho i'm not 11:32!)

11:32 refering to lauren: "she hasn't had one decent, long relationship and can't relate to anyone else having one either"

what do you call jason then??? they dated for almost 2 years...maybe even that long

first of all i don't think they dated more than a year if you add the times they were on and off & honestly how does jason qualify as a decent relationship??????? He continually lied to her. abused her trust, cheated on her, and was addicted to alcohol and drugs the entire time they were together- do i really need to keep going here...i haven't even touched on his arrests, the violence, being banned from her complex and the racist remarks!!!

At June 01, 2008 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:23....... amazing post!

At June 02, 2008 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

all i'm going to say is i hope this isnt true because audrina has been a good friend to lauren and even if she doesnt like her bf there is no need to completely diss a person.

At June 02, 2008 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

audrina hasn't been that great of friends with her. she's made snide remarks about Jason but the difference is LC has moved on from him but Audrina is still with the guy who's left her in vegas, kissed another girl at the bar, left her at a beach party, won't hang out much with her friends, basically alienates her, used to have rude manors (maybe he's changed after rehab), the list goes on.

At June 02, 2008 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^yeah, I think you're forgetting the fact that LC repeatedly forgave/took-back Jason the asshole over a period of like 2 years. So, it's not exactly like she "moved on" right away herself.

At June 02, 2008 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:14, are you seriously referring to Jason as a decent relationship?

At June 02, 2008 6:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the people that justify LC and Lo being mean to JB because he treats Audrina like crap and they are just being good friends to her:

they started being bitches to him right from the beginning, before JB started pulling all that nonsense on Audrina.

At June 03, 2008 12:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:28 said
"audrina hasn't been that great of friends with her. she's made snide remarks about Jason"

what snide remarks? Funny, all I remember is Audrina saying be careful and being super supportive of Lauren, even going to that stupid house warming party of Jason/Katja's with her. And trust me - there is VOLUMES Audrina could have said...
the one and only thing I can even come up with here (and it is far from snide btw) is Audrina mentioning to Lauren that her seeing Justin again was no different than Lauren going back to Jason and Stephen which i gotta say I wholeheartedly agree with! Actually I have to change that answer a little, you may or may not like Justin but I give him props for being honest and in that sense he is way better than Stephen or Jason who did nothing but lie and deceive Lauren. Justin may not be a "dream" boyfriend but he's never proposed to be anything that he's not or made promises he can't keep..

At June 03, 2008 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that if all of these recent rumors about Lauren and Audrina's friendship being over are true, then Lauren is losing a really good friend.

Granted, I do not personally know any of these people, I can only make judgement from what the show airs.

I get the vibe that lauren just can't stay friends with anyone who has a life outside of her. She picks apart boyfriends like it is her job. All she ever points out are their negatives.

I think Lo is also a big reason for the split between Lauren and Audrina. I'm not a fan of Lo and I'm bummed she's on the show.

At June 03, 2008 5:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm bummed about their friendship too. I was annoyed when Lauren gave Heidi an ultimatum because friends don't do that, but then Heidi did a 180 and that all worked out for the best.
Dropping Jen, I never understood either. Yes what Jen did was shady but somehow Lauren managed to remain friends with Brody throughout that whole deal and became hook-up buddies too! Why wouldn't her years long friendship w/ Jen be more valuble than a pretty boy fling?
And this whole Audrina thing is kind of the 3rd strike for me. 3 friends who were just disposable? Again, I get the Heidi thing but honestly who is Lauren to judge how anyone else lives their lives and who is she to judge their boyfriends? I mean seriously... Her own track record is awful!!
Plus Audrina has been a great friend to her throughtout the whole Heidi drama and the Jason drama. Treating Audrina like crap just makes me like Lauren a whole whole whole lot less!


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