By Jacki Garfinkel
Heidi Montag is actually smart, but MTV might not want you to know that.

When you Google Heidi Montag from MTV's hit show The Hills, you don't exactly get fansites. Instead, most of the search results are sites insulting the MTV reality star.
Yet these people have not spoken with Heidi herself, and are purely basing their opinions on how she is edited on a TV show. I cannot deny that I had my own perceptions of Heidi due to watching her on The Hills, but after speaking with her my opinions were turned upside down. She is smart, honest, and absolutely adorable.
As it happens on every reality show, the cast is always edited into characters, and so events and a person's qualities are inevitably left out. Heidi realizes she was portrayed to be the ditzy party girl, and said she appreciates the way she came off. She'd rather have MTV show her having fun than being boring, because she said, "I am fun. I do have a good time." But, Heidi added, "I have a good heart. I'm not all jokes. I'm a pretty serious person sometimes. I'm very very hardworking. I'm very academic."
Heidi understands that The Hills is a TV show and that editing is a big part of that. Yet that doesn't mean that what airs doesn't affect her. Anyone that watches The Hills probably thinks that Heidi and Lauren have a fake friendship. "Like any relationship, we definitely have our ups and downs. We get along very well though. I love Lauren. We're closer now than we ever have been. I think we were both a little hurt by [the editing of our friendship], because it's not how it really is."
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Yea I thought she seemed a little ditzy as well. But I guess that is what they signed up for. Just like Kristin said she isn't really a B*tch, but that is how she looked. But that is what they need for the show, they have to get a ditzy girl one way or another.
I Like Heidi, better than Lauren. she's prettier, nicer, more stylish, and more fun, or so it seems.
i like both and both are pretty,nice,stylish and fun.
well i like them both too. i couldnt beleive the things she said about pre-school and dats how ur gonna be....watever she can be a lil dumb sometimes but shes a good friend to lauren
i dont think heidi is prettier than lauren or more stylish but she seems like a good friend
I like heidi but I am so sick of these damn reality people whining and bitching and moaning that they are totally different and they are just edited - don't do the damn show then - it such a load of bs to always blame the editing - heidi has good points and bad points and one her bad points is she probably is not the brighest bulb and that's ok
Heidi makes the HILLS interesting. She brings the drama, just like kristin did. No one can replace kristin on any of these reality shows.( laguna beach, or the hills)
Hmmmm this season of The Hills was not that interesting. I wonder what could the second season possibly be about... Heidi is OK. I like Whitney...I think that she is the most pretty and mature. She's focused and portrays the image that I think Lauren is trying to convey.
editing can only do so much... it can't make you say things you didn't say. and heidi said some things that were pretty damn stupid.
I stand by my opinion that she's an idiot.
I don't think they can change their personalities y editing. kristin was a btch , heidi is a little ditzy but she is sweet
I mean kristin said on a tonight show that she won't pose naked because of her dad. and the host asked her if she would pose naked when his dad is dead. well it was a joke but kristin said yes probably. a month later or something she posed naked for a magazine. I think kristin is a bitch I dont like her but its my opinion dont get mad
^ Ok, then don't get mad when people call Lauren a bitch, cuz she is and a lot of people don't like her. kristin made lB and that's why she's on top now.
^ Ok, then don't get mad when people call Lauren a bitch, cuz she is and a lot of people don't like her. kristin made lB and that's why she's on top now.
^ Ok, then don't get mad when people call Lauren a bitch, cuz she is and a lot of people don't like her. kristin made lB and that's why she's on top now.
her dad could care less about kristen. no one in her family loves dat girl. dats y kristen is a slut and gets attention she craves from guys. and dats y kristen slept with half the town
I would say kristen has been with an average number of guys it is not like lc is the virgin mary and based on everything I saw kristen and her dad and her brother are all close knit
are u serious average number??? for high schoo??? i dont see my net door neighboor hooking up with that many guys
Lauren hooked up with just as many guys as get over it... if kristin's a slut, lauren's an even bigger slut. she slept with talan and stephen whenever they were on a break from kristin. that's lame.
to 5:53, well she would have to do the show first in order to know how she would be portrayed on tv.
kristin really is a bitch and she knows it herself. she even openly admitted to cheating and lying on her boyfriends. i mean cmon
August 05, 2006 4:08 AM
you need to get over the fact that not a lot of people are big fans of kristin. how do you know lc slept with talan? unlike kristin whos openly admitted to her infidelity we can say for fact that shes a slut! get over it, she just is. she looks and acts just like one. and then brags about cheating. what a loser. shes got major self esteem issues.
heidi shouldnt have gone the kristin way and said it was all editing. its so pathetic. own up to your words and actions. hello we heard from their own mouths, things they said were not scripted. and if so and they made kristin say those things then, all those who procliam she is the realest would be in for a big disappointment because she really wasnt all that you thought.
If you watched season 1 you would see the episode where talan is talking to kristin about hooking up with her and Lauren whenever they were not with stephen. duh! Also There was a conversation with Lauren and talan about them hooking up.
7:48, then why don't you understand that Kristin does have a fan base, big or not. And not everyone is gonna like Lauren. I think if Kristin is a slut then so is LC. Because she is shacking up this summer. People on these boards need to realize that not everyone is gonna agree. Some people like LC some hate her, and the same for Kristin. So everyone needs to learn that and stop bashing each other for difference of opinions!
talan could have said that ...but actions are louder than words. and the only slut that slept around with talan season two was kristen!! i never saw lauren hooking up with talan. and guys lie about those things...we will never know!
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