'Laguna Beach' spinoff earns second season
July 31 2006

Lauren Conrad and her friends from "The Hills" aren't ready to live their lives off-camera just yet.
MTV has ordered a second season of the not-entirely-scripted series that follows "Laguna Beach" alum Lauren Conrad as she moves to Los Angeles and attempts to start her own adult life. This season that's meant an internship at Teen Vogue, a new set of friends and more on-and-off romance with fellow "Laguna" refugee Jason.
"'The Hills' took our audience on an exciting ride told through the eyes of four young ladies trying to survive in L.A.," says Lois Curren, MTV's head of programming. "The series really connected with our viewers, so it was an easy decision to bring it back for another season, and we are delighted to continue working with the cast as we showcase the next stage of all their lives."
Since premiering in late May, "The Hills" has become one of MTV's most popular shows. It draws about 2 million viewers per week in the network's target demographic of teenagers and young adults and generates heavy traffic on MTV's web site and its broadband channel, Overdrive.
The show ends its first season on Wednesday. New episodes of "The Hills" are expected to roll out early next year.
I am so happy !!!!! yay yay!!! i love lauren, she is such a sweet girl :)
I am so happy !!!!! yay yay!!! i love lauren, she is such a sweet girl :)
so happy!!!!!!!!
Although I Love Kristin and rather see her on tv, I Like the Hills and I'm happy it's coming back.
Awesome! This is my favorite show!
And before all the anti lauren people start bashing the show and saying how she should stop reality tv or whatever, I bet kristin would have agreed to a spinoff show as well.
omg yayyayy, the hills is going to do great season 2
A lot of people that don't like Lauren, like the Hills. we just like the other people better. and we sure get a laugh at the way she acts.
Yay im sooooo excited i love lauren and i love the hills its my fav show right now
Yayy! thats awe! im so glad for lauren and jason! i (L) em!
Good for the fans of the show..but I thought Lauren was done with reality TV?
I personally find Lauren pretty boring and the way she acts bothers me, but I won't start bashing her, it's not like I have anything actually against her.
Im so glad its comming back for a second season but im sad that the season final is this wednesday i hope that lauren chooses jason thats what she should do i think lol <333 love the show
Lauren wanted to do another season because she's getting a big head over it but she claims she doesn't want to be famous
Im not a huge fan of The Hills...LC is boring to me. I miss watching Kristin, she brought LB to life.
Good for LC though, I guess.
i dont think lauren is getting a big head. kristin's life wouldnt be as entertaining on camera because all she does is basically party. lauren seems really down to earth which is why i think so many people like her. i'm super excited shes coming back for another season!
^ I agree... Kristin is so annoying all she does is complain, Laurens life is more normal, or laid back. She is more grounded than Kristin is. You dont find pictures of her drinking beer at the beach with her boyfriends mom... Go LC!
The great thing about lauren she comes on tv and I go right to sleep - until she got the hills I did not really realize just how boring and dull she was though her party on lb2 when stephen left early and like four people showed up should have tipped me off - if mtv is smart they convince kristen and stephen to let them follow their la lives - that would make the show really good, one third lc would be plenty
Yeah I'm happy they are doing another season. lauren is awesome she rocks.
One things for sure jason won't be seen much on hills 2 because he'll be back in rehab for the 63rd time
Wonder who mtv will sucker into taking lc on as an intern next season?
The Hills is freakin' boring! Lauren's life is not exciting at all. I'd much rather watch Martha Stewart on TV. Lauren is such a hypocrite...She talks trash about Kristin but she's doing the same thing. Is she not sleeping with him and arguing with him then making up with him? Isn't this the same slutty trashtalk she would whisper about Kristin and Stephens' relationship. OMG Lauren get life and give us some drama!
i love Lauren and The Hills! yaayy! it's fun to see their fashion too.
I love the show. But someone said Kristin complained to much, and LC's life is more normal. Well who wants to watch just a normal life? I mean you watch these shows for something new, not something everyone does. In that case I will just record myself then watch it. I think Kristin made Laguna, because she brought so much to it. LC wasn't too out there. Not saying anything bad about her, because that is who she is. I am shy, and I probably wouldn't be all out there either. But then again I aint getting my own tv show either, so I think when you get your own show, you should at least TRY and entertain a little more.
^ 12:52 pm , lauren didn't ask to be on her on show the producer asked her and she's the one who said yes and i think its a great opportunity in life to get to try something you may not ever get to try AGAIN!Why do u think he didn't ask Kristin? Cuz she wouldn't has been as good as lauren 2 follow in their life!but everyone needs to quit cutting lauren down! This is a great chance in life for her! just because you r JEALOUS of her doesn't mean u need to cut her down!
6:57 if they hills is boring then why do u watch it
3:47 I, like everyone else, watched the initial episodes to see whether it would be worth watching. I have nothing against Lauren but I definitely prefer Kristin. The Hills is fine to watch if you don't have life but Lauren is so boring that I can't imagine a normal 20-year-old wanting to live vicariously (sp?) through her except for the fact she's rich...other than that she has nothing going on except silent speak with Jason and dumbspeak with Heidi! So blah!!!!
kristen is fake. she said she's faked for the camras....so how exacly do you noe if u like HER !! i just think kristen is jalous of a lot of girls and dats y she talks so much shit about them.
I love Lauren and the show and I'm so glad it's coming back for another season! I think her life is exciting. She has an internship at Teen Vogue and she lives in LA. Who wouldn't think that's exciting?
SO happy for her!
Listen not everyone on here is gonna agree, so we should respect each others opinions. Some people will like Kristin and other LC, and even some like them both.
3:47, No one ever said LC was a bad person for taking this show up. Anyone would have took the show, I mean it is a great chance. But she could do a little more with it. I aint complaining about the show, I watch it. But Laguna was 100 times better, in my opinion. I dont see why people are downing either girl. If anyone was in their shoes, they would have took the hills, and if they were in Kristins, they would be trying to milk it for more fame.
I liked lb and i like the hills more but they are both great shows and i dont think lauren is boring she is very cute and she has a great personality from the looks of the show
I agree, Lauren is boring! Crs..Your comments are hilarious. i agree 100% and Whoever said kristin is jealous of a lot of girls and that's why she talks shit about them, I don't think Kristin has a reason to be jealous, she's absolutely gorgeous!
I Like the Hills, but not because of Lauren. she acts like a depresed old woman all the time. Wow, she's awesome!!
Someone let me know tomorrow night how the hills turns out, I'm sure lauren will have put me to sleep in the first five minutes - no wonder jason does drugs - maybe coked out lauren is bearable
yes i agree with people who say that Lauren is boring but then again the main point of this show is a spinoff of her life after Laguna. It's not supposed to be like Laguna where there is drama after drama. It's a show that follows Lauren in LA, and if Lauren chooses to live a boring life then thats her decision. She's just lucky to have a mtv show that films it.
The Hills would be better without the depressed sad sack!..lauren...pouting all the time. anyway...i luv kristin! she's worth watching!!
Yay! I'm so glad, and curious as to what the 'premise' will be.
Oh and not to start more fighting on here-which people REALLY get way too into-- but it bothers me that some of the commentors on here are doggin' on Lauren as being depressed and mopey, etc. Maybe she is, maybe she isn't, you have no actual way of knowing. If she is, it would be massive for her to do these shows- for her in that it would be hard to be in the spotlight if you're really depressed and mopey, but also that, if true, would let teens know they're not alone. Plus, at that time in life, the world changes for you literally right under your feet, it's tough for anyone, much less having it broadcasted all over the world. I know she signed up for the show and knows what she got herself into, but for people to demean her because she's not overly bubbly and hyper is ridiculous. We all have different personalities. If you don't like her personality, don't watch. It's a simple as that.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!6:01
If you don't like her don't watch!
Oh gawwwwwwd another season. I watched to see if I'd be proven wrong and fell asleep. LC you're pretty and all but you're not entertaining. Go do normal life in a controlling relationship off camera. Who said Kristin wasn't offered her own show? She was offered for them to follow her and her buddies around while doing the college thing. They negoiated and wasn't to Kristin's liking. Lauren came and gobbled it up like she did Stephen after Kristin dismissed him. I mean really, LC is pretty. She's ambitious, but at the end of the day this is MTV. Think folks! MTV is NOT about showing responsiblity and niceness. It's about drama and when there isn't any, they edit the heck outta it so there could be some. When there is drama, they edit it so there's more. Between the two, Kristin definitely brings the drama. Like MTV is about showing upright, uptight, folks...pahleeeazzzzze. LC was just the last option since they had a great run with LB. Better they have a dumb doormat than nothing at all.
ok if you dont like lauren then dont watch the show but there are people who do like her like me and i dont think she is boring so i think every one needs to stop bashing kristen and lauren they are both pretty,and talented k
I will continue to watch and I will continue to make fun of, laugh at, criticize, heckle, and otherwise discuss the mess that is lc's life and the whacked out, worshipping, three lc fans that post over and over on this board about how awesome lc when lc shows time and time again that she is a brain dead, lazy, boring toolshed.
^ YUP!!!
^ You must be really jealous of lc to say those kind of things you dont even know her yeah you might think she is boring on tv but have you ever sat down and had a convo with her or seen her off tv she might be some whole other person you dont know her and you need to stop bashing her cause it makes you look like your JEALOUS OF HER !
Yayyyyy another season of the hills cant wait <3
i personaly like the show and i like the way lauren is. she is a great girl and has a very succesfull show !
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