by B-Side

We love conspiracy theories here at TVgasm, and it looks like we've stumbled onto quite the juicy one. Here's a picture of Wh-Wh-Wh-Whitney from The Hills hanging out with her college roommates. Nothing too scandalous about that, but just who is that girl behind the pixelation? Answer after the jump...

Why, it's none other than Laguna Beach cast member Christina!

According to message boards (and those are always so reliable), Christina and Whitney are college roommates, which means that Whitney's presence on The Hills may not be as random as previously expected. Furthermore, all those scenes of her peppering LC with questions about Laguna seem highly suspicious now (or more suspicious, I should say). So were there some behind-the-scenes shenanigans going on with the casting? Maybe. Maybe not. Some rumors suggest that Christina never even went to college, instead hoping to pursue a career in acting (suppressing laughter -- memories of a certain Rent audition come to mind). Additionally, these photos don't necessarily prove that Whitney and Christina are roommates, and they might not have been snapped prior to the taping of The Hills. Still, something smells fishy, and we promise to get to the bottom of it (assuming we don't get lazy and do something else).
Thanks to TVgasm reader Mandy for sending us the photos...
The show is totally scripted. I mean, how random is that?
yeah there is something wrong about this.........
i heard that whitney attends USC with Christina and thats how they know eachother..i donno if its true but thats what i heard.
I like the hills and try not to overthink it but there have been a lot of fishy deals - it does seem like a lot of things are set up
whitney and christina are roomates. The pictures originally came from christina's myspace. With the a the caption saying something about her and the roomates. Plus Kristen from E already said they were roomates awhile back.
I hate Christina. She is fuckin Gay..
Im not a fan of christina or whitney at all, but I love the Hills.
Yeah, its sketchy. it seems like all these people know each other from before. I Love LB and the Hills, I wouldn't be suprised if the LB3 cast got big like some of the past cast members, but really Kristin, Lauren and stephen made that show. I just hope I like Lb3, but the people seem so fake already.
ah yes. i agree. i think season 3 of LB is going to be a lot more fake than the first 2 seasons. even season 2 got a little rediculious. season 1 was by far my favorite. but i love the hills also. i've always been a fan of LC. but she needs to let go of jason. he's a jerk.
yeah, in response to 5:23, i do remember hearing about this before...glad to see that someone is trying to get to the bottom of this. i am totally curious if MTV found whitney and picked her for the show. personally, i like whitney the most out of all the girls....she seems responsible and mature (without being too serious of course).
heidi rocks. i like her she is the best on the show. she is way more pretty then kristin. hands down!!!! i luv her did i mention that before. i would rather see her in ads and all over the place then kristin.
Who cares!! Still love the Hills maybe they met after the show.
I Like Heidi, but she is not as pretty as kristin, nor will she ever be as big of a celeb
Bullshit. Heidi is sooo much prettier then kristin. She will be a huger celeb then fuckin white trash kristin.
I agree Kristin is 10000x prettier than Heidi. Kristin is absolutely gorgeous and Heidi is just cute. She has a huge nose and Big teeth and more gum than teeth.
Heidi may be in the spotlight after the Hills, but no way will she be up there like kristin!
Kristin has floppy boobs and she is fat. Her nose is ugly her face looks like crater heaven. Kristin is the Ugly bitch. Heidi is gorgeous.
^ Kristin has a gorgeous face with perfect features. Heidi is cute, but she's the one with the ugly nose! she def can't compare to kristin!!
Heidi is ok, but her teeth are huge and weird looking and when she smiles you can see her gums. Her nose is ugly. kristin is def. prettier.
why you guys always want to campare Kristin with every one? it's not even Kristin's post. we know Kristin is gorgeous.
Okay, chill this isn't about Heidi or Kristen. They're both pretty, whatever.
I believe that Christina & Whitney were friends.
It's a pretty small world after all.
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
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