Monday, November 07, 2005 || Tonight's Episode
I was hoping that LC and Kristin would have a real conversation with each other, but oh well. Some may think that Kristin was being a bitch because she didn't speak to LC at the little party but I'm still on Team Kristin. I also added Kelly Clarkson's "Because of You" under "Songs of the Moment" (they played it during LC and Jason's conversation at the end of the episode).
What did you all think about tonight's episode???
posted by Lysandra @ 11:16 PM


At November 07, 2005 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im so happy Kristin left with Stephen did u c LC's face? hahahahaha

At November 07, 2005 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you post a few clips of the show like you did last week? I live in Canada and can't see the After Show on Overdrive because it's only available in the US...I'm dying up here!

At November 07, 2005 11:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha totally random, but isn't it funny that even in the "serious" cast photos taylor still smiles. that is all.

At November 07, 2005 11:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kristin is such a bitch!!!

At November 08, 2005 12:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taylor is so cute

At November 08, 2005 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE LC more than EVER!! the party she threw for all her friends was soo cute..I HATE Kristin's attitude..she acted like she was too good to even say hi.instead she looked stupid as hell sitting aside by her sidekik, Alex all alone at LC'S party.

At November 08, 2005 1:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think LC was a bitch for not saying hi to Kristin got there. They were at her house, she should have greeted them instead of making weird faces like the stuck up boyfriend stealer that she is. Team Kristin!

At November 08, 2005 1:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You say that it was L.C that was the bitch but she didn't have to invite Kristin at all. And, before Kristin ever got to L.C's house she said that she was going to "act like a bitch". Which just goes to show what an immature bitch that she is!! Why did she even go there? So that she could make rude comments the whole time that she was there?

At November 08, 2005 1:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, can anyone tell what happened in the ep..i missed it!!!! also anything happen with stephen n kristen?

At November 08, 2005 1:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe LC just invited her so she could act like a bitch. Maybe LC didn't invite her at all, I never saw her invite her. If she did invite her, why didn't she know about the formal wear?

At November 08, 2005 1:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

first off, when kristin said she was going to be a bitch she said it sarcastically. Theres a difference. Also the fact that LC never told kristin it was formal leads me to believe that she wanted her to be humiliated. Kristin even turned around to say bi at the end and saw that LC didnt care so she said fuck it

At November 08, 2005 2:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thoughyt it was good i just thought they would talk and ya i didnt think stephen would leave with kristin

At November 08, 2005 2:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has it ever occured to you that just the simple fact that Kristin was there shows that L.C invited her or had someone else tell her that she was invited...I'm sure that if L.C didn't want Kristin there that she wouldn't have said "tell her to get her butt up here" while Steven was on the phone with her.

At November 08, 2005 2:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only was Kristin being a bitch to L.C but she didn't want to speak to Taylor or anyone else there. I can't figure out why she even went there.

At November 08, 2005 2:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kristin is the type of girl that will kiss her "best friends" boyfriend without thinking twice about it!! Is it a coincidence that the few female friends that she has let her walk all over them??!! I don't think so!

At November 08, 2005 2:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is L.C a boyfriend stealer?? If you are refering to Kristin and Steven....they weren't dating when L.C and Steven hooked up. Also, Kristin even said that she only started to want Steven back once she found out about he and L.C were hooking up.

At November 08, 2005 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PLEEEEASE turn off whatever code causes all those mp3s to download every time a page on your blog is loaded, it's unbelievably annoying! Just make regular links to them so people can download them once when they want to. There's no reason to have dozens of copies of Come Clean on one's computer!! (Sorry to complain, other than that I really like the site)

At November 08, 2005 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kristen is a skank bitch with a donkey voice.

At November 08, 2005 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kristen is an immature b*tch. She should not have shown up at LC's house if she was going to act like that. Stephen is such a p*ssy...he makes me sick.

At November 08, 2005 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that if Kristen couldn't get over her feelings about LC enough to casually socialize, then she shouldn't have gone to the party.I adore Kristen so I was surprised that she couldn't even muster a "Hi everyone!" when she was coming down the stairs! Of course, if everyone had been standing up milling about Kristen might've not felt as excluded. How intimidating to enter a party where everyone is seated around a table with no more seats?
Also--"guest stealing" is incredibly rude! If you want to leave a small party pre-maturely--FINE!But for goodness sakes don't take people with you like you are gathering an opposing army!
Love the show, love Kristen AND LC, but the party was a low moment for everyone.

At November 08, 2005 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the party was all mtv manufactured drama. I'm sure they told Kristin to go and be rude- it was ridic. Not that I don’t love the show, but who plows into a intimate party (catered w/chinese food??? very un-LB) and doesn't even greeet the host?? And how about that goodbye between Jess and Jason- and that 'sorta hug'-yikes. I felt embarrassed sitting in my living room!

At November 08, 2005 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just want to see Jason and LC get back together... I really liked them!

At November 08, 2005 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LC should have told Kristin and Alex the same thing she told Jason when he came to her pool party "you walk in my house and don't say hi to me?!" I thought that was very rude of Kristin & Alex; they could've just said a general "Hi Everyone!"..that would've been sufficient.

Also, watched the fashion show episode for like the 10th time; Jessica leaned in to kiss Jason. After LC humiliated Jessica in front of everyone (as she should've because this was AFTER she witnessed her bouncing on Jason's lap), telling her "you're being a very rude girl right now, etc." Jessica had a look of revenge on her face and stormed off and told Jason "I was looking for you every where..I just want to be with you". That's when Jason grabbed her head and said something to the effect "I still care about you...don't worry about it"..but he DIDN't kiss her at this point. After he let go of her head & they were walking, Jessica leaned in and he leaned in to her as well, and they kissed....that's when LC saw them. However, AFTER that, in line BEFORE they walked on stage to model, Jason was hugging and kissing Jessica, like they were together! I love how LC told Jason last night when he called her "You could come by, but my dad doesn't want you in the house!" I also like when she told him "my family and friends were all at this fashion show and saw you kissing me...then heard about you and saw you acting inappropriately with Jessica...that is so humiliating to do that it front of my family and friends...and EVERYONE there was aware of what went on!" You go LC!

At November 08, 2005 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Kristin was very rude by not saying hello to LC.

I agree with the gal before me. But i do want LC and Jason to get back together but most of all I want someone to kick Jessica's butt!!

At November 08, 2005 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Kristin is a selfish, rude, immature, stuck up bitch. I wasn't surprised by the way she acted at the party, I've learned not to expect anything other than that kind of bad behavior from her. I was really disappointed in Stephen. It was horrible how he left with those two. I hope LC told him what a jerk he was. It's sad how he turns into a spineless, blubbering fool whenever Kristin is around.

I was kind of impressed with how Jessica told Jason he should call LC. She really still likes him, but she can tell that he genuinely cares for LC. I know she's done some messed up things in the past, but she was really decent last night.

At November 08, 2005 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what i don't understand? could Kristin sit in her car talking about how she's so over the whole fued with LC that happened a YEAR AGO, and then has the nerve to walk in to LC's house and disrespect her.I thought she just said she was over it??what the hell?Why does LC always have to be the bigger person and invite Kristin to her parties and try to be nice while Kristin sits on her ass and trash talks just 'bout every other girl in LB. She jumps out of her seat to diss and hate ppl when she has the biggest skanky attitude on the show. The girl has a blackbelt in bitchiness and needs to get over herself immedietly!

At November 08, 2005 2:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stepehen should not have left with Kristen. He was there for LC's party. He could of seen Kristen later. LC actually made the big step in inviting Kristen and trying to make a change in that situation. Kristen automatically went and sat away from everyone. She is a bitch. LC is so nice.

I don't understand why Jason needed Jessica's permission to call LC. Auggghhh! Jessica and Jason drive me crazy!

At November 08, 2005 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the begining of the season I liked Jessica. I felt she was just getting walked on by Jason. But now....forget it. She brings it on herself! My least favorite person on the show now. She has no class.

LC, still like her. She is my favorite. She is strong, knows what she wants and doesn't put up with crap. She's straight forward. I know we've all heard that LC and Jason are currently dating now, so we know she gives him another shot, but good for her for making him sweat! He deserves it!

So sad there is only one more episode :o(

At November 08, 2005 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please turn off the MP3s downloading. It drives me up the wall and automatically launches Itunes! I appreciate your love for the show, but a link to the song would work just fine!

At November 08, 2005 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it was SO sweet of LC to invite Kristin to her party and finally get over the drama. Yeah it was true that he didnt exactly welcome Kristin when she first walked in, but that's not reason for Kristin to isolate herself from everyone except Alex and Steven. I thought Kristin was over her immature high-school attitude.

At November 08, 2005 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think everyone forgets that not only is this an MTV-manufactured reality show but these are high-school kids. They don't have to like each other or even be nice. I love Kristen and want to remind everyone that you have no idea what MTV edited OUT to make that LAME party look how they wanted. Kristen may not have walked over to greet LC but LC was the host of the party and didn't get up or even turn around when Kristen and Alex came in. They were both rude. I don't think Kristen took Stephen away from the party, he probably just left with Kristen and Alex b/c the party was boring.

I want Jessica to move on from Jason but sometimes it takes time to get over someone even if you know you're not good for each other. I could care less if Jason and LC get back together b/c I don't like either of them. If LC is so strong then why did she spend all that time in the past playing second to Kristen and fighting for Stephen's affection. She was his replacement girlfriend whenever things weren't going well with Kristen. If she was so strong and knew what she wanted then she would have left them alone and moved on. I think LC's just happy to have some attention from a guy - even if he is hairy and can't put together a sentence.

At November 08, 2005 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

although im still on team kristin as well, i have to admit...kristin was invited to lauren's house. she shouldve thanked her at least for inviting her. the least she could have done. instead she was rather immature about the whole situation, isolated herself in a corner with alex and stephen. dumb girl. even worse than jessica at times i swear.

At November 08, 2005 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kristin aka. the most disrespectful snob even invented by mtv is soo annoying.
LC is a cutie pie.I love her and and Kristin got obsolutley nothing on her. she's GORGEOUS!! TEAM LC!

At November 08, 2005 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At November 08, 2005 6:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How long did Kristen actually stay. From the show it seemed like minutes. I thought it was rude of her not to say hello or thank you to LC.

At November 08, 2005 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^^i'm with u on that.she should've atleast said thank you for inviting her. I just watched the epi again and LC DID turn around smiled and said hello when Alex and her walked in. But I think Kristin's ego got to her because she didn't even try to look at LC & never mind saying a simple "hello". I don't think any1 one was expecting her to go running in to LC's arms but dang!!Typical Kristin...u'd think we would learn by now not to expect any showing of respect from her.

At November 08, 2005 8:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think either person was being a bitch intentionally. I think it was awkward for BOTH of them, and it's obvious that they both kind of want to lay it to rest. I would've felt really weird if I were Kristin, going to LC's house, even if I WAS invited. And same for LC ... I would've felt very awkward and weird. Maybe if they would've sat down at the same table as everyone else, one of them would've started a conversation with the other.

At November 08, 2005 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think kristin just got really nervous & scared she prbably didn't know how to act. LC was nice to invite her though but it seemed like she was just doing it because her friends suggested do you guys think she'd think she would have thought of it on her own?

i think it was very nice of jessica to care about jason' feelings for LC she really cares for him but why can't jason make up his mind?

At November 08, 2005 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At November 09, 2005 4:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we just put to rest the whole "Team Whoever" crap? Just like "bling" it's totally played out. Anyway.

Anon 1:50 you write a really good piece. Kristin is butthead to the max. What a witch. And what's with all the love she got at the party? I can't believe any of LC's friend would like her. Kudos to the person who called her a donkey voice. Very funny! Stephen is so whipped, it's pathetic. LC is too sweet for her own good sometimes . She needs to say what's on her mind more often. Lastly, Jason is a total sh** for brains. That's an apology?! He was sweeter to Jessica than he was to LC last night. And just look how the sucker gave up so easily? Weak, weak, weak.

At November 09, 2005 8:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you all insane??!!! LC is totally fake. Jason's a whore, Stephan is just plain retarded and he talks like a moron, seriously he shouldn't even be on this show. Jessica has become an annoying, pathetic wiener the only thing she has going for her are her fun bags. Kristin & Alex (the man)are the only one's that aren't afraid to speak their minds. And folks, let us please remind our selves that this is MTV... or better know as DRAMA TV. They create problems so shit will happen. And for those meatballs out there that want Jason to hook up with anyone, need to see Dr. Frankenstein for a brain transplant or better yet you should hook up with him & catch a nice case of VD.

At November 09, 2005 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

people..people,What's with all the mean comments ont board?
Let us ALL love one another and HATE Kristin 'cause she just gets on my last nerves!!
K? thanx.bye:)

At November 09, 2005 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They changed the song at the end of the episode in the reruns. No more kelly clarkson -- any guesses why they re-edited the ending for the reruns?

At November 09, 2005 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LC was a horrid hostess. She does not stand up and greet her guests, and sits there and does nothing. What was Kristin supposed to do? LC and her croonies were packed around her table and there was no place for them to sit. So they sat where they could. It was rude of all LC to not greet them. Kristin was hardly a bitch.

As for bitchy, we know they were invited, but why were they not told it was dressy? Seems like LC was bitchy here. As usual.

At November 09, 2005 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loves it!! That was a great episode. LC got a spine and stood up to Jason. Now if only she will do the same to Steven.

And Steve was totally sturring the pot with the LC/Kristin fued. He could have very easily told Kristin and Alex to come over and sit with every one instead he escorted the 2 of them to a lonely corner and then they all left. Steven is helping to created the drama. WHick is what he likes, the 2 of them fighting over him.

At November 09, 2005 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Kristin is great. She always says how she feels and never lets a guy rule her world....
Now you wanna talk assholes..lets talk about Jessica or Jason....

At November 10, 2005 8:35 AM, Blogger Diana said...

You know I didn't remember them playing Because of you during LC and Jason's conversation, but that is interesting because she was on a radio show the other day and she requested that song! I wonder if that means anything??

At November 10, 2005 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ALrighty- I have a question, what was the song playing at the end of the eposide when jason was driving away.. because it definately wasnt because of you..
Let me know. Thanks.

At November 10, 2005 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did Jessica get implants?? No way those things are real...I think her parents bought them for her after J.Wall dumped her ass so she wouldn't commit suicide.

At November 10, 2005 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

those things are too droopy to be fake.fake ones stay Pamela Anderson's.but i think her boobs r's the whole act "i'm soo over Jason" that's fake. "ow i'm so done with Jason that i need to get in the way of relationship he's in so no one else could have him..but yeh I'M soo over him,seriously!"

At November 10, 2005 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How Pathetic is Steven. Whenever Kristin shows any interest him he drops everything for her. I LOVE LC she is so nice. I am so sick of Kristin's diva behavior. If you come to someones house you say hi. End of story. Kistin expects the world to revolve around her and she will only hang out with people that she can walk all over. Why would you ever be frinds with her.

At November 10, 2005 7:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I truly feel that if you host a party, your job is to make your guests feel welcomed. LC just sat in her seat and stared straight ahead. I personally don't feel it was Kristin's cozy up to LC.

As nervous as Kristin was, and as little as LC spoke to her I think Kristin may have felt a little intimidated. I think I would have left the party too if the host of the party didn't welcome me in her home.

At November 11, 2005 1:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did they change the song on this episode? I watched it on Monday and during the the convo with Jason and LC they definitely played Kelly Clarkson's Because of You, but now when I watch the reruns it is a completely different song. Any info?

At November 12, 2005 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off let me say Jessica is on my last nerve. She needs to get a life and stop being so airheaded and stupid. Kristin, she's got it made, she knows how to give the boys a run for their money, and I love it. Jason, grow up, if you are going to be a player, at least be good at it, and how dumb of him to mess up something good with LC for dumb butt Jessica. Where was his head and what was he thinking? LC is awesome, she just needs to stay strong and find a real man, because neither Jason nor Stephen are anywhere close to that word, plus she is hot and those two guys don't even compare to her. Lastly for Stephen, ya he is so PATHETIC. When you throw yourself at someone and look like a looser, but yet you have an amazingly beautiful woman who wants you and you don't take her up on the offer- you have serious issues. I truely think he's was only playing those games to stay in the spotlight and try to look like a pimp. Without Kristin and LC he is a no-body!!

At November 14, 2005 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For all the parties that were thrown in LB, none of them acted like hosts/hostesses and did any greetings at the door. Kristin was just downright bitch.


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