The world awaits: Will she split with Jason?
By Diego Vasquez
Aug 2, 2006

Yesterday MTV celebrated its 25th birthday. Lauren Conrad, the star of MTV’s current big hit “The Hills,” wasn’t even born 25 years ago, but she’s quickly become the queen of the current MTV generation.
Her parents are loaded, she parlayed a starring role on the reali-soap “Laguna Beach” to an internship at Teen Vogue, and of course she has major boy problems. She’s also attending her first year of college in Los Angeles and getting majorly distracted by all the opportunities to party nearby.
In the season finale of “The Hills” tonight at 10, the weeks of fighting between Lauren and beau Jason may end in a breakup. Anything's possible. Last week the two talked about moving in together over the summer, but after Lauren’s roommate Heidi broke up with her boyfriend, leaving her free for the summer, that looks less and less likely.
This week, MTV said it has ordered a second season of “The Hills,” which was spun off of “Laguna” earlier this summer. Season one has been a top 10 staple among teens and adults 18-24 on the combined cable and broadcast charts, and Lauren is even more popular than MTV’s last blonde icon, Jessica Simpson, because she’s more real and much smarter.
“Well, I know what show I will be watching this summer," writes one poster on the forums. "I saw The Hills and I loved it. It is like crack, much like Laguna Beach. A guilty addiction that you don't want to admit to having. I adore Lauren.”
Media Life Magazine
zzzzzzzz...LC makes me fall asleep bored!
I luv LC!! She has goals in life and isn't caught up in trying to become famous. She's a person who is down to earth and doesn't try to be someone she's not.
I totally agree with the end of this article!
The first comment cracks me up... he/she is saying LC makes them fall asleep yet they take the energy to make a post about her... too much time on his/her hands I guess!?
Gotta Love Lauren... she's beautiful, has a lot going for her, has money, and has a GREAT wardrobe... whats not to like. I soo would love to have her wardrobe!!
What's with the funky symbols everywhere there should be an " 's "????????
Betcha Kristin is hating that LC's show got picked up for another season and she is becoming popular...and not by being a paparazzi whore.
Lauren is a total desperate bitchy old depressed hag. Heidi makes the show interesting. kristin is making movies and so much else. she's never been jealous of lauren, im sure. The Hills has so went to Lauren's big head!
i'm glad the hills is coming back. its my guilty pleasure. =)
I love lauren and she does not have a big head she is proud of her show but she doesnt brag about it i deff love lauren more than kristen and i liked the end of that article to
The article is right the hills is like an addiction i cant get enough of it and i never miss one episode
LOL for a kristin fan to call lauren "bitchy" but not Kristin bitchy has obviously LOST their mind... where oh where did your mind go?
this show is so popular !!! this is like a stamp mark for our generation. lauren is so beautiful. she is so fashion forward!! thia was last year and now every1 wants to wear wut she's wearing.
Listen up you disclipes of lc - never talk again about what a hard worker career driven girl lc is - she is not and she proved it tonight - paris is the fashion capital - lazy ass lc stayed with drug addicted crack smoking boyfriend rather than a go and get a step ahead in fashion - lc proved tonight her brain is fried as jasons
u must be a hardcore bitch with no or and internship??honestly though i would stay with my bf too. plus its not like shes not gonna be offered again. well at least u noe better dan to call kristen a hardworker cuz u dont have the balls to do dat at all. 5:02
5:09 you must be smoking the same crack as lc and jason, opportunities like that do not come along every day and laurens 15 minutes will be over soon enough and she will be back in laguna cookin fish tacos and taking care of the baby jason leaves her with after he knocks her up - and for the record I think kristin has done awesome getting out there and modeling and acting and taking chances versus lc who just continues to milk mtv - jason would have been around when she got back from paris and if not she might have finally seen him for the jackass he is - put all that in your crack pipe and smoke it.
okay i dont smoke but your not talking about ur average girl here. she is with mtv and they do open doors for her just like they opened the doors for kristen on the enter buss. but like i said u never mentioned she was a hardworker either. so dat just proves my point. she made da decition dat would make her happier, so as long as she is happy i'm happy for her. thank you very much
Figures she picked jason, she knew he would cheat the minute she left, so being the desperate girl she is, she stayed. She is so dumb! esp. when she was trying to get the tickets and the lady was like who are you? and Lauren was like duh, and had to think about it. too funny. I agree, she does seem pretty lazy and lifeless at that!
I guarantee when season two starts lc and jason are broken up and over and lc will be wishing she had gone to paris because she will have caught jason with girl in the bed. Guarantee you. Kristen is a hard worker, she had great grades in high school and worked as a hostess at a really nice restaurant, now she is busting her butt modeling acting and just going for it.
^ LOL Kristin is a hard worker my ass!! The only reason she has ANY work is because of MTV. She isn't even working on anything that will really get her noticed. If she is such a hard worker why did she take her clothes off for a magazine? Thats usually what actresses do when they ARENT desperate. So LC chose her man, get over it, it doesnt mean she's not a hard worker. She has already had 2 internships its not like she needs another one. Kristin really isnt a hard worker at all... if she was she would be in school, at least taking acting classes, and not being a media whore. Busting her butt?? LOL I doubt that girl has ever had a day of hard work in her life... I bet it takes more effort to cheat on her bf than it does to do what she's doing now. CRS... for such a kristin obsessed fan it seems like you would be able to spell her name right!
I meant to say taking their clothes off is what actresses do when they ARE desperate.
Kristin fans are on some kind of drug when they bring up jason cheating. Kristin cheated on stephen but yet they dont seem to think thats a big deal. How can u not think its bad that kristin is a cheater? JUST proves my point that kristin fans are NUTSO!
seriously, what does kristin have to do with lauren, the hills and jason? i mean these 2 lauren and kristen have definitely moved on from whatever rift they've been through. i mean sure they've got nothing good to say about each other, but why the heck should they be? they're not friends, clear as crystal... i just don't get it when something on lc comes along, there will always be issues on kristin to be brought up... i find it silly.... seems to me, kristin's fans are trying to ride on lc's fame right now. c'est la vie ppl....
kristen was forced to get good grades because her mom kicked her out of her house and sent her to her dads. her dad didnt want her either so he sent her to some kinda bording school. poor unwanted bitch begged to stay in LB and go to public school. so she had to keep her grades up. if she's so much fun then howmcome her own parents cannot stand her to dat point. kristen is simply an attention whore. please admit it. Lauren is so adorable. cant wait to see next season.
i love the hills, its really addicting. i dont understand what people mean when they say that lauren's head has gotten big over this. now what exactly makes it seem that way? i think shes the most down to earth person. kristin is a total paparazzi whore i agree, she just seems to do what she can to get into the tabloids. and just like her show on upn, im pretty sure her movies are gonna suck and not catch a wide audience. i think she over-estimated how much people actually care about her, but i'm not like saying this because oh i love lc and i'm on her side and want to escalade the comparison about the two i just think its the honest truth. and for CRS in my opinion i'm sure that she really thought it over and in this sitation she felt that it was the tiem for her and jason. i mean shes still obviously doing things for teen vogue (like the fashion show at huntington) so its not like it was some major loss that shes gonna cry about later. i cant wait for next season! i wonder if the cast will be the same!
I have missed a few episodes this season of The Hills and I have to say Im a little sad its already over. I was a little shocked that she picked Jason over Paris, hopefully he'll be worth it.
Must be nice to have a beach house in Malibu. I wonder how much of Jason's hard earned money went towards that.
The season finale was really good! I can't wait to see next season. I just hope that Whitney will be on it because if she's not I'll miss her. I wonder if they're filming now?
I like the hills, but come on people, Lauren must love the attention, just like kristin does, so get over it. If anything the Lauren fans are the crazy ones! Lauren is the attention whore now and Kristin has been laying low and acting. She could care less about reality tv, she was offered a show on mtv first, but turned it down, so lauren is use to kristin's leftovers anyway. poor desperate girl. good thing mtv gave her the internships.
when was kristen offered a show?? LOL keep wishing. now kristen fans r making up lies. and yea ppl take their clothes off to lay low. and follow the paparazti around picking up mags so they take her pic ! hahaha
^ Crazy lauren fan. are you in denial just like lauren? get your facts straight! are you really an LB fan. Guess not, you don't know too much.
okay where did u hear dat ??? is there an artivle about it or something??
lauren haters give it up! No matter what decision lauren would have made you would be saying she was "dumb" for making it. Get a life!
Ok, did anyone not notice the fact that Jason had to "think about" having dinner with her parents but wanted to shack up with her in Malibu? WTF does he do anyway? Is he gonna live off some inheritance for the rest of his life?
And for all ya'll talkin bout how "great" it is that she chose love, SHE'S 18!!! DUDE, if she can't trust her bf for 3 months, then his ass ain't worth it. He wasn't even SUPPORTING her to go to Paris. His ass ain't got shit to do, he should've been like "GO, and I'M coming WITH you!"
Those dumbasses deserve each other. I can't wait to see when Whitney becomes the new editor of Vogue and LC is some fat ass ho designing clothes for the school play.
Lauren is 20. Not 18.
O, she can vote but not legally drink, MY bad.
Lauren can go to paris anytime she wants. she's with mtv....she will ge better offers dan dat. Maybe she just needs a litle bit more experience. she noes herself so i wont judge her desitions
Yayyyyyy more hills
um saddness lauren broke up with jason they were so cute together
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