Wednesday, January 14, 2009 || Audrina sighting in LA
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posted by Lysandra @ 8:08 PM


At January 16, 2009 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who the heck cares? Oddrina needs to go back under the rock from which she emerged under.

Now that she embarrassd herself with the fake drama accusing LC of hooking with that creep Justin Bobby and is not on the show much anymore she will be forgotten soon except for the nude pictures she will do to keep her 15 minutes of fame alive a little longer LOl

She is scum.

At January 16, 2009 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

she's scum? i'd save that adjective for someone like you who goes around throwing names at people they don't even know!

And for the record - Audrina has many fans myself included who will always be interested in seeing her on the show or in moviers or wherever.

At January 16, 2009 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^No accounting for taste I guess. I don't think she has many fans at all except for the guys she flashes her boobs at. Class act for sure LOL.

She sure doesn't know how to treat her "Best Friend". She makes me puke.

At January 16, 2009 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is this again?! I forgot.

At January 16, 2009 11:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:25 Taste is subjective. And as for flashing, i love the double standard used on all of the girls - it's fine for Lo to flash her vagina in vegas or for Whit to have wardrobe malfunctions and yet Audrina is the only who who ever gets called out for it. Whatever...

At January 16, 2009 11:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Audrina. I think she is the nicest of the cast and the prettiest. To all the haters, get to steppin!

At January 17, 2009 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taste is subjective. Audrina lacks acting talent and has demonstrated that she's no rocket scientist. It was unfortunate that she believed Lauren and JB hooked up. Poor girl. It's also unfortunate that she let's JB call all the shots in the relationship. There are pictures of her with plenty of other guys being affectionate but all JB has to do is snap his fingers and back she goes. She seems like a nice girl but really she should get her act together.

At January 17, 2009 2:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, major double standard. Lauren put up with Jason's BS for 2+ years and he was way worse. He was a coke addict, an alcoholicm=, abusive to others, racist, arreated multiple times, in rehab for 1st time in his sophmore year of hs!! never mind all the lying and cheating. Oh yeah and bbeing banned from her complex because of his temper and violence. But somehow Justin is considered worse because he's "dirty"? Whatever...

At January 17, 2009 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

boohoo wish this fug face would go away..

At January 17, 2009 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren and Jason went out for a year. No exaggerations please.
The examples of racism, arrests,violence, and being banned from a complex were all after they broke up.
JB has been around way longer.
No double standard here. JB and Jason both suck respectively as boyfriends.
As far as what Lauren put up with regarding Jason. It has nothing do do with her friendship with Audrina or how she treated her.
Apples and oranges.

At January 18, 2009 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anytime lauren is asked about jason she says they dated or a little over two years. Those are lauren's words not anyone elses.

At January 18, 2009 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shady Publicist talks sh*t about Audrina, others
« Thread Started Today at 10:00am »

It's a long article...I bolded the Audrina parts ---


Diary of a Hollywood Street King *Exclusive

This report may be seriously damaging and could ruin some friendships with good people, but in the end, those people will be happy they know the truth. Morality and ethics and respect amongst our neighbors, is that not what separates us as human beings from animals?

Everything you are about to read in this article is the honest truth as told from the mouth of what our current culture would term a “D-LIST” publicist. All accounts have been verified from multiple angles, and all connections and maps of connections between all mentioned parties weave the story together like a constellation of stars in the sky.

Romina “Romi” Maggorno was employed at the Entertainment Fusion Group. Initially hired as a personal publicist to help communicate approved client information to the public, Romi worked on events for EA Sports, VMA Gifting Suites, and several other various parties and product launches. Romi was put in direct contact with celebrities such as Lindsay Lohan, Jessica and Ashley Simpson, Gabe Saporta and Pete Wentz. Lasting only a few short months in her position, Romi was eventually fired from Entertainment Fusion Group in late 2007 for many infractions including the theft of an XBOX meant for a corporate client. Maggorno had also caused an infraction at the 2007 MTV VMA’s after engaging in sexual intercourse with Gabe Saporta, front man for the group Cobra Starship and Midtown.

As Romi sniffed a line of coke and drank a diet Pepsi, she recounted events that you will not want to believe.

She started to call out names like Travis McCoy, a “label-mate” of Gabes, who fronts the group Gym Class Heroes. What would Travis’s girlfriend Katy Perry think of this?

Maggorno claimed it was in revenge, and said, “Katy had earlier been sexually involved with Romi’s ex-boyfriend Matt,” who is the son of a guitar player in the 1970’s rock band America.

Romi claimed that recently, she’s been the mistress of Josh Todd from Buckcherry. Furthermore, she painted the image that she and Todd were in “love” and that Todd “was going to leave his wife to be with her.” In order to test her, I said, “I don’t believe you, stop lying Romi.” And more than anything I wanted to finally be able to reconfirm my worst fears about just how bad things were getting in this town behind the scenes.

Romi showed me pictures and allowed me to listen to taped phone conversations. Among the several tapes, numerous other celebrities and Hollywood power players became implicated in one PR nightmare after another.

Romi continued talking about her other sexual escapades and narrated the time when “Robbie Williams bent her over in the bathroom at Hyde and performed inpromptu anal sex.” Romi confessed to an “ongoing oral relationship with members of the rock group System of a Down.” Then came the most shocking and equally A-List story she revealed. Romi said that the morning following Paris Hilton’s birthday party at the young star’s house, she awoke naked in bed with Billy Corgan, Paris, and Cuba Gooding Jr.

As she exhaled the cigarette she’d just bummed off me, Romi told me about her steamy nights with Butch Walker. Naturally, it was another case of “we would totally be married…. If not for his wife!”

Another typical Romi story involves the frequent threesomes she has with Matt (the son of the guitar player for the band America) and the ex-wife of Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots, Velvet Revolver). When Matt bailed out one Friday night, the two girls decided to stay and continue their drug-fueled kinky orgy. Romi returned from the weekend black and blue, bruised over her entire backside and beyond. Romi said, “I will never see Weiland’s ex again.”

Romi said Maroon 5 “ran a train” on her – yes, she actually said this! For any innocents reading this, “ran a train” means to be used sexually by consecutive people.

Romi went on to declare how the owner of Bar Lubitsch on Santa Monica Blvd in West Hollywood would take her in the broom closet so she could perform fellatio on him while the bar was at full capacity.

She very often talks of Pete Wentz from the group Fallout Boy, who may be the one person she did not sleep with, but who certainly was at the epicenter of a network Romi continually exploited. Romi’s best friend was the assistant to Pete Wentz and Romi obviously did not exhibit any loyalty to her friend.

Romi explained how she found Jessica Simpson’s prescription for Valtrex (herpes medication) in Wentz’ car. She described how Ashlee Simpson had used Wentz’ car and picked up the prescription for Jessica. Romi gave further details about how “Dane Cook had passed herpes to Jessica when they were dating.” Shockingly, Romi rattled off names of others who she believes to be infected with herpes, like “Paris, the Madden boys, Pam Anderson, Adam Levine, Colin Farrell, Moby, Tawny Kitaen, and Britney Spears.”

Romi said she regularly volunteers to take friends or associates to the airport and then uses their vehicles until they returned. She says she is forced to do this since her car was repossessed in late 2007.

According to Romi, at the time of our talk, her current relationship situation was having sex with Jess (DJ from Saints & Sinners) and his best friend, Nathan Hamill (son to beloved Luke Skywalker, Mark Hamill) Romi often mistakenly (or perhaps intentionally) calls them by the name of the other. Romi assumed that she was getting between these two close friends, but later realized that like most Hollywood flings, it’s all about the sex.

Additionally, Romi claims she was involved in a sexual relationship with a camera guy named Steve from the MTV show The Hills. In early August 2008, Maggorno claimed she was pregnant by the camera guy. You do not have to be a detective to assume how difficult it might be difficult to deduce who the father could be, but Romi was sure she knew exactly who it was. Her reasoning was that, “Nathan and Jess were only engaging in anal sex with me” while, “me and [the camera guy] were having unprotected vaginal sex.”

Romi told friends that the camera guy” had revealed to her that he “had a trust fund” and that they “would keep the baby and live happily together.” Less than a week later, Romi’s camera dude told her that he had another girlfriend who “is a cutter” and if he “breaks up with her she will cut herself.” Of course there was no more talk of babies and families.

Romi’s friends and close confidants later revealed that when she claimed to be pregnant and was telling certain people she was not drinking and starting prenatal care, she was actually out drinking and using drugs with friends and clients (Golden Brooks included).

At the time of our interview, Romi’s electricity has been turned off for lack of payment. Her then neighbor confirmed she was using his shower due to the lack of hot water at her place.

Romi sighed when she said she was broke and needed money. However, she’d attempted to make good by trying to sell the Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson engagement story to the tabloids. Romi had supposedly uncovered the story of Wentz’ proposal to Ashlee Simpson and the fact that Ashlee was pregnant before the public or most others knew. She apparently even knew that Wentz would propose to Ashlee. Romi claimed that Wentz’ assistant, Rebecca and Romi’s best friend had gone with Wentz to get the ring.

Romi had tried in vain to sell the story to the tabloids for $500. According to Romi, she had a deal or at least direct contact with US Weekly for her supply of inside anonymous information and US Weekly would give her $500. Unfortunately, Romi found out that Ashlee’s cousin sold the story and subsequently beat Romi to the chase, so Romi never got the money.

But Romi cashed in on many others’ inside information she was privy to as a Hollywood publicist. Romi has no qualms about continually (although anonymously) leaking gossip and starting rumors about celebrities she came in contact with through work and friends.

A close friend of Romi’s reports that Romi has “sold many stories about Audrina Patridge from The Hills.” Audrina was someone whom Romi was trying to pursue as a client. Romi knew Audrina for about a year, and still was unable to crack her for further access.

After meeting Audrina’s sister, Romi realized cozying up to her was her best move, and said, “the sister was a weaker target and would eventually provide deeper access to Audrina.” Romi even asked me once to drive her somewhere south of LA, promising access to an indie rock concert claiming we were going to “hang-out with Audrina’s sister and her Orange County MX racer friends.”

One day, Romi explained how excited she was to find out there was a guest house at Audrina’s new place and how she had to work quickly if she wanted to get her hands on it. Romi then claimed she regularly supplied Audrina with cocaine, saying, “not only do I carry the drugs for Audrina but I also frequently sell it to her for free stash.” Romi elaborated on the beach house and the 4th of July 2008 party being filmed for the The Hills and how she was forced to go back and forth between that house and the DKNY house to ferry drugs back and forth to the reality show star. As of December 2008, another source reports that according to Romi, she is now supplying Audrina with Hydrocodone and Oxycontin as well.

(Audrina and Romi, the publicist)

By the mid-2008, Romi had been unemployed for months when she formed an independent PR company with several girls she knew, some from within the entertainment industry and others from outside the industry. The only noteworthy piece of business to come from this partnership was the “Declare Yourself Red, White, & Blue Summer Oasis.” Romi said that part of wrangling sponsors to cough up money was due to the girls boasting the promised attendance of Sharon Stone, whom Romi had taken to dinner the night before (,2933,411303,00.html). Apparently, Ms. Stone was unimpressed with Romi, as Stone failed to show at the event the following day.

The end of this PR firm and her relationship with most of the partners followed in the days after the party and are best documented in this article “Error-Filled Press Release Arrives From The Future”:


In addition to these issues, there were accusations that Romi had stolen money from the partnership as well as mixed feelings about her ability to deliver what she said. After Romi was eventually was forced out, she has since worked odd jobs and freelance publicity with various high profile agencies, and still has managed to rub elbows with Hollywood elite.

Following the “Declare Yourself Party,” there are allegations that Romi stole a thousand dollars from the Serenity Health & Beauty Center. One of her close and personal friends referred her to Serenity , citing that Romi was a capable publicist. It is rumored that shortly after Romi inked the deal with Serenity, she skated with the money they had paid her and completely failed to deliver anything she had promised.

Other documented thefts reported include:

* Wallet and gift cards from a member of a band Romi was representing at Fusion.

* DVD’s stolen from a member of a band Romi represented at Fusion.

* $1000 in parking tickets racked up by Romi on a friend’s car without telling her or paying. To the owner’s shock, the car was later impounded and the friend in question had to pay all fines with no reimbursement

* Romi borrowed her neighbors Lexus IS and returned it without a rear bumper, offering no explanation and later was sued in Beverly Hills small claims court

* X-Box 360 lifted from Entertainment Fusion by Romi

* Romi’s appropriation of an IPOD Nano from the LRG party she work the carpet for. Later she asked her neighbor to sell it for her.


UPDATE 1/13/2009: HSK would like to offer it’s sincerest condolences to those negatively affected by this woman’s wrong-doing. HSK has no beef with any names mentioned in this article. This article simply serves as a positive warning to watch who you trust in Hollywood and anywhere else for that matter. HSK has one goal, which is to report the truth or comment on current events as we see fit.

1/13/2009 correction: According to our source, Romi made the claim that she is now supplying Audrina with Hydrocodone an Oxycontin.

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At January 18, 2009 5:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A close friend of Romi’s reports that Romi has “sold many stories about Audrina Patridge from The Hills.” Audrina was someone whom Romi was trying to pursue as a client. Romi knew Audrina for about a year, and still was unable to crack her for further access.

After meeting Audrina’s sister, Romi realized cozying up to her was her best move, and said, “the sister was a weaker target and would eventually provide deeper access to Audrina.” Romi even asked me once to drive her somewhere south of LA, promising access to an indie rock concert claiming we were going to “hang-out with Audrina’s sister and her Orange County MX racer friends.”

One day, Romi explained how excited she was to find out there was a guest house at Audrina’s new place and how she had to work quickly if she wanted to get her hands on it. Romi then claimed she regularly supplied Audrina with cocaine, saying, “not only do I carry the drugs for Audrina but I also frequently sell it to her for free stash.” Romi elaborated on the beach house and the 4th of July 2008 party being filmed for the The Hills and how she was forced to go back and forth between that house and the DKNY house to ferry drugs back and forth to the reality show star. As of December 2008, another source reports that according to Romi, she is now supplying Audrina with Hydrocodone and Oxycontin as well.

(Audrina and Romi, the publicist)

At January 18, 2009 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rumours rumours rumous

and why you didn't post the whole article
which can be found here:

basically the article contains a bunch of crap about everyone from britney spears to ashlee simpson. this Romi person (who for the record was never Audrina's publicist) is clearly looking to make a quick buck by selling salacious unfounded tales about Audrina & who ever else she can make a buck off of.

Pretty shameful if you ask me...

At January 19, 2009 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did post the whole article look up you bitch!Audrina do act like she's on something.So you can say what the hell you want.

At January 19, 2009 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

first of all i am many things but a bitch is not one of them. it's a shame you need to resort to name calling. and for the record you did not post the entire article. the entire article is included here:
cut and paste the link and you'll see for youself that what you posted was an excerpt of a very long article.

At January 19, 2009 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

bitch!go under a rock somewhere and get out of Audrina ass.

At January 19, 2009 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm a bitch for stating facts? YOU seriously need to get a life and while you're at it get yourself back to school. you're in dire need of an education.

At January 19, 2009 6:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tell your mom to get a life bitch!BITCH!

At January 19, 2009 6:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:41 Go fuck yourself.You is a freak just like Audrina.You sound like you is a fat bitch.Do you have any firend or do you sit home and eat all day.

At January 19, 2009 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^friends(sorry bitch!)if you want to get down to the education.fat ass!

At January 19, 2009 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow scandalous!!!!

At January 20, 2009 1:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

4 bitchy comments! wow, uneducated no manners and multiple personalities. your mom must be so proud.

At January 20, 2009 7:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont you wish we all had to sign in before leaving comments so we can know who the psychos are..

At January 20, 2009 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever. Not saying it’s not possible (um, have you seen Audrina’s drugged out looking expressions? Have you heard Lauren’s voice on this show?), but this person sounds like a freaking mess who wouldn’t mind lying for whatever peanuts she can get. I don’t think I could count what she says as evidence.

I don’t really like Audrina, but I guess I don’t really not like her either. I actually kind of forgot about her now that the Hills is off, and really most everyone else on that show (well, except Whitney because I do watch the City). Even Lauren’s hard to muster up any excitement about. I think their 15 minutes might actually finally be about up.

At January 20, 2009 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least she's making the effort and post articles. Lysandra doesn't do that anymore. So thanks 5:36. You should totally take over this site.

At January 21, 2009 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^Good point.

At January 21, 2009 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree someone else should take over this site but I don't think we need a webmaster who beliitles others by calling them bitches and throwing around the f word. Wy trade in one bad situation for another?


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