Monday, May 12, 2008 || The Hills Season Finale
Here are some clips from tonight's episode. You can talk about the season finale here!

I'll have pictures from the season finale party up tonight so keep checking back!
posted by Lysandra @ 8:07 PM


At May 12, 2008 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heidi and Spencer so fake.How did I know they would end up together at the end.FAKE!I think Audrina need to grow up.She want to be back there along because she say she a along person.I think she want Lauren to kiss her a**.Just like Lauren can walk back there she can walk up in the house where they're at sometimes.Audrina say she been doing her own thing, so what she want Lauren to do sit home and wait to see if and when to want to hang.PLEASE!

At May 12, 2008 10:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^she want to hang(sorry)

At May 13, 2008 12:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree w. you completely 10:41
Audrina was being totally straight up w/ Lauren. And she said it a whole lot nicer than I would have! Lo has been nothing but a byotch to her and for Lauren to sit there and pretend it hasn't been going on was ridiculous. Lo has zero interest in getting to know Audrina - her pointed comments, veiled digs and continual eye-rolling make it crazy obvious. On top of being obvious it's just flat out mean. I hate watching how Lo and Lauren treat Audrina when they're all together. I blame Lauren more because altho she's not the ringleader she allows it to happen. Funny how Audrina was good enough to hang out w/ last year when she and Lo weren't as close - they worked out together, went clothes shopping, went clubbing etc and now all of a sudden they have nothing in common? how convenient for lauren! I'm sorry I'm a big Lauren fan but I find her & Lo unbearable when they're together. Lauren becomes like this self involved little twit who is mean. And pulling out those tears was just wrong. Your friend is telling you how badly she's been feeling and how left out and all you can tell her is she's wrong? Whatever...
I hope Audrina gets her own place in season 4 and her own storyline. Enough of this mean girls crap already!

At May 13, 2008 12:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Lauren looked really beautiful in the last scene with Audrina. Good ep, can't wait till Aug it's going to be a long 3 months haha.

At May 13, 2008 1:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was glad whiteny was in the episode, i wished they would have cut out the whole Heidi scene.. it was pointless. Im glad Lauren finally talked to Audrina even though it seems nothing is resolved. I know Lo is Lauren friend, but i dont think Lauren has be blamed for the way Lo acts and if Audrina sees them rolling y their eyes why dosent she say "Hey why you rolling your eyes".

At May 13, 2008 1:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do see your point but the thing is friendship itself should afford everyone a certain degree of respect so it shouldn't have happened to begin with. That being said Audrina does have to stand up for herself once and for all. No it shouldn't have to come down to this but it has...
Go get her Audrina lol!

At May 13, 2008 8:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:41- I totally agree with you. Audrina is a brat and Lauren needs to kick her out of her guest house already! She should move in with Justin Bobby. These losers deserve each other!

At May 13, 2008 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Audrina was unfair blaming Lo for the distance between her and Lauren. I particularly took issue with the next season preview scene where she snaps at Lo when Lo confronts her on this point. If she feels Lo is disrespecting her then she should confront Lo about THAT and not make Lauren feel like she has to choose between her and Lo.

At May 13, 2008 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you said "if Audrina feels Lo is disrespecting her then she should confront Lo about that"
well we haven't seen season 4 yet but it looks to be EXACTLY what Audrina is doing!!

At May 13, 2008 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was a Huge fan of Lo on Laguna Beach. I thought she was witty and cute and that she and Lauren had an adorable relationship. Funny what a few years of perspective can bring. I now find Lo to be tedious to watch, someone who's sole purpose in life is to shop? Ick. Sorry I like shopping as much as the next person but I also love museums, music, movies, plays the list goes on and on. What is even worse is how downright mean Lo comes across with Audrina. She picks at her, she picks on her, she dismisses her, she pretends she's not in the room and that freaking eye rolling - my God!
It takes me right back to junior High. We've all had that mean girl moment whether we were the mean girl or on the other end. It's never cool and it's never right. It's not THAT hard to be nice to someone, you don't have to like them but you can be civil to them.
And no, I don't leave the blame squarely w Lo. What has happened to Lauren? Are friends that expendable now a days? The Heidi thing I get. The Jen Bunny thing not so much since she continued to hang out w/ Brody and talk to Jason. (how can you have different rules for guy friends than girl friends?) This whole Audrina thing just leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. And truthfully it leaves me liking Lauren a whole lot less.

At May 13, 2008 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

all a reminder that most of these shows are bits and peices they didn't show us the entire "scene" taht lauran and Audrina had... I agree that Lo is a bit rude all right ALOT rude but I think the three of them are friends...

At May 13, 2008 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know the show is highly edited but it just pissed me off to no end that audrina finally had the guts to say how she was really feeling and all lauren could say was no, it's not true and bring it back to herself. when did friends become so easy to discard. this is the 3rd friend in 3 seasons. wtf????
is whitney next? i mean really what do they have in common besides fashion? and yes that was a joke ; )

At May 13, 2008 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regardless of all their issues its this drama that keeps us watching the show. On another note it is hard living with somebody for so long and then bringing somebody else in to mix.

At May 13, 2008 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

umm Heidi leaving a job opportunity for a boyfriend does it sound familiar... DUHHHHHH LAUREN DID THAT WITH JASON/...quit trying to be like Laurennnnnn

At May 13, 2008 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:56 - difference is Heidi's job is just a front. she can't be running around on the show working on her "music." MTV isn't about to give her free publicity for it. she has to pretend to "work" at Bolthouse, like she cares.
her real "job" is paying paparazzi to follow her and Spencer around.

and how idiotic is it that she's part of these huge projects at "work" when in the beginning she was mad about working full-time hours and actually having to work. what a lazy ass.

At May 14, 2008 7:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After watching Heidi, a 21 year old with no prior experience and no degree, become project manager of a 420+ million dollar I know this show is fake. Come on MTV, no girl with that experience would EVER be given that job. Shocker that Heidi walked away from it, but still. Completely fake.

At May 14, 2008 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^I know - those scenes were ridiculous!

And I agree with 11:53. I felt for Audrina - she finally says something and Lauren just tells her she’s wrong to feel the way she does. I felt bad that Lauren was in the middle, but she’s obviously on Lo’s side. You could tell Audrina was just like "whatever, you're never going to listen to me." Audrina might not be the brightest bulb out there, but she still deserves friends that respect her. I wish she could just kick Lauren to the curb, but she’s obviously not going to do that as long as there are cameras around.

And this episode proves without a doubt how two-faced and NOT straight-forward Lo is. I kept hearing about Lo being the type of person who will just come right out and say she doesn’t like someone, but here she was being all “its so sad that Audrina won’t come out and eat with us” or whatever even though she rolls her eyes every time Audrina’s around. I think the reason Lauren didn’t believe Audrina is because she’s too stupid to get Lo’s signals. God Lauren, even Audrina got it! Audrina for chrisake!

Is it time for Team Lo and Audrina shirts? Geez, it’s a different one every year, isn’t it?

At May 14, 2008 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i be wearing Team Lo for SUREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. love her and Lauren
i rather wear Team Shepratt shirt than team Audrina anytime...

At May 14, 2008 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Team lauren and Lo!

At May 14, 2008 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"After watching Heidi, a 21 year old with no prior experience and no degree, become project manager of a 420+ million dollar I know this show is fake."

Totally! And the whole Heidi not showing up the next morning with Brent without even giving him a phone call and just hopping on a plane with Spencer...if she doesn't get fake fired from her fake job, that's just insane!
Bolthouse just pretended to bring her on as a project manager or whatever for publicity, but they really just make themselves look stupid.

At May 14, 2008 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"After watching Heidi, a 21 year old with no prior experience and no degree, become project manager of a 420+ million dollar I know this show is fake."

Totally! And the whole Heidi not showing up the next morning with Brent without even giving him a phone call and just hopping on a plane with Spencer...if she doesn't get fake fired from her fake job, that's just insane!
Bolthouse just pretended to bring her on as a project manager or whatever for publicity, but they really just make themselves look stupid.

At May 14, 2008 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^ lmaoo she so needs to get fake fired from her fake job for sure....

At May 14, 2008 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is Audrina still hanging with Justin Bobby? I don't care if he went to rehab. He's treated her like dirt in the past. Left her in Vegas. All the burping and rudeness. But now she respects his opinions. She is a glutten for punishment. As for Lo and Audrina, I think they both give bad vibes to each other. Audrina however needs to separate that from her and Lauren's relationship and plan time for just the two of them. But of course she is always busy with JB.

At May 14, 2008 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Audrina however needs to separate that from her and Lauren's relationship and plan time for just the two of them. But of course she is always busy with JB."

Audrina would be more than happy to hang out w/ Lauren but it's obvious she no longer wants to be anybody's whipping post. However Lauren & Lo seem to be a package deal these days so it's up to Lauren to ditch Lo for the night and plan a night w/ just Audrina. As far as JB goes - I don't really see how he factors in, he and Audrina are hook up buddies and friends but he's not there 24/7 - Lo is. It's up to Lauren to set aside alone time if she truly values saving the friendship.

At May 14, 2008 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS Team Audrina! Lo has become a big beeyotch since the Lb days!

At May 14, 2008 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Team Audrina. Granted both Lauren and Audrina are at fault for being so passive and not talking to each other, but I still put the majority of the blame on Lauren and Lo. It's obvious that neither of them ever wanted Audrina in the house, but neither of them wanted to look bad by saying so. Now they're trying to force her out with their petty behavior. Lo said herself that Audrina didn't owe them anything, but then backtracked and said that she expected her roommates to be her best friends. Um hello, when have we seen Lo make an effort to even say hello to Audrina? All she does is made snippy comments and talk behind her back. And let's not forget all the eye-rolling

At May 14, 2008 10:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh please audrina had her part in all this drama. things are reallyjust starting to get bad recently after she decided to be friends with heidi again cmon. hello that girl heidi turned her back on you for her boyfriend. not to mention talked s*** about her to former bff in front of her & lauren yet she doesnt say a thing in her bffs defense. obviously lauren will turn to lo because she knows lo wouldnt do her like that.

i dont feel bad for audrina. when heidi and audrina had their drama and heidi didnt like her, lauren was there for her too so for all those saying that shes been there for lauren through the speidi thing it works both ways.

At May 14, 2008 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh please -the drama started long before the bumping into heidi stuff - it all began way back when Lo and Lauren were complete jerks to Justin the very first time they met him and gave him the nickname heard round the world. Lo has ALWAYS tried to stir things up when it comes to Audrina, Pretty mean girls considering Audrina has been nothing but nice to her. Since Audrina had been friends with Lauren for awhile at that point Lauren should have nipped all that petty stuff right in the bud. Lauren I never expected to be this mean but Lo has never been all that nice to begin with.

At May 15, 2008 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

count me in on team Audrina. there's no reason for Lauren to be a jerk to Audrina just because she's friends with Lo again. And speaking of Lo was she always this shallow? all she does is eat and shop! she's twice the size she was back on Laguna Beach! No wonder she's jealous of Audrina!

At May 15, 2008 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^I totally agree. Remember when Lauren said "Lo has done nothing on my end to push us apart" and Audrina was just like "okay" It was like she knew, right then, that Lauren had chosen Lo's side. I think it's really unfair especially when Audrina was there for her the whole time last year when Heidi left.

Right now, I almost wish Heidi would move into the guest house with Audrina so that it'd be two against two, instead of 2 against 1. lol that would make for some good drama!!

At May 15, 2008 9:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t really understand what the deal is with Audrina and Lauren. I thought maybe Lauren would see where Audrina was coming from after watching the rest of this season, but from the aftershow it doesn’t sound like their friendship is any better.

I don’t really agree with Audrina befriending Heidi, but I never got the sense that it was anything more than friendly acquaintances and I don’t see why that’s such a big deal. Lauren was okay with Brody being friends with Spencer and she’s okay with Stephanie who’s still friendly with Heidi even after she "broke up" with Spencer.

I don’t think I could ever be friends with people who are so high maintenance. I prefer friendships that are a bit more effortless - where it’s okay if someone doesn’t like my boyfriend or I can’t make it to some dinner because I already had plans. I know that you have to make time for your friends, but these people seem to take it to the extreme. I guess that’s why I can relate to Audrina and even Heidi when their issue was Heidi spending too much time with her boyfriend (not now by any means!).

Oh and I think Lo was always pretty bitchy and shallow, even in her LB days. She was just easier to take in small doses. Plus maybe it just becomes less acceptable the older you get. High school teenagers who only care about shopping and eating out doesn’t bother me as much - it seems pretty typical. But you reach a certain age where it’s really not “cute” anymore.

At May 15, 2008 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In season 2 heidi made plans with Lauren and then ditched her to go with spencer. Of course she was going to get upset.

At May 15, 2008 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I don't agree with that (she should have called), but they had issues before that. I really don't like Heidi; I'm just saying that I initially saw where she was coming from. She lost my goodwill after she tried to set up Jen Bunney with Brody.

At May 16, 2008 6:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:10 you really worded it perfectly. I totally agree.


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