Posted @ US Weekly August 8, 2006 2:30 PM Eastern Time

Is there something in the water? Us Weekly has learned that former Laguna Beach stars Lauren “LC” Conrad, 20 (now on spinoff The Hills), and Kristin Cavallari, 19, have split from their beaus.
Conrad confirms the split exclusively to Us. “Yes it is true, Jason and I are no longer together, but out of respect for his privacy I am not going to discuss the details of the breakup,” she says.
“Even though I am on a reality based show and I live much of my life in a fish bowl, I think anyone would understand that I need to keep some of my life private.”
Sources tell Us that it was Conrad who broke it off with boyfriend Jason Wahler. “He had been going out to clubs, flirting with girls, staying out late,” says a pal of Conrad’s.
“She wanted to focus on school and her career and was ready to move on. She feels really good about her decision.”
A second source adds she had a JASON tattoo covered up at the Hart & Huntington tattoo parlor at the Palms Casino resort last weekend when she and fellow Hills star Heidi Montag were visiting Sin City.
Meanwhile, a friend of Cavallari’s says that she and Brody Jenner, 23, split because “they fought a lot.” Jenner who works as a music producer with stepdad David Foster tells Us, “It was mutual.”
US Weekly
I cant believe Jason and Lauren are over.
im in shock i thought that they would get married they were so cute together and he really loves her you can see it =(
I think they will get back together give it time people they will get back together
lauren had a JASON tattoo?? anyone have pics?
i want to see that tatto, i wonder what happen you dont just brake up with someone after you get an appartment together and you have a tatto of your bf name something bad had to have happned i hope that jason and lauren get back together they are so cute
I wonder what happened..She always looked really happy when she was with him.
^ I mean Lauren and Jason.
i think that maybe lauren broke up with jason because hiedi broke up with jordon just an idea i dont know why they broke up but its sooo sad
What did I tell you guys...I heard about this before it was even posted on this site.
Sad situation for she didnt pick Paris.
They say on perez hilton's site that they broke up because Jason is a pu**y hound. I can understand her wanting her privacy and all, but they need to include some of this on the 2nd season of 'The Hills'. There goes Jason's part..hee hee! She's probably kicking herself for not going to Paris, but probably felt she would lose him if she left for 2 mos.; well, it's obvious Jason planned on screwing around on her whether she was in Paris or not. He's a major drugee and drinks alot and she seems more like a goody two-shoes.
I guess him and Jordan will have to go out and get REAL jobs now! hee hee
He wasnt cheating why would he want to live with her if he was cheating
Every one knows they will get back together its only a matter of time i give it a month
good for both of them, they can both do better than those 2 guys!
I'm so happy for but I did think they was cute together but only she know what she needed to do and I'm happy for her.
I think they will be back together next week
I REALLY hope LC and Jason don't get back together. That was a great move on her part.
she said they broke up for good this time
seriously?!!!!!! whoa. i cant believe Lauren n Jason broke up
Lauren is SO much better off w/out Jason. Good for her for not putting up with anymore of his sh!t.
it boggles the mind that some people still want them together, despite the fact that he's a fucking douche bag. are we not watching the same show?
I want lauren to be happy. if jason no longer makes her happy than she can move on...but if she still loves him then i hope they work it out !! wow this is soo shocking
So is so wierd i thought they would get married
Aww :( I liked them two as a couple...He did treat her bad at times but he always found a way to make it up to her! they were so cute together
Trust me i know from experience.....just because you live with your boyfriend does not mean that you will get married. I moved to another state to live with my boyfriend and he still cheated on me while I was living with him. I guess the old saying once a cheater, always a cheater is pretty accurate.
So funny! He cheated on her for sure! she had to of seen it coming. poor girl.HA
is there in article were it says he cheated cuase i dont think he would have done that again
Kristin and Brody is NOT a shock to me, ONCE a cheater always a cheater, that goes for Jason too. I LOVE Lc but always wished she would drop Jason. I hope they did break up, she needs a guy who is ALWAYS good to her. US weekly is a tabloid though, i am not sure how accurate it is...
Blah hahahaha - I said it last week that when the hills came back they would be dunzo - I still think the whole jason deal may have been mtv to improve ratings and the show - a lot of the hills I am convinced is set up
Lc and jason got back together before the hills aired they just made it look like they got back together after it started
I'm glad Lauren left Jason. She is way too good for him.
I'm happy with her decision. If she's happy, I'm happy!
CRS... no offense but a LOT of reality shows are set up, not just the Hills.
The hills though is very obvious - I think jason was brought in to liven up the show the producers saw after two weeks how damn boring lc was hence jason and audrina being added - sure enough the show ends and what do you know they break up - option 2 jason was using lc just to be on the show - filming only ended about three weeks ago
The hills season 2 stephen and lc get together - you heard it here first
so the whole relationship with lc and jason was all just a hoax? an mtv-ste up? is that what you're saying CRS?... with stephen and lc... i dunno. i think the whole 'i-can't-be-with-mybestfriend-but-i-love-him-dearly' drama with lc was just soooo ancient history... i sincerely do hope jason polishes his act. lauren seems to love him like a lot.
SHould have picked Paris
Yep - mtv knows drama and love relationships equal big ratings!!
CRS... a lot can happen in a month. It doesn't take more than a month for someone to see someone elses true colors. Maybe LC was watching the show and realized how bad he really did treat her.
She's pretty dumb to have thought he could change. Stephen doesn't have feelings for Lauren, so I doubt they will ever hook up. Lauren is def. the prettiest girl jason will ever of had.
I was giving lauren the benefit of the doubt by saying it was mtv's idea to have jason come back into her life and make it like they had all this drama and got back together otherwise LC really has just lost her damn mind, has ZERO self confidence and then the damn tatoo thing - what an idiot you don't get peoples names tatooed on you - what a damn moron she is - on stephen do i think they would ever get together no but i can see mtv trying to set that up - stephens career needs a boost and all the lc would be soooo excited next year if it happened so i can totally see mtv doing that to make the hills really interesting next year.
i bet her parents are so proud!!
should've went to paris!!!
5:30 stephan and lc dont get back together he is with hayden and i bet that lc and jason get back together and we will all see him on the hills season 2 they both love each other alot this is just a bump in the road for them
Stephen may be with Hayden and MTV may even try contrive a sub-par love plot between him and LC on the next season of the Hills. However, I don't believe that Stephen is over Kristin. In interviews and magazines, he's always speaking out on her (Kristin) life in an appropiate way but if he didn't at least still feel a need to have an opinion then he would simply not answer the question, state he doesn't talk to her and refuses to comment on her life or dating choices. LC won't answer any questions about Kristin b/c she doesn't care what she's doing but Stephen I think may still have K-Cav in his heart. I ultimatel believe that they will hook up again maybe after Kristin has been used an abused by Hollywood but I bet these end up married or something and then have Pretty babies!
^^Sorry for all the grammatical errors :)
Lc and stephan are not going to hookup they have no feelings for each other anymore i believe that jason will convince lauren to take him back and she will i dont believe the violence thing i dont think he would ever hurt her they belong together they are so cute together and you could see it in their eyes that they loved each other
Why would you not believe he is abusive - he hit Alex, this is well documented and almost hit Jessica on camera when they were in the limo - it owuld not shock me if he smacked lc around a few times at all.
11:16 he din't hit jessica in the limo get it right don't lie on the boy she was pulling his arm and he was pulling away from her and she wouldn't let go if you is going to tell it tell right we all know Jason is an ass but don't lie on the boy
I know what show was you looking at because he didn't hit her all this didn't come up about Jassica and Alex untill now and they didn't say anything about him hitting LC he just got out of hand
if jason hit alex and jessica, then why were both of them following jason around like puppies? i dont buy that he hit them...lauren can find a better guy.
when people are in an abusive relationship. The one getting hurt feels liek their the one doing something wrong.he probably made them feel really bad about themselves and they prob. flocked around him cuase he prob told them they couldnt do any better.. But who knows? He def. has problems tho!
Stephen does not have feelings for lauren, I'm sure he will always love kristin. Hayden is just a distraction to get his mind off kristin.
Just a bump in the road for lauren and jason?? If it is she's stupid!!
^ OMG that was the funniest thing i have heard :) about the stephen will alwyas love kristin lol they have both moved on ...they are so wrong for each other. i don't think K and S will ever get back together.
Kristen is over stephan, Stephan is over Kristen, Lauren is over Stephan and Stephan is over lauren that whole triangle is done kristen will prolly get back with brody for the third time and lauren will prolly get back with jason for the third time lauren and jason are in love and kristen and brody are in love you cant help how your heart feels
1:00 - learn to damn read I did not say he hit jessica you moron!
poor jason he is so torn up about the break up he really loved her
i love jason and lauren they are so f***ing cute
it's so cheesy to get a tattoo of your lovers name, who knows if it'll last..
yeah but she had to have loved him to get it so maybe they will get back together
hey crs when did he hit alex?
Jason never hit any of those girls i dont beleive that he would put a hand on them so who ever is making up these storys get over your self and quit trying to pin the breakup on jason you never know who's fault it is
Read up alex said he hit her and so did other cast members
^ i dont believe that she prolly said that becuase she wanted him back and he didnt want her she is a loser who cant sing
crs read up where? like exactly where? you should know you supposably read it. i want proof before i believe that he hit alex or anyone.
I heard Jason hit Alex too. Supposedly he slammed her head against a wall or something? But this is just what I heard.
I know not many people would agree with me on this, but I kinda like Jason. He seems like he could be a decent kid, he's just INCREDIBLY messed up.
Oddly enough, on the other hand, I can't stand Lauren.
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