Sunday, March 23, 2008 || MTV Reality World Interview with Lo
Lauren “Lo” Bosworth is definitely a fan favorite on The Hills. And luckily for fans, Lo will be more of a regular fixture on The Hills in the upcoming extended third season. She chatted with us about living with Lauren and Audrina, girl drama with Stephanie Pratt, coining the now infamous nickname “Justin Bobby,” just how “real” this reality show is, and rumors of an on-camera lip-lock with Brody Jenner’s sidekick, Frankie Delgado.

Check it out:

I think the fans would all agree that it was really great getting to see more of you on The Hills this past season. Can you catch us up with what you’ve been doing while the show has taken a break?

Oh, thank you! A lot has happened actually. Obviously, Lauren and I made the decision to move in together. So you guys are going to see some of that in the first few episodes of season 3. There’s been a little drama with some girls - some girl drama… Not girl fights - I wouldn’t go as far as to say girl fights, but there’s definitely some drama. Spencer’s sister, Stephanie Pratt, is back on the show. She’s been coming into our lives in an interesting and slightly… I’m looking for the right words… Well, we’ll just say in an interesting way.

So how’s it going with you guys all living together?

Oh, it’s going great. We’re having so much fun. We got a new puppy named chloe. lauren just left to take her to to the vet… She’s such a sweet and adorable little girl. Living together is great. We don’t have much furniture yet. Which makes all three of us - Lauren, Audrina and I - hanging out at one time difficult because we don’t have a common room where we can all sit down and watch TV and hang out on the couch, but that’s coming soon! I think that will make it even more fun.

You’ve all been in front of the camera for several years now, so I think you’re probably pretty used to it, but does it ever get weird to see your life shown on TV?

You know, it’s funny because I don’t watch the show as frequently as other people because I do think it’s a bit weird to see myself on TV. I always know what’s going on and everything, but there’s a slight x-factor that is weird, you know, about seeing yourself on TV and especially because you know what really goes on in your own life and, yes, the show is reality, but it’s part of a reality. You never are completely sure about what’s going to be on the episodes. Sometimes you see yourself and you’re like, “Did I really just say that? Oh my goodness! I take it back!”

Being on the show comes a certain bit of celebrity. I report on all MTV shows and it’s pretty clear that you guys have seen the most fame out of any cast that I can remember.

Yeah, it’s so interesting- the whole Laguna Beach thing and how that transitioned into The Hills and I think it’s so popular because, first off Laguna Beach was such a one of a kind show. I truly think Laguna started this whole reality TV show when it’s telling a story. You know, it’s not like The Real World. It’s more of a scripted show, but reality, which was a completely new genre at the time. I mean, no one had ever done anything like that before. With it being such an original thing, I think it’s given The Hills longevity too because people can relate The Hills to Laguna because of the characters. What you’re seeing really is real life. They’re real life experiences that twenty-one year olds go through and everyone’s twenty-one at some time. It’s very easily relatable.

What’s it like with paparazzi outside your front door and running into fans and all of that?

Oh my goodness, they’re outside right now and it’s ridiculous. It’s weird because I lived in Westwood [where UCLA is located] before this because I used to live at school and it’s so much more of a normal life than living in Hollywood. Normal in the sense that I didn’t have paparazzi outside. Sometimes people come up to our gate and drive by and yell our names. I feel like it’s very weird… It is very weird… The paparazzi is less of an issue almost because we do film a reality show and we’re used to cameras being there for real life stuff, but it’s more, like, fans that make us a little bit nervous.

I bet you’re glad that you have gates.

We do have gates, yes. And we’re training our puppy to be an attack dog.

So you’re going to school still.

Yes and I’m graduating in June, so I’m very excited.

And what have you been studying?

Art History. It’s been a good four year run at school. I’ve really enjoyed myself. You’re going to see a lot more of me on the show because I am graduating or will have graduated and I’m devoting myself to this a lot more and it’s work now. Before I was a full-time student and I was devoting myself to that.

Going back to the filming of the show, are there any behind-the-scenes things that we would be really surprised to know about the process or what it’s like on a daily basis?

You know, it’s funny because people who are on scripted shows or movies talk about the camaraderie between the crew and he cast and that holds so true for the cast of The Hills. We are such buddies with the crew and it’s not like work when they come over. It’s like, “Hey Ben, what’s up? Hey Sophia, how are you?” They play with the dog and stuff. It’s a real sense of family with everyone who works on the show. It’s a really nice experience. I’ve heard that on The Real World and those kinds of shows the camera people don’t talk to the guys living in the house and it’s very separate between the crew and the cast and it’s very different with our show.

Do you guys get to set ground rules before the show starts filming- what you’re ok with having filmed and when you want to do it and that kind of stuff?

Sure, I mean one of the reasons The Hills works so well is because it is scheduled and not a 24/7 kind of thing which produces better work from everybody because, you know, we’re not working all the time. When we do work, we’re excited to do it. We get in and get out and that’s our filming day. MTV comes up with the schedule and, I mean, it’s our job so we show up. As far as content, it’s more reality in that way because if I don’t want to talk about something, I’m not going to talk about it and nobody’s going to make me.

Tell us what you really think about the now infamous Justin Bobby, as you did kind of coin the name.

You’re right. After that, Justin was a little bothered that I called him Justin Bobby on national TV. Not to his face, but in the press and people watch the show consider him to be Justin Bobby instead of Justin. He was going in between the name Justin and the name Bobby, I guess, at the time and we just thought it would be funny to call him Justin Bobby. The thing is that we are such a fun group of people We joke around a lot and stuff and I don’t think he expected that coming into a new situation with a new group of people that it would happen right away, but with our friends it totally does. If you can’t survive the humor, you’re not going to survive at all. So I think he was a little surprised by that. Our relationship for awhile wasn’t all that great, but we’re totally friendly now.

(Unfortunately, due to Lo’s tight interview schedule, I had to wrap it up much quicker than I would have liked to)

One last question - rumor has it that you and Frankie have a nice little lip lock in the new episodes. Can you confirm that?

Frankie and I have always been friends and yeah, we’ve made out a few times, but there will be less of Frankie and I making out on this new season. (Laughs) There won’t be any, actually.

posted by Lysandra @ 7:43 PM


At March 23, 2008 10:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE Lo! I'm so glad she'll be on the show. She's the best of all the Hills girls, IMO.

At March 24, 2008 7:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

love her too!

At March 24, 2008 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lo is awesome.

At March 24, 2008 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find this to be funny. Look how subtle Lo is saying what Brody and Heidi had said before that this show is scrited. While some of us want to get mad at each other becasue we are defending this and that they are getting rich making money from what they called work. Is ok to watch it but let's not forget that no matter what MTV wants us to think this show is not reality tv.

At March 24, 2008 2:02 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Scripted or not this show is entertaining to watch imo. Technically speaking I understand the reason for debate because they are not filmed 24/7 and they may get told where to meet or what to discuss but they are usually talking about things that are really going on in their lives. And they dont have a hard script infront of them that they have to memorize and perform infront of the cameras like a soap.

A topic is thrown at them and the reactions are caught on camera. No matter what it makes for good tv obviously.

At March 24, 2008 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

from what I see, the show is not scripted, but the settings, conversations, and plots are forced to a strong degree.

Due to the ambiguous interpretation of the concept "scripted", people on the show can truthfully say, "yes, it's scripted" while simultaneously saying, "no, it's not scripted."

So, to all you people that keep saying, "no, it's ALL real. Lauren said in an interview that it's NOT scripted", don't be fooled. Yeah, it's not scripted in the fact that Lauren's words are her very own, she isn't memorizing a written text. But no, it's not all real in the fact that she earned an intership at Teen Vogue and got to travel to Paris all on her own merit and fashion talent.


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