Saturday, June 07, 2008 || Audrina needs her space
It sounds like Audrina Patridge has had enough of Lauren Conrad's controlling ways. "The Hills" star, known for her sweet nature, has grown so uncomfortable around Conrad that they no longer speak, and Patridge won't stay at the guest house behind Conrad's home as she did during the show. "She hasn't officially moved out yet, but she stays with different people. It's grown so bad between them she doesn't want to be there," said one insider. "If your star starts to burn brighter than Lauren's, there's going to be trouble." Conrad was recently quoted as saying she and Patridge are "still friends." At a recent event for the newly relaunched Dodge Challenger, Patridge was overheard telling Michelle Trachtenberg how she's still looking at apartments. The two also dished on guys and raced each other on the speedway where Rob Lowe, Luke Wilson, Chace Crawford, Snoop Dogg and Carmen Electra cheered them on.

source: page six
posted by Lysandra @ 11:14 AM


At June 07, 2008 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

please.... all of a sudden audrina is a victim and lauren is the villian. i smell another heidi. use lauren for the spotlight and then milk it from her later.

lauren is not innocent in all this and neither is audrina. the reason she had no say in lauren and jason back then was because she wasnt close enough to lauren to give her 2 cents. on the other hand lauren has a right as a good friend to give audrina her 2 cents on justin bobby.

i find it stranger how audrina decides that she doesnt want to be in the middle of the "frenemies" and decides shes ok with with heidi again when cleary in the beginning she was all for lauren to go seperate ways w/heidi. its a good thing those two did because if not audrina wouldnt have had that much spotlight because it wouldnt have been her and lauren it would have been lauren and speidi. therefore audrina has her own agenda in all of this. imo audrina is not as sweet as she protrays.

stephanie is also someone who i think will use her for spotlight and then later milk it to her advantage.

advice for lauren..... stick to lo and whitney, they are the only true friends whose not in it for themselves only but for you. let audrina go clearly shes wants to be mentally abused again by jb so shes using you and los as a exscapegoat to be with him. drop audrina.

At June 07, 2008 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blah Blah Blah, move out bitch.

At June 07, 2008 2:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You two up there are so stupid. You believe anything you read. Lauren and Audrina are STILL friends. They are keeping their distance, ON PURPOSE, to create buzz for the 4th season. DUH. These articles make up false quotes and stories to instigate the buzz and you people just buy into it!! You're suckers

At June 07, 2008 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think it's made up drama either. Audrina clearly wants to part ways and move in her own separate direction.
I never thought the Lauren-Audrina relationship would last honestly because I always look back at how Audrina was screwing around with Spencer behind Heidi's back and she was supposedly her "friend" during that time. Some "friend" she is.

At June 07, 2008 3:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

GUH, if Audrina wants to move out it won't take her that long to find a new place.

Stop with this stupid rumors and let us wait till August & see :P

At June 07, 2008 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a ridiculous article. Why they constantly pitch the girls against one another is completely ridiculous. I wonder if Audrina has any fake stories up her sleeve. She must be really starving for attention, her agency must have called up and told the ny post this story. Notice how they name drop the "celebs" Audrina saw during that event. Typical.

At June 07, 2008 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

let her a** get out!!!!!!!!!! sick of her anyway.

At June 07, 2008 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren is a stupid bitch.

At June 07, 2008 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This article was planted by Audrina's people. I guess the people representing LC are not reading info on these girls. If she needs her space she should move the fuck out of Lauren's house

At June 07, 2008 6:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this IS a publicity stunt for the fourth season. There have been numerous articles out right now about how scripted this show is. Like Heidi getting the job over Elodie. The producers came to Elodie and asked her to play a part in a future episode in which Heidi would get a promotion over her jealous co-worker. Everything in this show is blatantly pre-destined. The producers have told Lauren and Audrina that while the show is on hiatus, it would 'cause a lot of talk amongst fans if they kept their distance. of course everyone is now DYING to see the new season to see what went down. It's so funny how everything's just easily falling for it

At June 07, 2008 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree 6:24...

when Heidi and Lauren weren't talking anymore, they were never in the same room together unless it was for filming, like the night Heidi confronted Lauren in front of the cameras at that club and Lauren bitched her out.

But why is it that Lauren and Audrina are at ALL the same events and outings together? They won't talk to eachother yet they'll stand 5 feet away from eachother... the producers know how gullible the people who follow this show are. They know if Lauren and Audrina show up at all the same places, yet don't talk, people will start to wonder and talk and be dying to watch the premiere??? It's so obvious. Heidi and Lauren are actually not friends and Lauren AVOIDED her like a plague once they had a following out. Lauren would not commit to events Heidi was scheduled for unless the producers tricked her. But Lauren and Audrina are obviously still attending all the same events and social gatherings. Come on guys, stop buying into all this BS... stop hating on Lauren... stop hating on Audrina. There's nothing going on there

At June 07, 2008 7:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gosh for those who believe that theres nothing wrong with lauren and audrina friendship THERE is you're just in denial. theres no way audrina is going to stay friends with lauren if lauren continues to be friends with lo who audrina clearly can not stand up too.

lauren stick with lo shes not in it for herself.

At June 07, 2008 7:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:53 PM wow good vocabulary (sarcasm) lmao

At June 07, 2008 7:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Audrina so stop dissing her already. At the beginning I was duped too - I thought the feud was real but since they're keeping it in the press, it obviously HAS to be for publicity purposes.
No one talks this much about a real feud that they're having unless it is staged or it's speidi lol
The funny thing is Lauren and Audrina finally figured out a way to steal the headlines away from heidi & spencer. I never liked speidi to begin with but ya gotta admit their feud was a compelling story last summer and now guess what? it's summertime again and we have another juicy story, only this time it's with Lauren & Drina! VERY clever of the girls actually!!

ps - sorry but, i have to address this:
"i smell another heidi. use lauren for the spotlight and then milk it from her later."

oh please - Audrina was cast for the show, she never lied about who she was to befriend Lauren as Heidi did. Aside from that she has been a great friend.

"the reason she had no say in lauren and jason back then was because she wasnt close enough to lauren"
When Jason started calling from rehab Audrina could have said volumes!!!!!! They were roomates and great friends at that point, the thing is friends support one another.

"decides shes ok with with heidi again"
There is nothing wrong w/ being civil to the girl, that's a lot different than being OK with her. Are you going to start bashing Whitney for being civil to Heidi too? They're not in 8th grade. They're going to say hi to one another, it's what normal people do..

At June 07, 2008 8:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

THANK YOU 7:53!! i agree completely with your refutes against the first poster's comments.

At June 07, 2008 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

" I never thought the Lauren-Audrina relationship would last honestly because I always look back at how Audrina was screwing around with Spencer behind Heidi's back and she was supposedly her "friend" during that time. Some "friend" she is."

are you kidding me? Audrina has never had any interest in Spencer but she did think he was her friend. If you recall even Spencer admitted that back i in the beginning he was trying to pit both girls against each other to create drama and get air time. Only Audrina wasn't dumb enough to fall for his sorry ugly ass, Heidi was!

At June 07, 2008 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...




At June 07, 2008 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

first of all stop turn off your caps!!
2nd of all this is a publicity stunt to get people to tune into the 4th season. Personally I think it's pretty funny that Lauren and Heidi stole the headlines away from Speidi!
3rd Audrina has never used Lauren. She was CAST on the show. If Lauren didn't want her to move in to either the apt or the guest house Lauren never would have asked her.


Again,Audrina was cast to be on the own show because the creators and producers liked her looks and personality - it had NOTHING to do with Lauren. She was not hired because she was a friend of Lauren's (like Lo) or someone who pretended to be a friend (like Heidi)
Both Audrina & Whitney were hired on their own merits, because Adam Divello saw something in them and thought they would add a nice dynamic to the show. Don't forget - the Hills is a show about 4 girls. Not just Lauren!


Audrina always had air-time. The producers show what they want to show. I personally think they decided to more of her "storyline" because of her relationship w/ Justin. The Audrina/Justin storyline added that spark that had been missing since the 1st season when we had Lauren & Jason and Heidi & Jordan.

As for the nude photos, Audrina was 18 and made a mistake - it happens! She had nothing to do with the leaked photos and if publicity was what she was after she would have posed for playboy by now. In case you were not aware they made her an offer right after the photos came out!

At June 08, 2008 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Audrina RULES. Lauren is a pathetic bitch.

At June 08, 2008 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

again, people rush to the conclusion that Lauren is an innocent victim in all this and that all this bad stuff just happens to ALWAYS happen to her. I'm not saying it's all her fault, but please, let's not be blind about this and realize that she contributes to all these problems in her life too.

At June 08, 2008 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

June 07, 2008 7:53 PM

"decides shes ok with with heidi again"
There is nothing wrong w/ being civil to the girl, that's a lot different than being OK with her. Are you going to start bashing Whitney for being civil to Heidi too? They're not in 8th grade. They're going to say hi to one another, it's what normal people do..

- you've got to be kidding me right. do you have selective memory like audrina??? audrina decides she wants to be friends with heidi again because the whole lauren/spencer/heidi thing had nothing to do with her. BUT IT DID from the VERY BEGINNING!!! spencer playing on the both heidi/audrina and heidi getting mad at her for it believeing spencer over her.

then all of a sudden it was because of lauren that they werent friends?? "good friend"i see.

whitney has every right to be civil to heidi why?? because speidi has yet to do anything to her yet. audrina on the other hand has had a taste of what they can do and then turns around and puts it on lauren like its because of lauren that heid/audrina lost touch. poor excuse.

audrina is pushing lauren away to be with a guy who has treated her like crap. how is jb any better than jason. and if you watch the hills lauren and jason met up for lunch but that was when audrina and lauren first started living together. obviously audrina would have said something if she was comfortable enough to say it but obviously the friendship was still knew and touche.

what has lauren done to be a bad friend??? she chooses to be with lo over her?? please that is so highschool audrina needs to wipe her tears and step up to lo if shes hurt. not lauren.

At June 08, 2008 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

June 07, 2008 7:53 PM

"decides shes ok with with heidi again"
There is nothing wrong w/ being civil to the girl, that's a lot different than being OK with her. Are you going to start bashing Whitney for being civil to Heidi too? They're not in 8th grade. They're going to say hi to one another, it's what normal people do..

- you've got to be kidding me right. do you have selective memory like audrina??? audrina decides she wants to be friends with heidi again because the whole lauren/spencer/heidi thing had nothing to do with her. BUT IT DID from the VERY BEGINNING!!! spencer playing on the both heidi/audrina and heidi getting mad at her for it believeing spencer over her.

then all of a sudden it was because of lauren that they werent friends?? "good friend"i see.

whitney has every right to be civil to heidi why?? because speidi has yet to do anything to her yet. audrina on the other hand has had a taste of what they can do and then turns around and puts it on lauren like its because of lauren that heid/audrina lost touch. poor excuse.

audrina is pushing lauren away to be with a guy who has treated her like crap. how is jb any better than jason. and if you watch the hills lauren and jason met up for lunch but that was when audrina and lauren first started living together. obviously audrina would have said something if she was comfortable enough to say it but obviously the friendship was still knew and touche.

what has lauren done to be a bad friend??? she chooses to be with lo over her?? please that is so highschool audrina needs to wipe her tears and step up to lo if shes hurt. not lauren.

At June 08, 2008 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

June 07, 2008 10:50 PM

Audrina always had air-time. The producers show what they want to show. I personally think they decided to more of her "storyline" because of her relationship w/ Justin. The Audrina/Justin storyline added that spark that had been missing since the 1st season when we had Lauren & Jason and Heidi & Jordan.

- how does audrina have airtime yet its just not being showed because its edited out??? that totally did not prove a point. lol

i also find it weird how at NOW she wants to be a "star" shes telling mags that mtv approached her because as i recall from the beginning she was saying something else i cant remember what. im sure if you read into the more old mags with her interview she'll tell you how she came about.

the prior poster in caps is right. without lauren on the show the hills would sink. please try convincing us how speidi and audrina will go about without her on the hills. who would watch.

At June 08, 2008 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^^ well please try convincing us how the show would work with JUST lauren. now THAT would sink. the fact of the matter is, it's ALL the girls that make the show successful.

and in regards to the whole spencer/heidi/lauren feud it DID have NOTHING to do with audrina. it was over the whole sex tape thing. audrina has said to media that she is still on lauren's side even though she's cordial with heidi. the audrina/heidi feud was completely resolved WAY before the sex tape drama. the s2 bonus scenes even show heidi/lauren/audrina all hanging out together AFTER that drama.

At June 08, 2008 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"i also find it weird how at NOW she wants to be a "star" shes telling mags that mtv approached her because as i recall from the beginning she was saying something else i cant remember what. im sure if you read into the more old mags with her interview she'll tell you how she came about."

i have old mags and all the dvd's and if you go and rewatch season 1 - Audrina was very clear in telling Heidi from the start that she wanted to be an actress and had moved to LA to pursue her acting career. She didn't decide to become a "star" after doing the Hills. Besides for the most part, after your series ends, it usually doesn't matter whjo you are your fame ends unless you get another series or a movie. So in the scheme of things none of these girls are realy famous compared to Angelina Jolie, Cameron Diaz etc
They will all have to keep reinventing and proving themselves if they want to stay in this business.

Also in interviews with both the Adam Divello and with Audrina they have both talked about how Audrina was "discovered" and cast- she was laying out by the pool and they struck up a converstation, liked her and the rest was history.

At June 08, 2008 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 12:54
audrina decides she wants to be friends with heidi again because the whole lauren/spencer/heidi thing had nothing to do with her.

it doesn't have anything to do with her. Spencer being an idiot does not involve Audrina.
And all the lying and and trying to pit the girls against each other was 100% Spencer. I don't see Audrina befriending him. Also the rumours and all the rest of the crap that Speidi has done - again, it has nothing to do w/ Audrina. She's not running out and being best friends with Heidi, she's being civil. Again, big difference. And it's what GROWN-UPS have to do. All of us have people we don't like in our lives, be it at school, at work, wherever... the thing is you grow up and you learn to be cordial because you can't spend your life going around creating scenes and drama very day. It's fine for the Hills. Doesn't work so well in real life.

Also Audrina has never blamed Lauren for her friendship with Heidi dissolving - Heidi chose to throw away all her friendships when she started dating Spencer

"audrina is pushing lauren away to be with a guy who has treated her like crap. how is jb any better than jason."

You're kidding me right?
HUGE difference
Justin burps and could use a bath.
We saw him kiss another girl while dating Audrina BUT they were never in a committed realationship and both were free to do whatever w/ other people. Not my cup of tea but different strokes for different folks...
Jason on the other hand is an ADDICT who is supposedly recovered but he looked majorlly wasted when he performed on that rap show and he's also currently sporting a ginormous beer gut.
He has been in rehab twice - the first time at age 16!
He has been convicted of assaulting 2 different men while under the infuluence of alcohol and who knows what else, he was banned from Lauren's complex for being violent and banned from Katja's complex for using racial slurs. He cheated on Lauren multiple times while they were in a commited relationship. He also lied to her and was a complete jackass to her (i think we all remnember the New Year fight, kissing Jessica at the fashion show, walking out after his b'day dinner, being a jerk to her on her biorthday etc ec)

"and if you watch the hills lauren and jason met up for lunch but that was when audrina and lauren first started living together. obviously audrina would have said something if she was comfortable"

she did say something. she said be careful. And honestly that is all you really can say... people are going to do what they want to do and date who they want to date..Lauren is a perfect example of that!

"what has lauren done to be a bad friend??? she chooses to be with lo over her?? please that is so highschool audrina needs to wipe her tears and step up to lo if shes hurt. not lauren."

Whos being high school here? I never said Lauren was a bad friend. I like Lauren. Why does it always have to either or. There are some of us who like all the girls (including Kristin!) I don't go for that one girl is a saint the other girl is a villian type of thing.

At June 08, 2008 10:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Audrina was doing radio interviews she said that Justin was her first seriouse relationship. So they were in a committed realtionship thats why audrina was so pissed.

At June 08, 2008 10:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

serious because she loved him but not serious because they were committed...

At June 09, 2008 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Audrina is gorgeous and 100 times better then LOSER LAUREN WILL EVER BE!!!!

At June 09, 2008 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, there are clearly some obsessive Lauren fans on here. Unfortunately, she's in the wrong, and we only need to take a look at her track record to see she's hardly been the most consistent friend- she swaps her "bff" every other month.
Audrina's a lovely girl, and it's a shame she's been brushed aside by Lauren.

At June 11, 2008 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:40 PM

couldnt bare to read all of what you said because its the same thing over and over again.

if you were watching when heidi first approached audrina they both agreed that their friendship dissolved over the lauren/speidi thing. if not for lauren befriending audrina i highly doubt heidi would still be friends with her.

now how is audrinas drama only related to spencer but not heidi??? heidi was pissed at her over the spencer deal so that makes her have a issue with heidi duh!!! audrina was more than happy to side with lauren because she knew heidi didnt have her back and with heidi out of the picture she still had lauren.

everyones blaming lo and lauren and pitying audrina but audrina isnt in elementary anymore and if she wants lauren to pick her battles with lo WHO is laurens loyal friend lauren shouldnt have to do it. whos a been there for lauren longer?? LO whose got laurens best interests? LO. hmm thats now a tough task.

btw theres a difference betweening being civi to heidi but a true friend (not audrina) would stick up for their friend if someone else was bashing them. audrina sat there like a idiot letting heidi do that. some friend. good for lauren lose audrina you dont need a friend like that trying to play(be civil) both fields.

At June 11, 2008 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

June 08, 2008 3:12 PM

more like try convincing the rest of us how the hills will survive without lauren. i mean after all everyone knows its her show.

but without audrina and heidi, lauren has other friends and can make new ones.

tell me though that growing up you have never lost friends due to conflicts. i've had friends who have come and gone and im pretty happy with the ones i ended up with. in the end of all this lauren will be too. besides like she said if not for them living together they wouldnt be friends in the first place.


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