Cavallari's Rumor Control
Posted Jul 28th 2006 2:40PM by TMZ Staff

"Laguna Beach" babe Kristin Cavallari and boyfriend Brody Jenner are ready to lay some rumors to rest. After a rough split a couple months back, the two have since reunited and have been spotted around Hollywood hand-in-hand. Though happy now, Cavallari admits the media attention put on the split (and rumored hook ups) was daunting.
"It's hard reading about it, your ex-boyfriend hanging out or hooking up with these other girls, it's just like a stab in the back," says Kristin adding,"I read that I was dating Joaquin Phoenix and I've never even met him."
Jenner says he's the one who made the first move towards reconciliation while Cavallari was shooting a film in Oklahoma. "While she was on set I was thinking about her... I hadn't talked to her, we ended on very sour terms, I just kind of got over it, sucked it all up and texted her 'I love you' ... her text message back was 'beep you!'"
Safe to say that's not the expected reaction but hey, they're back together so something worked!
She is sooo cool. I luv her. I don't really like her hair here though.
They look so cute together.
The only thing i like about her is her hair she looks good with long hair
That brody guy is a loser.
this girl is so fake, we don't noe wut she's really like. She said she's not really how she comes across on tv. I dont noe why ppl like this fake girl.
Well if we don't know what she is about, how do you know she is fake? She said she isn't how they portrayed her on tv. The people making Laguna pretty much made her the way they wanted her to be. They needed to have a B*tch on the show, so they made her one. I'm not saying she is the nicest person. But it is just like LC said on The Hills, they put together that scene to make it look like she hung up on Heidi and she didn't. They made her that way, so we don't know. But I love her, and her and him are cutie.
He is so hot.
They are soooo adorable!
im sorry this is offf topic but i have something you can post. on the "thats so suite life of hannah montana" special on disney channel, there was a thing about a dress raven designed but it was also the dress that Alex H. wore to senior prom! -monica
i think she is cool and he is lame. she could do soo much better.
Off the subject. If Heidi came from Laguna why was she never on the show?I would like to see more of Heidi on here and Lo. I find the whole team Kristin and team LC funny since the whole subject originated around Stephen. Neither one of these girls is with Stephen anymore. My question being why is there still Teams when the subject they were fighting about no longer is either of there interest.
Heidi was on a couple of the episodes of Laguna. She was seen lounging around with Lauren by her pool.But i agreee with the whole team thing its stupid..They both seem to be over it.
Heidi was on the fashion show episode of Laguna too.
I agree the teams should no longer be around! I like both girls, and think they are both beautiful. They neither want stephan anymore, I mean they have moved on, so should we.
he's not that hot. stephen is hotter definitely..
I agree with the others on abolishing the whole LC/Kristen teams.
I always used to side with K. on everything. Then, when The Hills came out, I really came to like LC.
Both girls have completely different personalities, but they are each neat in different ways.
As for K. and Brody, I feel for anyone who has to deal with their relationship in the spotlight. I can't imagine how stressful it must be.
Lauren met Heidi in san francisco and Heidi lived with her for the summer, before they went to La. she was on at least 4 episodes of L.B. She saw the opportunity to be in the spotlight through lauren and mtv. I like Heidi way better than lauren. she's not fake around the camera. she's more like kristin. i luv kristin.
i don't think lauren is fake. i think she has a quiet personality.
I think they are really cute together. She's pretty , he's hot and they are fun to watch.
2:59, i don't feel bad for anyone who invites the cameras into their personal lives and then turns around and bemoans the media intrusion. both kristin and brody are constantly putting their relationship on display. if you don't like the paps constantly asking you speculating about your personal life, then stop posing for pictures and doing interviews for them!
this interview just seemed like yet another ploy on the promotional train to gain kristin some media coverage. if you saw the interview on extra, then you would have noticed that brody's mom was the person conducting the interview which makes sense because she is a special correspondent for the show. And it would also explain why they were even interviewed in the first place. I thought it was super tacky how at the end of the interview Kristin and Brody couldn't help but reference their "projects" that they are working on. Cheap publicity tactics.
i think this was staged. they both said "sour terms" at the same time as if they had rehearsed their response.
Whoa he's hot!
stop calling lauren fake and kristin real... kristin COMPLAINS about everything (ie..STEPHEN, 'OH MY GOD MY CAR'...etc etc) and just the way she talks in this interview makes her sound FAKE. If the only reason why you think lauren is fake is because she is quiet than u have weird views.
did u ever think thats just the way that she talks? I'd rather have someone that complianed that complained as oppose to someone who didnt even talk...
THE HILLS has been picked up for season two!!!! yay i'm so excited!!!!i saw it on E
I Luv Kristin and she is so not fake. so get a life kristin haters!!
Kristin is real and outgoing and isn't scared of what to say in front of the camera and that's why I like her. I agree with the other post. better to complain and talk than not talk at all. that's Lauren. Because Kristin could be herself and created a lot of drama is why she has a lot of fans. she has a fun personality. not a boring one.
i'm sorry 11:31pm, but you like kristin because she creates a lot of drama? that's really sad and pathetic. what happened to the days when people used to like celebrities because they were talented and had a gift to share, or were noble and not interested about creating drama but instead more interested in doing good deeds for other people.
^ oh shut up! Kristin is real and not afraid to be herself. she's an actress, and that's yet to be seen if she's talented. Get over it.
these days anbybody can call themselves an actress. and how would you know that she is being herself? do you know her personally?
I totally agree with 11:31. Kristin has always been my favorite because of her personality! She has an awesome personality!!!!! Every clip I saw of her, she was just awesome! She may have made a few mistakes as far as friendships & relationships go, but who doesn't in HS? Not to say that what she did, was 100% normal in every HS, but it wasn't all that bad. It created entertainment, it created spark, it created fans.
I miss watching her.
ICK she is SO annoying!! I like Lauren so much better! But I have found that people out of hs such as myself like Lauren and people that are younger like Kristin.
kristin has a fun personality and she's likeable. I Luv kristin!
No, not everyone out of HS Likes lauren. That's the dumbest thing i've ever heard.
Just another whore getting used and abused by her talentless hollywood bf. Ahh the things kristin will do for some attention and photo ops.
^ your just jealous!
She is a publicity whore and will find out soon that she is not as cute as she thinks she is. That hair is enough to kill her career alone.
^ agreed ...she's not very cute and that hair is a joke
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