Thursday, March 20, 2008 || Lauren's myspace bulletin
Hey​ Eve​ryo​ne.​...​...​.

I jus​​t wan​​ted​​ to tak​​e a mom​​ent​​ to cle​​ar som​​eth​​ing​​ up.​​ I rec​​ent​​ly did​​ an int​​erv​​iew​​ to tal​​k abo​​ut the​​ sho​​w com​​ing​​ bac​​k on and​​ wha​​t eve​​ryo​​ne had​​ to loo​​k for​​war​​d to.​​ Unf​​ort​​una​​tel​​y it was​​ tur​​ned​​ int​​o yet​​ ano​​the​​r "po​​or me"​​ sto​​ry.​​ The​​ art​​icl​​e its​​elf​​ is a nic​​e one​​ but​​ it fol​​low​​s hea​​dli​​nes​​ tha​​t, in no way​​, rep​​res​​ent​​ my wor​​ds or fee​​lin​​gs.​​ I do not​​ fee​​l bet​​ray​​ed by Aud​​rin​​a or Bro​​dy.​​ I lov​​e the​​m bot​​h and​​ sai​​d not​​hin​​g to con​​tra​​dic​​t thi​​s. I und​​ers​​tan​​d tha​​t hea​​dli​​nes​​ sel​​l mag​​azi​​nes​​, but​​ I val​​ue my fri​​end​​shi​​ps abo​​ve mag​​azi​​ne sal​​es any​​ day​​.

On a mor​e pos​iti​ve not​e, I got​ to see​ som​e of the​ fir​st epi​sod​e yes​ter​day​ and​ it loo​ks ama​zin​g. I’m​ soo​ooo​oo exc​ite​d for​ eve​ryo​ne to see​ Par​is.​ Bes​t wis​hes​ and​ I hop​e eve​ryo​ne tun​es in Mon​day​.
posted by Lysandra @ 6:48 PM


At March 20, 2008 7:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Figured as much! I think it's cool that she wanted to clarify this and especially like the fact that she said she cares more about her friendships than the magazine sales.

At March 20, 2008 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

didn't buy it to begin with. US magazine were really grabbign at straws with some of their "qoutes"

At March 20, 2008 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew it was bs. If you read her quotes in US, there was nothing about betrayal or bad feelings.
Made up story to sell magazines.

At March 20, 2008 9:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are pathetic to believe this. Lauren is always going to be "poor lauren". Deal with it.

At March 20, 2008 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^ You are dumb, lmao. Glad she clarified things up. Us Mag wanted to do a similar headline last year titled "My Revenge For Heidi and Spencer" she didn't approve that so she didn't do the interview. They also wanted to put her and Heidi on the Magazine and she refused, so I guess she approved a different headline but was tricked this time.

At March 21, 2008 12:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

didn't by the magazine headline one bit. if that was the case they wouldn't have been at her runway show.

At March 21, 2008 8:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren's just doing damage control right now.

At March 21, 2008 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^yeah sure. you know everything.

At March 21, 2008 9:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that the whole “Betrayed by Brody and Audrina” headline was pretty unfair and I know that I would be totally mortified by the cover. However I still think she’s a bit of a drama queen when it comes to her friends and some of those quotes support that.

I think the quote that gets me the most is this one: "Audrina has to remind me that she's not someone who's going to betray me." Why put that kind of condition on a friendship? Because she buried the hatchet with Heidi? I don’t think I could be friends with someone who demands that I prove myself to them when I didn't raelly do anything wrong.

Lauren seems very high maintenance when it comes to friendships and I get the feeling that a lot of people just get fed up with it. I ultimately think that’s what happened with Heidi and you can see shades of it with Audrina and Whitney. Of course Heidi then proceeded to go off the deep end and won’t let it go, so I ultimately have to side with Lauren on that one.

I think the only one who can really put up with it is Lo, but I also think Lauren treats Lo differently (I do like the Lauren/Lo friendship). Well, I think Jen can put up with it, too, but I think it’s because she’s so desperate that she’s willing to grovel and beg for her friendship.

At March 21, 2008 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^you said it perfectly.

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At March 21, 2010 10:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At March 24, 2010 11:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A New York escort girl is not just physically very much charming and sexy; she is also the proud owner of some of the finest qualities like hospitality, innocence and submissive.
Also, Escort girls New York are now available for incall and outcall services for almost all the New York locations.
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The services provided by Bijou escorts are top notch. New York escort service are also offered to various clients.Bijou available are top class escorts, and you will soon forget about normal things in life and enter the world of love and fantasy. You must remember that using personal escort service is not like using normal intimate service and these are not just simple girls that you are dealing with. These are highly trained and qualified escort personnel's that are there to rejuvenate you dull and boring life. You will be surprised to find out that some of these girls are very well educated.
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Escort fun can be real fun for you if you believe in going wild. And when you go wild in New York, there is no one to stop you from doing it. Being one of the leading escort services providers and the safest place on earth to be, New York boasts of featuring some of the most popular escort girls. These girls are very carefully chosen from different global locations and they are trained and groomed in such a manner that they can effortlessly satisfy all types of clients- from submissive to highly demanding. By going for a safe and refreshing New York escorts session, you can again feel being on top of the world! Coming out of the worldly tensions and monotony is just possible with the gracious presence of the New York escort services girls. To enjoy the mesmerizing intimacy with these New York ladies, all you need to do is to browse over the net and find out suitable sites offering New York escort service. You can make a call or book online for New York escorts and the most consistent, top-notch and enjoyable services will be offered to you. Men will always be men and they would never compromise on the fun quotient if they have the will and the cash. If you are a man and for you fun has the highest value among all, then you can never miss out on the opportunity of spending some quality time with any of the Elite escorts New York girls. These girls are very beautiful and their services are conceived exclusively to meet your individual preferences. Based on your budget, you can now select an escort girl in any place surrounding New York.

At March 25, 2010 2:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's because of the huge variety and affordability of girls, the escort girls New York agencies have been able to enjoy the biggest portion of the popularity pie for consecutive years now.
New York girls escort agencies pick their girls very carefully from all the hottest destinations in the world. That's the reason, they have got something special to offer to each and every client.
Also, you can have information about their sexual orientation as well as physical attributes. As far as physical attributes are concerned you can have information on hair color, vital stats, body color and so on.

Now, traveling for business reasons is quite different from traveling for having a good time. Business travelers have to attend meetings and do all the regular office stuff without being in an actual office. On the other hand a leisure traveler can spend the whole day sitting on a beach or in his hotel's balcony. But one thing is common in both of them and that is both require a good company.

At March 25, 2010 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

New York escorts have changed the entire face of the US escort industry.
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All categories house profiles of escort girls with their real life images. Also, you can have information about their sexual orientation as well as physical attributes. As far as physical attributes are concerned you can have information on hair color, vital stats, body color and so on.
Always keep some things in mind while using escort services. Make sure that the service provider is perfectly legal. Some illegal operators also run their services under the disguise of escort service provider; it can land you in serious trouble, especially if you are in a foreign country. On the more personal front, try not to get psychologically attached to a girl or a woman after having an intimate conversation or physical pleasures. It can have some very serious implications on your personal life and the professional and personal life of the escort.
You can use New York Escort service and enjoy high quality services provided by them. New York escorts are known for their beauty and intelligence. Girls of all ages are available, from 18 to 30 plus years. If you like blondes than you will get a blonde girl or a woman.

At March 26, 2010 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What makes the girls even more popular is their utmost client hospitality.
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In the last few years itself, we have seen a terrific growth of these escort agencies with more and more wild girls coming to serve you with whatever you want.
When people think of personal escort service, the image that comes to the mind is of a very beautiful and exciting lady that is fully capable of realizing all our fantasies. This picture is only partially correct. Escorts are not only ladies with an attractive body but also with a beautiful mind. To achieve highest level of relaxation, both the body and the mind need to be entertained.
If you like brunette than you will get a brunette girl or a woman. Similarly all body types are available, from busty to a little skinny. Girls will not behave like a typical call girl, simply because they are not call girls. Girls and women employed by escort services are well educated and trained because they have to cater to a very rich clientele, which demands nothing but the best. Experience will be like date but with lots of pleasure involved. Booking a girl is quite easy. Escort will always reach in time. New York escorts and call girls can fulfill all your inner desires and fantasies.

At March 27, 2010 5:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All New York escort agencies now operate online for girls' bookings as well as payments. Isn't it just too great for you?
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Finding a New York escort girl is a completely easy task. All you need to make an online search about the type of girl you want. Also, you can make a generic search engine research for New York escort girls and come up with the links of the escort service providers in the region. Then by browsing each and every website, you can find the various categories of girls listed.
The best thing about using escort service is that you can hire them for a day or for a month. It depends totally on your plan and budget. Escort services are available in all the major international cities around the world. New York is the second largest city in USA - a bustling metropolis, a true global city in every sense of the word. It is a city full of life and pleasure. Due to its rich culture and booming business people from around the world travel to New York. If you are one of them and want to explore and enjoy all the things that this city has to offer in the company of a beautiful and intelligent women then New York escort are always available at your service.
If you like brunette than you will get a brunette girl or a woman. Similarly all body types are available, from busty to a little skinny. Girls will not behave like a typical call girl, simply because they are not call girls. Girls and women employed by escort services are well educated and trained because they have to cater to a very rich clientele, which demands nothing but the best. Experience will be like date but with lots of pleasure involved. Booking a girl is quite easy. Escort will always reach in time. New York escorts and call girls can fulfill all your inner desires and fantasies.

At March 27, 2010 2:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The advent of the web has played a very influential role in making the escort business so popular among the fun lovers. The same is the case with the New York escort scene.
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All categories house profiles of escort girls with their real life images. Also, you can have information about their sexual orientation as well as physical attributes. As far as physical attributes are concerned you can have information on hair color, vital stats, body color and so on.
These girls are highly trained in all the relaxation techniques. You can share your feelings and emotions with the escorts without worrying about your secrets getting leaked. All the girls working as escorts are professionals and thorough background check is done before inducting them in the service. After all it is a question of professional integrity. A bad publicity can ruin the career of the independent escort or the escort service provider.
You can use New York Escort service and enjoy high quality services provided by them. New York escorts are known for their beauty and intelligence. Girls of all ages are available, from 18 to 30 plus years. If you like blondes than you will get a blonde girl or a woman.

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At April 10, 2010 1:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That first season Preston North End became the original “invincibles”, winning the competition without losing a game. In addition to the league title they also added the FA Cup to their trophy cabinet that season as well, becoming the first side to record “the double” (It would be 73 years, during the 1960-61 season, before this feat would be repeated; by Bill Nicholson’s Tottenham Hotspur).

In 1970-71 Arsenal became the third “double” winning side although subsequently the 70s and 80s were to be dominated by Liverpool, who in the 15 seasons up to 1989-90, carried the trophy back to their Anfield home on ten occasions with teams guided by Bill Shankly, Bob Paisley, Joe Fagan and Kenny Dalglish. Dalglish’s first success, Liverpool’s own “double” winning season of 1985-86, being as player-manager. Although it should also be remembered that during this period Brian Clough, first with Derby County and then later with Nottingham Forest, became only the 2nd manager to win the league with two different clubs. [url=]Bet on football[/url] The first international football competitions in Europe were hosted by Austro-Hungarian Empire in the late 1890’s. This early competition, called the Challenge Cup, was designed to give clubs who would, in normal league competitions, never play one another an opportunity to compete on a level playing field. After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire the competition was reorganized as the Mitropa Cup. This was during the early days of professional European football clubs, and the pan-European Mitropa Cup was meant to provide a forum which would give these newly founded clubs much needed exposure and financial support.

The Cup underwent a series of other changes in the years following England’s readmission in 1991, as the competition was combined with the UEFA Winners Cup and other qualification rules were changed. The establishment of the EU also drastically affected the teams qualifying for the cup, as this restructuring changed the rules regarding player’s foreign/European status.

Currently, monies generated from television deals were paid to and distributed by the Football League, so clubs who weren’t regularly appearing on television were benefiting from the clubs who were.

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In the United States, races can occur on flat surfaces of either dirt or grass, generally for thoroughbred racing. Other tracks offer quarter horse racing]] and harness racing. The best events in US horse racing have been Kentucky Derby, which, together with the Preakness Stakes and the Belmont Stakes, form the Triple Crown for three-year-olds. However, in recent years the Breeders' Cup races, held at the end of the year, have been challenging the Triple Crown events, held early in.

Some of horse racing's most legendary names failed to capture this event. Man o' War managed only 2 out of the 3 legs (did not start in the Kentucky Derby); Seabiscuit, after losing 17 straight races as a two year old wasn't even considered (although he did later beat 1937's Triple Crown winner, War Admiral in a match race); Cigar never competed, starting his great winning streak late in his fourth year.

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As the field takes shape for the 131st running of the Preakness Stakes this Saturday, the question on everyone's minds is do we finally have a horse that can win the Triple Crown?

At June 07, 2010 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are a novice gambler you probably haven’t heard the term but professional bettors who earn their livelihood from sports betting use the method all the time taking advantage of the variance in odds from the opinions of the diverse number of bookmakers. Even though it sounds as if it is a no risk situation that may not always be the case and there some issues that can cause you to lose.

Still, there are tons of bettors looking through rose colored glasses for the holy grail of betting systems that will let them make money without risking any. Well, there is a way to do that and it is called work! Gambling is called gambling for a reason, it’s risky. Let’s take a look at some sports betting systems.
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The second group fares a lot worse because, unfortunately for them, the variance in the "value" range will be different for each of them, and it will also vary considerably from bet to bet, making the concept of value mere words (and therefore meaningless). he reality is that the majority of people do not have any means whatsoever of identifying "true" value bets.

At June 16, 2010 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Real Madrid’s hopes and dreams were smashed by Lyon on Wednesday, where the Spanish giants had a tied game but were beaten in the aggregate score, 2-1. No more final in the Bernabeu Stadium. No more Champions League. Real Madrid players were devastated by the result. [url=]real madrid official site[/url] Close to the end of the first half, Real Madrid seemed to lack ideas and, though they tried to score, the Whites were unable to disturb the local team.
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The game marked Real Madrid’s seventh victory in nine games and established the team as the best at home games, giving it 11 victories. [url=]kaka[/url] Real Madrid’s second goal came as a penalty after Marcelo Vieira Da Silva’s cross hit the Villareal full-back Angel Lopez in the arm. Kaka took over the penalty and converted, giving Real Madrid its final point for the game. Cristiano Ronaldo had other opportunities, but he failed to settle, and Real Madrid took the game 2-0.

At June 18, 2010 3:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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The easiest way to avoid falling victim to a scam is to know the site on which you choose to play. One of the ways this can be accomplished is to talk to other people who play online Bingo to get a feel for the sites they use and what kind of experiences they have had with the site. In most cases, word of mouth is going to be your most accurate means of determining the legitimacy of a Bingo or any other gaming site. Of course, if you are using a free site, knowing about the experiences that others have had with the site is not quite as important, although you do not want to waste your time with something that is unlikely to produce any beneficial results. Of course, a free site is not going to give you much in the way of monetary compensation, and the prizes may be minimal, but for those who are addicted to the game, the challenge is there.
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At June 21, 2010 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Overall, the majority of people feel that the United States is missing the boat on this matter. Instead of simply regulating the industry like the rest of the countries in the world, they are trying to get rid of it altogether. This may have some benefits, but for the most part there is a chance that it could end up back firing. It will be interesting to see what the Senate decides to do in the upcoming months.
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