Monday, August 25, 2008 || The Hills Discussion
posted by Lysandra @ 10:37 PM


At August 25, 2008 11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In this episode, Lo was so weird, and still bitchy. It really bothers me that she thinks being that way is okay.

And also, I love Whitney!!!! As the The Hills seasons have gone on, she has really grown for me and I really hope we get to see a lot more of her and her work/personal life on the show!

At August 25, 2008 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At August 25, 2008 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lo's snide comments are worse than not saying anyting at all. I really liked her on Laguna Beach but my opnion has changed greatly.

I love Whitney as well! She is so normal and stays away from drama. She is beautiful too.

At August 26, 2008 12:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lo-she really should be nicer about the Audrina situation. They should at least make an effort to be friends, at least for Lauren's sake.
Lauren-I think Doug is a nice guy, but something doesn't seem right about him. Other than that, he's a hottie!
Audrina-I'm glad that she's trying to be the bigger person in the whole fight with her and Lo. They should at least try to be friends.
Heidi&Spencer-I cannot believe they showed up to the party. Although they had a reason to, cuz he's Stephanie's brother. I do think it would've made the episode more entertaining if he and LC got into a fight or whatever, but it's good that they're going by the rules "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it."
Stephanie-It's great she wants everyone to get along, but she can't be friends with everyone. So she probably did the right thing but cutting off Heidi&Spencer--or Speidi.
Brody-I loved that he just made it clear that tension was in the air. "I don't want drama, I just want to have fun, so I'm leaving." hahaha classic.

overall, good episode! i wanted a little more action though. well we have a whole great season ahead of us!!

At August 26, 2008 1:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice how ugly or strange looking Lo looked at Stephanie's birthday party when she was talking to Audrina? She looked like a troll. I don't know if you see the replays of this episode check out Lo's face at the party. She looked SCARY!

At August 26, 2008 5:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:18 I totally agree. Lo's dress was scary too! She looked so freaky & chubby in her aluminum dress - her looks totally fit her personality though- ugly ugly ugly!
I thought the episode was OK but not great.
I love Lauren but to expect Spencer wouldn't be there? C'mon now, he's Stephanies brother and this is reality TV, of course they're going to show. And didn't they all say in interviews way back when that it was Spencer & Heidi who paid for and actually threw the party? I even remember Lauren saying she she knew they would be there and that's why she decided to go earlier. I'm thinking maybe they sliced together the school episode from another drama - like maybe the doug date. It just seemed off that Lauren would be saying stuff to stephanie about her own party, y'know?
i thought the best part of the whole episode was the stuff with whit and the conversation between audrina and chiara. and can i just say i heart chiara. she 's so freakin funny ands cute.

At August 26, 2008 6:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doug is a meathead. And not that cute!

At August 26, 2008 7:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't stand Stephanie but I actually felt a little sorry for her this episode. This was HER birthday and everyone else made it all about them. Brody and Frankie coming to the party was ridiculous, since they don't even like the girl! and then they leave all in a huff causing even more drama, i think the tool was looking for more airtime as usual. Lauren and Spencer were both ridiculous too. He could have behaved for 2 seconds and she should have known they would be there. It all seemed that manufactured drama. BORING!

At August 26, 2008 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Lo needs to stop acting like she's in HS...grow up!
2. Lauren needs to be more mature and unselfish..especially at her so called "friend's" birthday party. Even if someone you hate shows don't just leave.
3. Stephanie needs to stand up to Lauren and stop crawling around at her feet... I hate Spencer too but he IS still her brother... she shouldn't she begging and apologizing to Lauren that he showed up. Seriously...have a dam backbone.
4. Ewww LO DID look like a troll... I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU !!! She looked pretty when she was standing in front of her mirror at home getting ready... but the result was hideous!
5. Go Whit... I LOVE HER... !

At August 26, 2008 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heidi and Spencer sure know how to clear out a party.I wouldn't want them at my party because everyone would leave.Why Spencer didn't say something to Brody when he said he didn't have time for all this drama.He just sat there looking like a fool.Audrina said she didn't want to be friends with the girl so what Lo should kiss Audrina ass!PLEASE!

At August 26, 2008 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no reason to toss LO under the bus. Audrina was a class A bitch to her regarding being her friend last week and keeps on trash talking her. The immature troll in this situation is Audrina.

At August 26, 2008 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh pleasze. Lo has been nothing but a straight up bitch to Audrina from the minute she met her. She trash talked Audrina behind her back all last season and threw sarcastic digs at her every chance she got in person. Audrina doesn't owe that witch a thing. Audrina is nice to everyone that is nice to her. That girl doesn't have a judgemental bone in her body. but you get back what you give and Audrina could only take so much. I give her major props for keeping her cool for this long. Lo is a spoiled little brat who is ugly and adds nothing to the show. It's sad because i love lauren but i have trouble even watching the two of them together. honestly it makes me wonder if lauren is bitchy like that too off camera.

At August 26, 2008 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just as i remembered, spencer and heidi did throw the party!


all this was public knowledge at the time so my guess is lauren and stephanie were making up drama for the show. i love the hills but this is getting ridiculous..

At August 26, 2008 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Audrina acted like a bitch and that all i got to say about her.

At August 26, 2008 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love Lauren but the hills is getting old.samethings happen last season.Spencer act like an ass,Heidi put on like a fool,Lauren to nice and want to get along with everyone and Audrina act lost.

At August 26, 2008 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lo was the real bitch with her comment "everyone who matters is getting along."

And obviously last weeks talk w/ audrina was edited since the didn't show Lo bitching to Audrina about her frends. No wonder Audrina didn't take kindly to her insincere too late half assed non apology.

Does Lo like anyone except herself? And cheese?

At August 26, 2008 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

here is my take...
Lauren - she didn't want to leave but Lo was saying "we should just leave"... so she left...

Lo - she is hilarious and I think that the way she acts towards Audrina is fine.. they aren't friends so that is life...

Audrina - stop bad mouthing Lo to your co-workers that is so horrible and wrong... LET IT GO

Heidi and Spencer - I am impressed that they did go to the party... and Stephanie looked really happy to see them.. shocked but happy... no words were thrown at each other... and honestly the look on Heidi's face was that sense of nervousness to even be in the same room with Lauren. Also they didn't start anything and that was very classy of them.

Stephanie - She looked really shocked and was happy that her brother was there... he has every right to be there so does Heidi... she took it very well.. She does need to grow a pair and not let anyone push her around... but she seems like the type to be pushed around and likes it...

Brody and Frankie - he just put it straight he didn't want drama so he chose to leave big deal... They wanted to have a good time and that is what they did...

Doug - not a bad guy... he stayed with his date which was cool of him... lay off the guy...


At August 26, 2008 11:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a fan of Doug. He seems like he can barely string a sentance together and what kind of guy encourages a potential partner to ditch work to go have fun? not my idea of a "good guy"

Lo is hilarious for comments like "the only people who matter get along" but Audrina is wrong for expressing her side of what happened? Sorry I don't get the double standard.
Spencer didn't start anything? He said get these women away from hello?

At August 26, 2008 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Audrina is the real bitch!! I'm tired of her always trying to come across as being so nice. When we all see her constantly talking about lo.At her job with her one friend that's all she does and always calling lo a bitch!! I have never heard lo call audrina a bitch!! I can't stand audrina and her weird eyeballs!!

And by the way the lightening at the club is the reason as why lo looked like that.Did you not see her at home getting ready the girl is gorgeous!

Audrina needs to go away I can't stand looking at her or listening to her anymore!!!

At August 26, 2008 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:57 said
"And by the way the lightening at the club is the reason as why lo looked like that."

If it was the lighting, why did everyone else look really pretty and only Lo look like a troll?
And she seriously looked like the good year blimp in that fugly dress.

I think Audina is keeping things real. Lo has treated her like a third class citizen for months. Audrina is FINALLY saying you know what? no more of this crap and I don't blame her one bit. If Lo had treated me like that I would have had much harsher words for her!

Lo is the one who needs to go away and she can take Speidi with her!

At August 26, 2008 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Audrina is right out of central casting. She needs to go!

At August 26, 2008 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Audrian looks like them braz dolls.Both have big heads and big teeth.Lo looks way better than Audrina if you want to talk about looks. Audrian needs to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!im with you ever said that.

At August 26, 2008 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lo does look like a troll and lol at the good year blimp comment. She did gain a lot of weight since laguna. And what is up with those gint ears and pointy chin? She looks like Gollum from Lord of the Rings!

At August 26, 2008 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^who you talking about Audrina!?Audrina don't have a top lip but you want to talk about Lo.please!

At August 26, 2008 6:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet there are a few troll looking chicks here posting comments...... and it's not moi.

At August 26, 2008 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's funny that everyone else had the same thought about Lo looking like a troll at the club! But I really do think it was just lighting.

I found Lauren really irritating this episode. Her dates are usually a bit boring, but watching her and Doug is seriously like watching paint dry. They both need some major help in the personality department.

And then what was with her at the end with Stephanie? What a sanctimonious bitch! She knew Speidi could possibly be there and then she bitches Stephanie out because her brother showed up? I don't usually hate Lauren, but I really want to slap her. Either be friends with her or don't, just don't start this whole victim thing again for the millionth f*cking time. You're being a total brat.

On the bright side, I loved hearing Audrina and her co-worker mention my fav band's upcoming album (yay Margot!)!

At August 26, 2008 7:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Audrina is ugly i find her so weird looking. I even find Heidi better looking than her.
To top it up shes become a major bitch!!! cants stand looking at her over tanned self anymore. her eyeballs her lips her huge teeth! ugh UGLY!!
she needs to go away NOW!!!

At August 26, 2008 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lo is the one who irritates me to no end. Her bitchy voice is like nails on a chalkboard. "Those who matter get along.." go suck an egg you witch!
And whoever said she gained weight is right. She looked like a linebacker in that dress. Fugly!

At August 26, 2008 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lo was soooo fake to Audrina at the party; and that look she gave her was truly frightening. I'm glad Audrina didn't feed into it and just ignored her. Props to her!

At August 26, 2008 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to LOVE Lo on Laguna Beach. I don’t know when and why she became so unfriendly. I mean granted when we saw her on L.B. she was with her friends and now she is being integrated into a new groups of people, so maybe she was always a snob but since we saw her in her own clique on L.B. we didn’t realize it. I wish she would go back to being her bubbly self again, and not this stuck up girl that I'm starting to hate.

At August 26, 2008 11:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Audrina needs to move with JB and stay away for good. She's so annoying and boring,everytime she talks its like she's depressed blah blah blah blah!go away with your big head...

At August 27, 2008 1:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i cannot stand Audrina.
She is the real bitchy one.

At August 27, 2008 2:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Team Lo!!!

At August 27, 2008 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

does anyone think this season isn't too exciting? i almost don't believe anything that comes out of their mouths anymore because the show just seems so fake this season. it's nowhere as real as it was in seasons 1 & 2.

At August 27, 2008 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:46 IA with you

At August 27, 2008 8:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

IA. this season seems to be sucking! seems pretty fake too.

At August 27, 2008 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This show has gotten boring and I think it’s because its more fake now than ever or at least more obviously fake. I think they did a disservice by trying keep up this façade that Lauren is just a normal rich LA girl and not a celebrity.

And if they’re going to fake storylines, I wish they’d make it more interesting other than having people staring at each other and chewing food. Like Joel McHale said, they could do this show with three cocker spaniels and a jar of peanut butter. But for some reason I still watch.

Although I hope Lauren is serious about this being the last season (I know she’s said that before and went on to keep doing the Hills). I believe she’s getting a lot of backlash lately…she definitely still has fans but I’ve noticed a lot of people who liked her but weren’t really like “fan girls” are starting to get annoyed by her. I think she’s already reached her height of popularity.

At August 27, 2008 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lo is a total bitch, I didn't like her from Laguna either…I guess she doesnt have enough of a life that she needed to latch on to lauren for a little bit of face time and in the meantime she has totally tried to rip apart Audrina, who in my opinion has been nothing but a sweetheart the whole time. plus Lo looks like a mom past her prime!

At August 27, 2008 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^Audrina is the bitch!and her face looks like a dog ass!

At August 27, 2008 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i loved the expressions everyone had when Spencer & Heidi showed up lol. and how they all cleared out. LOL
and i used to like LO..but shes just a bitch now, ….and she looked HORRIBLE at the party. im not even blaming the lighting cause she looked bad in the car before she even walked into the club. and the outfit didnt help out at all. It just goes to show you what a bitch karma can be!

At August 27, 2008 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:36 lmaooo hilarious.

At August 27, 2008 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to like Lo, not after seeing how childish and bitchy she is to Audrina, who I don't even like that much. Lo seems insecure, so she's trying to push her way between Lauren and Audrina. This show is getting old, though. They should just get into the ring with each other and play their feuds out.

At August 28, 2008 1:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh please quit complaining about Lo acting so bitchy, when we all seen Audrina being the major bitch.

At August 28, 2008 8:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^I haven't...not until the first episode of this season anyway. If anything, Audrina had been a bit of a pushover and hadn't been standing up for herself enough. You can call Audrina as boring as cardboard or fug and I might tend to agree, but I don't think she's very catty or mean in general...she's very laidback. I think she's just been pushed beyond her limit and snapped at Lo. Which maybe isn't the best thing to do, but man was it funny watching Lo run off from the guest house defeated.

That said, I didn't think Lo was that bad this episode, at least to Audrina. I do think its rude of her to make these comments to Lauren when Lauren wants to still be friends with Audrina though. It's different from Audrina making the comments to her co-worker since her co-worker isn't friends with any of these people.

At August 28, 2008 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the thing is audrina is the most unbitchy person in the show. even with all the crap lo (and lauren) have said about her she's always been super nice and non-judgemental. i mean c'mon lauren gave her such crap about justin and audrina never uttered a peep when lauren started hanging out w/ jason again after rehab, even offering to go to housewarming party for moral support. Ditto for her hanging out w/ Stephen again or Brody - both guys who have lied to her. Honestly, that's what i love about the girl, she's smart enough to realize everyone has theirr own flaws & their own way of doing things and she's going to live and let live.
my take on the Lo thing is if you don't act like a bitch they can't edit you to be a bitch. She just seems like a really unhappy person to me. but that's just my $.02

At August 28, 2008 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Audrian do act like a bitch!

At August 28, 2008 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Team Audrina!

I think Lo is boring and bitchy, and always have. She's using Lauren just as much as the others to get TV time. She likes being "famous" like the rest of them now. Wonder if it bothers her that despite being a Lauren roommate, she doesn't get to appear in the credits, but Audrina does...

At August 28, 2008 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Audrina may be dull, but she seems pretty harmless. I don't really think she has a mean bone in her body. The only "bitchy" things she's done are vent to her co-worker or snap at Lo when her buttons have been continously pushed and that's understandable to me.

At August 28, 2008 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heidi wanted to go to that party sooo bad just to see lauren. So funny. She's so pitiful. They didn't even call stephanie and all of a sudden she says it will be good for Spencer's family if they go. Please. tell it to the judge

At August 28, 2008 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

team Lo

i cant stand looking at Audrina any longer.
I have to agree she is a major bitch and shes always gossiping to that other ugly chick she works with.
blondes vs burnettes ?? how stupid was that..

At August 28, 2008 8:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why are people acting like audrina is some poor innocent victim??? she was not a good friend to lauren. she even encouraged the heidi lauren split wtf (heidi you're brainwashed!) all of a sudden its laurens fault that her and heidi arent friends.

must i KEEP saying this!!! audrina stopped being friends with heidi because heidi stopped being friends with her over the whole spencer thing. selective memory i see!!!

the whole jason lauren thing... audrina had no reason to say anything because her and lauren werent EVEN CLOSE. duh!

btw audrina taking her top off in one of the next epidsodes??? what kind of excuses are u going to come up with. only goes to show she knew exactly what she was doing with those nude photos. btw not ALL girls have taken there tops off like she will so before you say that as excuse im just putting it OUT there.

At August 28, 2008 9:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

audrina never said it was lauren's fault she wasn't fiends with heidi, she said that heidi ditched all her friends once she met spencer which is true. however Audrina did keep her distance from Heidi at events and whatnot for a long time because of lauren but now both audrina AND whitney are over all that and both girls act like adults and are civil when they see heidi at events. Honestly i don't see the big deal - neither whit or audrina are friends with heidi but they are doing the right thing by acting like grownups when they have run -ins with her.

RE jason
lauren and audrina were roomates and good friends when jason started calleing lauren from rehab and they started hanging out again. Audrina could have said plenty to lauren but she didn't. she knew lauren was going to see him regardless and she didn't judge her one way or another,.

re audrina taking her top off
it's her body. her choice. it's not something i'd choose to do in front of the cameras but to each his own. i do however think it's a heck of a lot better than Lo flashing her vajayjay to lauren & brody, he camera guys and everyone else in that vegas club that one night.

At August 28, 2008 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Lo she happens to be my fav castmember..

At August 29, 2008 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren and Lo are my favorites. love them both!

At August 29, 2008 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm def team Lauren and Lo aswell..

At August 29, 2008 6:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:50 PM selective memory?? what have you been watching??? heidi and audrina met up for lunch and heidi was like its sad that we cant be friends BECAUSE of her(heidis) and laurens drama and audrina also AGREED! again lets not forget THEY(heid and audrina) BOTH stopped being friends on their own account NOT because of the whole heidi and lauren drama.

and no audrina and lauren were NOT GOOD friends enough for her to say anything. just because audrina lived with lauren doesnt mean she is that close with lauren. for ex whitneys closer to lauren than audrina. you are sugar coating it.

as for her taking her top off, i agree her body she can do WHATEVER she wants, i was only pointing out that audrina is NOT as innocent as what people make her out to be. i have no intentions of telling people what to do with their body.

At August 29, 2008 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think it is you with the selective memory
audrina and lauren were already good friends by the time they moved in. Remember all those nights when heidi & lauren were still living together and heidi would ditch lauren to go hang out w/ spencer? who did lauren always end up calling and hanging out with? yup, that's right - it was audrina! by the time they did move in lauren was certainly comfortable enough w/ audrina to spout off on her feelings about justin and everything else in audrina's life. which means it would have been fair for audrina to do the same - but audrina doesn't play the the moral police card!

and on the lunch thing - the hills is highly EDITED. Audrina & Heidi both know they had and have issues which is why they're still not hang out buddies but they're nice to each other when they see each other out. I can't really see anyone wanting to be friends with heidi. but civility is always good. we're all adults here.. and heidi showing up at audrina's work doesn't qualify as friends to me...

At August 30, 2008 1:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:41 are u kidding me??? how many epidsodes did you see lauren and audrina hanging out in. AND if you CAN remember heidi was no longer FRIENDS with audrina at that time BEFORE she started ditching lauren to hang with spencer. goes to show again THAT it was not laurens doing like how they MADE it seem that they lost touch.

you are assuming way too much and sugar coating everything. just because you LIVE with someone everyday does not mean you are CLOSE with them and would feel comfortable in getting in their business. for example how close are people now a days with the parents and siblings they live and see everyday. like lauren SAID to whitney herself, if not for their living situation her and audrina would be nothing at all. meaning they live seperat lives.

lauren has a right to voice her opinion because lauren has seen it all. audrina obviously wanted laurens opinion on justin thats WHY audrina set the three of them up for lunch/dinner. with that little flashback for you YES lauren had a right to say something about justin to audrina and NO audrina has no right to comment on the jason because she was not there with lauren through her relationship with jason. now now i can understand how heidi can voice lauren her opinion on jason which she has because heidi has been out with lauren and jason multiple times and seen it all but audrina NO! let me know if theres a double standard here.

even if mtv so called "EDITED" we heard from their(heidi/audrinas) mouths. Heidi "its so sad that we stopped hanging out just because of the lauren and me situation" and audrina "yea i know" not the EXACT words but along those lines. tell me how that was edited??? they broke it up and pieced it together?? its obvious whose got selective memory/sugar coating on things and whose not. and if i have to point it out it isnt me.

so what else do you have?


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