Monday, May 05, 2008 || New episode of The Hills
posted by Lysandra @ 10:10 PM


At May 05, 2008 10:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like Audrina's moving out.

At May 05, 2008 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^i hope so

At May 05, 2008 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what did they mean when they said next episode is the season final?that can't be the last show.

At May 05, 2008 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's the final show of season 3 extra episodes...then season 4 starts.

At May 05, 2008 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone notice how Spencer insulted his sister by calling her pathetic after she let him live with her? Nice guy, huh?

At May 05, 2008 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At May 05, 2008 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all know that she still live there because of all the pics with her leaving the house.All that drama is just for the show.They may not get along like her and lauren but most of this is just made up drama like that Heidi and Spencer sh*t.He still have a key but he don't stay there anymore.He just so happen to go back when she deside to leave.Come on now they can do better than that.

At May 05, 2008 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe audrina should move in with heidi or with justin bobby since that's apparently what all the tension between audrina and lo and lauren was about...

At May 05, 2008 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

was this pic pre-heidi fakedome? (plastic surgery?)

At May 05, 2008 11:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahahaha i was thinking the same thing about the picture...i hope people call heidi out daily on how different she looks pre-everything..her lips look FOOLISH. and her head is ALWAYS crooked, why does she always cock her head when she is talking...drives me crazy. but yeah...i love watching the show because of the clothes and the fantastic lifestyle, whatever, but when heidi and spencer call eachother soul mates and flawless on talk shows and then on the show act like strangers its hard to even follow..and another poooooooor roomate of laurens so boredddd of fighting..everyone is going to hate eachother by the end of the show. yawwwwwwwwwn.

At May 05, 2008 11:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an ANNOYING episode and can I just say how much I can't stand Lo? I can understand not liking a friend's friend - it happens - but to be so openly rude is just plain mean. And It pisses me off to no end that Lauren just sits there and watches it all go down. It's interesting how Audrina was good enough for Lauren to hang out with when she needed someone to lean on and now that Lo's around Audrina is being treated like 2 day old trash? Why couldn't Lauren have said to Lo (at the studio) sure we'll get somethimg to eat in 30 minutes - we just got here. She didn't even make any effort whatsoever. WTF?

On a completely separate note - how hot is sober JB ?. You know the Hills need a shot of adrenalin when the best part of the episode is Justin eating a strawberry ;)

At May 06, 2008 12:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the person above me...

I am hating Lo more and more each episode, she comes off as a b*tch!!! She's just so openly rude about not like audrina and goes out of her way to make her feel uncomfortable. The whole comment about at doggy day care chloe will have 2 mommies, is such a low low remark to make. She wants Audrina to feel left out.

I also agree that Justin Bobby is pretty hot. hahaha

At May 06, 2008 12:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree too. i hate lo. don't laugh but when laguna beach first aired i got the book about if for christmas. lauren admits in the book that shes known lo since kindergarten but they were not friends till like the 6th or 8th grade because lo was the queen b of the popular mean girls group.
figures! what a byotch!

At May 06, 2008 12:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

audrina has her own thing going on. i'm not saying anyone is wrong. but they're into different things. lauren and lo have a lot more in common. in every attempt they've tried to include her, she's always had other plans. and when she's tried to include them they have other plans. they lead separate lives.

At May 06, 2008 12:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heidi has changed the most since the beginning
she is so dang weird now

At May 06, 2008 1:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with 12:43 lo and lauren has more in common than audrina. if audrina doesn't like LO then maybe she should just move out.

of course audrina won't move out because if she does she won't have as much airtime that she gets when she is with lauren.

besides she is starting to backstab lauran anyway....heidi

At May 06, 2008 1:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"in every attempt they've tried to include her, she's always had other plans."

how so? Audrina invited lauren and lo to her along to her job event. They didn't even stay there 5 seconds - just long enough for lo to roll her eyes and make sure we all knew how much she hated audrina and being there. showing up for 5 seconds is worse than not showing up at all. They couldn't have wauted one hour till they ate. freaking rude if u ask me!

At May 06, 2008 1:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ps i also find it interesting how audrina and lauren had no problems getting along till lo came along - well except when lauren was being too judgmental which she has a tendancy to do!

At May 06, 2008 1:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont really love audrina and i usually adore lo but i have to agree that lo was quite a bitch in that episode.. however i do think that lauren was trying to make an effort to hang w/ audrina.. i just wish the were all best friends, we havent seen like a girls night dinner or something all season! i think the mtv producers made lo look a little worse than she actually was though

At May 06, 2008 2:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have to remember this show is edited. the comments and faces lo makes could be totally out of context just to add more tension between her and audrina. and there's always something about your old childhood friend (lauren and lo). that type of friendship is different from any other friend who comes along the way.

At May 06, 2008 3:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"you have to remember this show is edited. the comments and faces lo makes could be totally out of context..."

exactly. also, Lo is about loyalty and watching Lauren's back. perhaps she is a little annoyed with Audrina for hanging out with Heidi. plus they are getting used to the new living situation. give it time, they'll be fine. plus i don't doubt it's played up and/or edited for drama.

if she keeps it up though, Lo will lose my respect. but she's just so funny. "that melts my little black heart." she also gets no props for coining "Justin Bobby." hilariousness.

is it just me, or does it seem like nothing ever happens anymore on the show?

At May 06, 2008 3:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While Lauren could have stepped in to defend Audrina and should have, it still doesn't change the fact that Lo doesn't like Audrina, so the tension will remain- just not the rudeness. I kept waiting for Audrina to stand up for herself in front of Lo but she never did.
You could tell these 3 weren't going to get along from the start so it's not that shocking an outcome.

At May 06, 2008 5:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I just point out that it was actually LAUREN that coined Justin-Bobby? Random, I know. Lo just drove it home

At May 06, 2008 5:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lo is very JEALOUS of Audrina. She is very childish. Growup Lo it's not becoming of you to act like a child.

At May 06, 2008 6:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love Lo, but lately she's been nothing but a bitch! she's obviously jealous of audrina! someone needs to tell Lo that Lauren can have more than one friend.

At May 06, 2008 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think Lo is jealous of Audrina.For what?Lets not forget Audrina is not all that sweet herself.One show and you people is ready to down a person.

At May 06, 2008 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love LO thats the way shes always been even on Laguna you can always tell what shes thinking by looking at her face..She is a true friend and feels as though Audrina isnt being such a great friend and she has the right to be mad about that..

At May 06, 2008 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

next episode lauren and audrina have a talk and looks like whatever needs to be said gets said cuz they all still live together.

lo is very open with who she doesnt care for and with how things have been going on the show she probably feels no one is genuinely acting as a friend for lauren and she may be right. i wouldnt necessarily agree with how she is coming across though.

so this trip spencer makes to las vegas, is this when they "make-up" cuz it looks like he kinda makes it worse.

any who, i think the girls will work everything out. and i do agree a sober justin bobby works!

At May 06, 2008 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lo has not always had Laurens back...a few years ago, she said some really mean things about Lauren and Lauren didn't speak to her for over a year...Lo is a very jealous person and she is very stuck up. Lo is not that great of a friend, she stabbed Lauren in the back once, who knows if she will do it again.

At May 06, 2008 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so over Lo. The show sux w/ her on it. Who needs another whiny negative b*tchy person - Heidi already has that spot covered!
What I love about Audrina is that she is always smiling, always up to do whatever and NEVER judges anyone. Lo could learn a few things from her!

At May 06, 2008 12:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ps and let me also say I hate how Lauren acts when she is with Lo. Give me more Lauren/Whitney scenes and Lauren/Audrina scenes and get rid of Lo already!!!!!

At May 06, 2008 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"She is a true friend and feels as though Audrina isnt being such a great friend and she has the right to be mad about that.."

oh please - she was and has always been a b"tch to Audrina. She doesn't have to like her but she can be civil towards her for Lauren's sake. These are all basic manners we learned in what? 3rd grade!

At May 06, 2008 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you guys are forgetting that lo and lauren didn't talk for a year because of jenn bunney. and she's seen jenn and heidi screw lauren over. so she is overprotective. lo is sincere. there are times where you see her talking to audrina in a caring way. but girls always give off dirty looks no matter what. that's what happens when she chose the guest house. she wanted privacy and they respected it. she's been hanging out with heidi and justin bobby. it'll be stupid for lauren to join her and have it be even more awkward.

At May 06, 2008 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would love me a friend like lo. shes blunt and she doesnt care.

audrina is stupid. all of a sudden she thinks that her and heidi were not friends because of the lauren and spencer thing when in reality sudrina had audrina own issues with spencer/heidi because heidi choose to believe spencer over her. heidi is playing her for a fool and shes taking the bait. its like lets just blame lauren so we can be friends again and forget that you choose to believe your boyfriend over me.

plus if my best friend was being slandered by another friend i would drop that other friend thats doing the slandering because really thats not cool even if they werent doing it to me.

lo has a right to be the way she is to audrina. audrina is shady. like the beginning she told lauren she was not going to be friends again with heidi and making it seem like they were just bumping into eachother when they made plans. just be upfront about it so lauren can get off it.

if you have notice recently its only been lo who has been defending lauren against speidis slandering, audrina doesnt want to get in the "drama". lauren needs to drop audrina like heidi her and lo will be better off.

At May 06, 2008 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

totally agree with the above post. I think Lo is watching LC's back and keeping her eye on Audrina.

At May 06, 2008 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^ I agree

At May 06, 2008 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i disagree. audrina always had lauren's back even when lauren started being judgemental about jb. funny how audrina never pulled the same crap and said to lauren why would you want to be friends w/ stephen or jason after how they treated you?

sorry but i think lo is a beyotch plain and simple. she and lauren didn't talk for like 2 years during the jason "drama". let's be honest here - their fight was not over jen bunny - it was over jason's coke use and lauren becoming a different person in those days. don't get me wrong it's way cool they're friends again. i love lauren just not when she becomes all mean girls. we all saw crap like that in middle school and high scool, haven't we grown out of that by now? it's childish and wrong.

At May 06, 2008 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 weeks ago you all hated Heidi,, last week you all hated Audrina when she started hanging out with heidi and this week you all hate LO !! comes to prove how this show is ssoooooo EDITED!!

At May 06, 2008 5:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the whole thing with lo and lauren leaving the recording session early reminded me of LB season 1 when they went to trey's concert thing at that cafe to raise money. lo clearly wasn't interested then and not much has changed. which is totally fine. she's just not into those type of bands. even back then lauren tried to get lo to stay but lo said she'd rather just donate money.

At May 06, 2008 6:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^agree with 2:02.

At May 06, 2008 6:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone is dumping on Lo for being a bitch to Audrina. While I agree with that notion, it's interesting to see that Lauren seems to come out of it all unscathed. Imo, Lauren is pretty obnoxious to Audrina as well. True, Lo is more vocal about her cattiness, but Lauren is right behind her rolling her eyes or doing her trademark condescending smirk. Seriously, what a bitch.

Those 2 really need to grow up. It's annoying watching them badmouth Audrina behind her back but but the minute she arrives, they spew out honey-dripped greetings like, "Hi sweetie, how are you! I love your top!!" *hug hug*.

It's also really annoying how they will purposefully ask her questions, give each other looks, and giddily wait for the answer they're expecting just so that they can judge Audrina some more.

Yeah Audrina is dumb as f*ck but at least she's not bitchy and judgemental like those 2 highschoolers.

At May 06, 2008 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Lo IS jealous. why would she have to watch lauren's back? I don't think audrina ever did anything bad to lauren, and Lo has not been a true friend the entire time. I think she can be two faced and did talk shit about lauren one time or another! she's probably jealous of them both.

At May 06, 2008 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it seems like everyones perception of Lo has changed since this episode.

At May 06, 2008 7:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is no way that lo is jealous of audrina i think. there are times when you meet another friends friend and you just have a bad vibe. like theres somthing shady about that person.

i dont understand how you guys can defend someone like audrina. i think she deserves to be treated that way by them because she decided to be friends with heidi again. who would want to be friends with someone who goes around talking shi** about one of your friends?? i mean yes heidi isnt talking shi** about audrina but when you are good friends with another person you would not tolerate someone else talking badly about that person. i mean if lauren just didnt like heidi just because she doesnt then i can see how lauren should just suck it up if audrina wants to be friends with her but speidi is going on national tv trying to defame lauren.

i think that lo and lauren shouldve moved out on there on because with audrina continuing to be friends with someone like heidi things are going to fall apart. i know i would feel betrayed.

At May 06, 2008 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

all of a sudden jb got his hair cut everyone so forgiving. it only shows that goodlooking people can get away with anything. lol.

when jason kissed jessica on lb lauren left him and when he came to apoligize she made sure to let him have it. audrina on the other hand is left in vegas and seen him messing around with other girls and still she leaves with the guy. wtf!

stephen and lauren have always been friends. there were some benefits here and there but it was always friends first. that is irrelavent to audrina and jb.

At May 06, 2008 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"all of a sudden jb got his hair cut everyone so forgiving. it only shows that goodlooking people can get away with anything. lol."

the fact that he's goodlooking doesn't hurt lol but for me it's more that Justin seems to have turned his life around. I'm less forgiving w/ Jason because he threatened people physically and used racial slurs which I find unforgivable drunk or sober.
Honestly, I really don't understand Lauren being friends with any of these guys. Why forgive these guys for their crappy behavior? She doesn't forgive her girlfriends? Different strokes for different folks I guess..

At May 06, 2008 9:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate the show when it's like this, and calling it mean girls is so on the money. Lauren is right there in the thick of it along with Lo. And it is so wrong on every level. If Lauren has decided she doesn't want to be friends with Audrina she should have the DECENCY and the COURAGE to say something to her face. Enough with the eye rolling and talking behind her back repeatedly.
I used to watch Hills episodes over and over again but between Speidi (ick) and this mean girl crap I've barely been making it thru the episode once.
What happened to Whitney? Where are the actual friendships? Watching Lo is like watching paint dry B-O-R-I-N-G!!

At May 06, 2008 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont understand how audrina is "shady" for "hanging out" with heidi. first of all, have you seen ANY pictures of them "hanging out"? no. why? BECAUSE THEY DONT. audrina has stated several times that she is just cordial with heidi because they don't have any personal beef. i bet whitney is the exact same way. the whole audrina/spencer/heidi drama in season 2 obviously wasn't that big of a deal since heidi and audrina remained friends after it. just because they are able to have mature conversations and you saw them have one girls night (which was obviously for the hills) doesnt mean that they are good friends or anything.

unless you focus on the editting, i dont see how anyone can even begin to justify LO's juvenile behavior

At May 06, 2008 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont understand what you mean about how lauren cant forgive heidi yet cam forgive jason and stephen. HELLO do these guys go on national tv and slander her left and right just to give them air time? when they are interview do they constantly bring up lauren in a bad way.

im on laurens side about not forgiving heidi. heidi is pretty pathetic to apoligize to her on tv but then go back on it not to mention she was not very sincere and thought she did nothing wrong.

lauren was nice to audrina. i can understand lo not liking audrina and for treating audrina that way but lauren still included audrina to move in with.

if you can remember the scene where heidi makes herself comfortable at laurens table only to talk sh** about lauren audrina sat there like a idiot knowing lauren was hearing it. what kind of friend does that? when lauren left audrina sat there like everything was cool. im sure she was relieved lauren left because she also was in a bad situation. audrina needs to get her act together. theres no way she can be friends with the both of them. the more she thinks she can the more shes going to realize that its only going to distance herself from one of them. but she cant have both.

At May 06, 2008 11:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i never said heidi specifically (she is a whole other case and I wouldn't forgive her either) i said Lauren's girlfriends - meaning lo and jenn. lauren and lo didn't talk for like 2 years during the whole jason dating thing and then she totally dissed jenn after jenn was pretty much the only one there for her (aside from heidi) during her depression days after jason. now i'm not saying what jenn did was OK. But if she can talk to Jason who she had to get a restraining order against and talk to Brody who totally lead her on isn't that cutting them some slack while not affording her gf's the same courtesy? I don't get that and never will. Sorry!

And at the club -I think Audrina stayed at the table because Lauren & Lo (once again) left her all alone. Wouldn't you feel left out if this was a continual thing? I think Audrina was happy just to have someone acknowledge her and to be civil to Justin. Something Lauren and Lo have never been able to do..

At May 07, 2008 6:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

like i said, Lo seems like a very jealous person. still like her though!

At May 07, 2008 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

<__ TEAM LO AND TEAM LC. allll the way since Laguna..

If it wasnt for Lauren we wouldnt know who heidi or audrina were or even none of these people on the Hills...

Lauren made them famous..

At May 07, 2008 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We also wouldn't know who Lauren was if her parents weren't loaded. Its not like any of these people got where they are on talent - its all circumstantial.

At May 07, 2008 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I felt for Audrina when she invited them to see the band and they were clearly not interested. It does remind me of the charity event with Trey on LB.

Its just so sad how vapid and shallow these people are. I mean, they can't even muster interest to go see a band - god forbid if someone wants to go to an art show, museum, or see a play. I can't believe anyone would consider them role models; I find it really sad the things people value.

At May 07, 2008 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:38 PM

what jason, stephen, lo and jenn does not sums up to the same things speidis done to lauren therefore since she was able to forgive them doesnt mean she should forgive speidi and be ok with audrina hanging out with heidi? everyones lived up to their own shares of sh** like that and there are some things you can forgive and somethings you cant and you just want to forget about that whole persons existence. i dont believe it immature. its like that saying if you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all. plus why waste your energy thinking about it when you dont have to.

as for lauren being cool with speidi get real! no way would i ever be cool with a close friend hanging out with someone whose slandering me the way speidi has. sure that close friend can be friends with that other person but then that would just mean i would start distancing myself away from that friend. thats not mean. how can that friend expect me to be cool with it.

cmon now good friends are loyal. audrina not wanting the "drama" when it was partially her drama too that her and heidi arent friends and decides to disown her and heidis part in it just so she can be cool with heidi again whats the meaning of that??

i could understand lauren and lo treating her that way not ok if audrina was more loyal as a friend and realize ok this person hurts my good friend i should probably not get involved with this person.

btw audrina didnt seem too upset when lo and lauren left. she seemed quite happy to continue her conversation with heidi. it was like a weight was lifted off her shoulders. i understand her wanting to be cool wth heidi but friendly chatting with heidi constantly trying to have her bash lauren NOT COOL and if she was a good friend she would realize it and say to heidi i want nothing to do with you bashing lauren and if you want to be friends then lauren is off topic.

At May 07, 2008 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

when you refer to the things speidi has done, are you refering to the tape? If so, that's still all speculation, it hasn't been confirmed that Speidi is lying. I'm honestly inclined to believe that there was a video of some sort, just a very lame one.

Otherwise, I'm sure you're referring to them publicly saying bad things about Lauren (they're very tasteless about it, I'll give you that). Sure, that seems much worse than an ustable, drug abusing cheater and possibly abuser (Jason), a "friend" who strung her along and used her for sex (Stephen), a friend who bad-mouths other people (Lo. Apparently, it's ok to do that as long as it's not about Lauren!), and Jenn, well she's just an idiot.

As for Audrina, sure, her being cordial to someone whom she used to be friends with seems far more worse too.

well, the point of my post was not to bash Lauren, but to point out how ridiculously biased most of these notions are.

At May 08, 2008 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

amen 6:38!!


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